Hurley with cinema camera at foreshore
Hurley with cinema camera at foreshore
Frank Hurley photographs of Rabaul, Port Moresby and Antarctica, and two photographs taken on a prop...
The first aeroplane voyage from Eng...
The first aeroplane voyage from England to Australia
Hurley climbing in the broken ice near Cape Denison
01. The country in the vicinity of Gallipoli.
Typescript of information relating to the work of Captain Frank Hurley as official war photographer,...
List of his war photographs and cat...
List of his war photographs and catalogue of exhibition at the Kodak Salon, Sydney, ca. 1920
Wally Shiers, Frank Hurley, Keith Smith and Jim Bennett with the Vickers Vimy, 1920 / photographed b...
Frank Hurley war diary, 24 January-...
Frank Hurley war diary, 24 January-13 August 1918
Frank Hurley war diary, 28 October...
Frank Hurley war diary, 28 October 1917-24 January 1918
Hurley photographed at the Southern Cross Depot, Southern Journey
Hurley sewing [at] Food Tanks, boxes of cut blubber for the dogs nearby
Landing of Ross Smith's Vickers Vimy at Mascot - Sydney, NSW
Australian Antarctic Expedition Members: scenes inside living quarters, 1911-1914
Frank Hurley photographs of Rabaul, Port Moresby and Antarctica, and two photographs taken on a prop...
03. Reminiscences of Home - "Aussies" chaff-making in Flanders.
Australian Antarctic Expedition Members: scenes inside living quarters, 1911-1914
04. Transport scene on the Ypres - Poperinghe Road.
07. A refuge in the cellars of Ypres. Owing to incessant bombing and shelling it was impossible to l...
08. Around the camp fire.
13. The shell shattered areas of Chateau Wood.
14. Registering up a battery of Australian "Heavies". The "spotting planes" which report on and dire...
15. Unloading 15 inch Howitzer shells. Each shell weighs about 11501bs.
16. An observation balloon over the ruins of Ypres.
17. A road on the battlefield. Carrying up rations to the front line, West-hoek.
18. Infantry moving forward to take over the front line at evening, reflected in a rain-filled mine...
19. "Zero Hour" Study of a 6in. Howitzer operating in a barrage.
20. "The Subjugator." A mighty Howitzer pounding away at the Hindenburg line.
21. A Hun Pill-box amid surroundings characteristic of the Ypres salient. Pill-boxes were built of c...
22. Scene in the trenches. In the foreground are two gunners operating a Lewis gun and behind a capt...
23. Laying a duckboard track. During the campaign on the Western Front, it was impossible, during th...
25. Derelict tanks knocked out of action by an enemy tank straffing gun. The vicinity is torn by she...
26. 54 Battery Australian Seige Artillery in Action.
28. The World's most infamous highway. The Menin road by a winter's sunset.
30. In an elephant iron dugout on Hill 60. Such dugouts merely afford protection from small shell sp...
32. Hell-Fire Corner. Showing the difficulty of transport along an exposed highway.
33. Death the Reaper. Attention is directed to the remarkable wraith-like form of the shell burst, a...
34. The Battle of the Menin Road, in which the Australians took a prominent part. Returning from the...
35. The Battle of the Menin Road. Walking wounded returning from the battle and by the roadside a re...
36. "Fix Bayonets." Australian Infantry preparing to resist a counter attack at Zonnebeke.
37. The Front Line.
39. A windy outpost on Westhoek Ridge.
40. A dump of material accumulated in an advanced position the day before a battle. The bundles of c...
41. A wave of Infantry going over the top to resist a counter attack, Zon-nebeke.
42. A stretcher case. Attending to a badly wounded case in an advanced dressing station.
43. Conducting a battle in a shell proof dugout, 25 feet below ground. Communication is maintained b...
44. Sniping enemy planes with a Lewis gun. The tree has been severed by a shell.
46. The ruins of the Cloth Hall through a cloister window.
47. Looking out of a ruined cathedral window on to the graves of the fallen.
48. A camouflaged road. Roads under enemy observation were rendered obscure by long screens of fibre...
50. A Howitzer of the 55th Australian Siege Artillery in its lair. The gun has just been fired.
51. During a gas attack. Funk holes in the trenches.
52. Scene in an advanced dressing station during a battle.
53. Zonnebeke.
54. Voormezeele.
55. Ypres.
56. Hauling up an 18 pounder across captured ground to an advanced position.
57. A few Huns captured by the Australians at Broodseinde.
59. A Battery of six inch Howitzers in action.
60. The interior of the Albert Cathedral.
61. The famous leaning Madonna and Child at Albert. Early in the War a German shell hit and almost s...
62. Evening by the Cloth Hall, Ypres.
64. The ruins of the Cloth Hall (extreme right), Cathedral (centre), and Bishop's Palace (left), Ypr...
67. Infantry marching through Ypres.
69. Entire cities and villages along the Western Front lay in heaps of ruins.
70. The ruined Cathedral, Ypres, viewed from the Cloth Hall.
71. A tired Battalion marching out of line.
73. "And Alone I Did It." An Australian Infantryman recounting an experience to his comrades.
74. Carrying in the wounded during the height of battle. (located at XV*/Wor W 1/3)
76. The Price of Victory. German dead strewing the conquered battlefield. (located at XV*/Wor W 1/4)
78. The dawn of Passchendaele. The Relay Station near Zonnebeke Station.
79. Battle scarred sentinels. Remnant of a fine old avenue on the infamous track through Chateau Woo...
81. Brought down in flames.
83. An Historic Battlefield section of the Ypres salient showing the shell torn ground viewed from a...
86. An Australian Light Horseman in Palestine viewing the Promised Land.
88. A Camp of Australian Light Horsemen amongst the sandhills, Belah.
92. Ruins of the Grand Mosque, Gaza. The Mosque was used by the Turks as a vast ammunition storehous...
93. The interior ruins of the Grand Mosque, Gaza.
94. "Gibit Baksheesh." A familiar scene in Palestine.
95. Discharging army stores along the beach. Sukerier.
97. An Anzac and some of his friends, "The Donks."
98. Camel transport conveying Tibbin (Barley Straw) from the rail-head to an advanced distributing c...
99. Camel transport passing through a flooded waddy during the torrentential (sic) rains of the wet...
100. Loading camels at a railhead dump, from whence the stores are transported to advanced positions...
102. Australian Light Horsemen acting as Infantrymen during the campaign amongst the Judaean Hills.
104. Clearing the Heights of enemy snipers. Nalin.
106. A flight of bombing planes, 1st Australian Flying Corps, Palestine.
108. Machines returning to the Hangars after carrying out a successful bombing operation. 1st Austra...
110. Jerusalem from an aeroplane. To the top right of the picture lies the Mount of Olives.
112. Australian Light Horsemen passing along the Bethlehem-Jerusalem Road. The walls of Old Jerusal...
113. A.L.H. watering horses on Mount Zion, Jerusalem.
114. The 1st Brigade A.L.H. passing through Bethlehem on their way to Jericho.
116. The Jordan Valley. Jericho lies near the centre. (located at XV*/Wor W 1/5)
118. Australian Light Horse on the move across the Desert.
120. In the Courtyard of a Mosque.
121. The entrance to a Mosque in Cairo.
123. Three Army Mules.
124. The Minarets of Cairo.
125. Infantry advancing through the Latron Gorge after the capture of Jerusalem.
128. 1st Australian Flying Corps, Palestine