Customs House
Customs House
Arrival of Concorde in Sydney
Customs House
Ex-Servicemen's sheep ballot: 100 Merino lambs from Mr Falkiner
[Mantle marble clock belonging to David Scott Mitchell]
Hunter Street, Newcastle
Memorial clock, Bega
Painting flag poles at Scott's Store, Hunter Street, Newcastle
Photos for use during Apprenticeship Week
Retirement of Mr Skinner
Ancient clock, Observatory, Sydney
Chamber of Manufactures' productivity seminar at their offices, Norwich House
Photos for use during Apprenticeship Week
Photos for use during Apprenticeship Week
Condobolin, NSW
New exhibition
Arrival of the Q.E. 2 and the Concorde in Sydney
New exhibition
George Street looking south from Wynyard Street
Arrival of the Q.E. 2 and the Concorde in Sydney
Arrival of the Q.E. 2 and the Concorde in Sydney
George Street from "Fishers" showing front of post office
Arrival of the Q.E. 2 and the Concorde in Sydney
Photos for use during Apprenticeship Week
Photos for use during Apprenticeship Week
Strasburg Clock at Museum of Applied Arts
Customs House
Government of New South Wales: Executive Council
Hamilton Post Office, SA
Making of television lecture on the Strassburg clock
Government Motor Garage, Glebe
Customs House showing traffic
Illuminations for 150th Anniversary celebrations
Arrival of the Q.E. 2 and the Concorde in Sydney
Photos for use during Apprenticeship Week
Arrival of the Q.E. 2 and the Concorde in Sydney
Barrack Street from York Street showing Post Office
Making of television lecture on the Strassburg clock
New exhibition
Arrival of Concorde in Sydney
Eleanor in lounge room - Mosman, NSW
Arrival of Concorde in Sydney
Arrival of the Q.E. 2 and the Concorde in Sydney
Government of New South Wales: Executive Council
Technology Museum, interior: exhibits: Strasburg clock
Mr Martin, Attorney-General, and Pakistani civil service cadets
Arrival of the Q.E. 2 and the Concorde in Sydney
Photos for use during Apprenticeship Week
Photos for use during Apprenticeship Week
New exhibition
[Corner of Pitt and Spring Streets, Sydney] / C. Bayliss, Photo., Sydney
Mr Martin, Attorney-General, and Pakistani civil service cadets
Arrival of the Q.E. 2 and the Concorde in Sydney
Customs House
Photos for use during Apprenticeship Week
Ballot at Lands Department
Arrival of Concorde in Sydney
Ex-servicemens ballot for merino rams
Arrival of Concorde in Sydney
Presentation of champion ewes (?) cups, Carlton
Strasburg Clock at Museum of Applied Arts
Wade House, Children's Hospital, Camperdown
Arrival of Concorde in Sydney
Retirement of Mr Skinner
Retirement of Mr Skinner
Arrival of the Q.E. 2 and the Concorde in Sydney
Men's mess room guardship "Alacrity", Sydney
Retirement of Mr Skinner
New exhibition
Wharf construction
Photos for use during Apprenticeship Week
Customs House
Arrival of Concorde in Sydney
Presentation of champion ewes (?) cups, Carlton
Interior of family house in Church Hill, Cootamundra - Cootamundra, NSW
Mr Martin, Attorney-General and law students from Pakistan
Anti T.B. campaign: photographs displayed
Arrival of Concorde in Sydney
Market Street looking east
Photos for use during Apprenticeship Week
Immigration Barracks
[Mantle marble clock belonging to David Scott Mitchell]
[Mantle marble clock belonging to David Scott Mitchell]
[Mantle marble clock belonging to David Scott Mitchell]
[Mantle marble clock belonging to David Scott Mitchell]
[Mantle marble clock belonging to David Scott Mitchell]
[Mantle marble clock belonging to David Scott Mitchell]
[Mantle marble clock belonging to David Scott Mitchell]
[Mantle marble clock belonging to David Scott Mitchell]
[Mantle marble clock belonging to David Scott Mitchell]
[Mantle marble clock belonging to David Scott Mitchell]
[Mantle marble clock belonging to David Scott Mitchell]
[Mantle marble clock belonging to David Scott Mitchell]
[Mantle marble clock belonging to David Scott Mitchell]
[Mantle marble clock belonging to David Scott Mitchell]
[Mantle marble clock belonging to David Scott Mitchell]
[Mantle marble clock belonging to David Scott Mitchell]
[Mantle marble clock belonging to David Scott Mitchell]
[Mantle marble clock belonging to David Scott Mitchell]