Port Hacking River near Loftus
Port Hacking River near Loftus
View on the Freshwater River
First meeting of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service staff
First meeting of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service staff
View on Port Hacking River from Railway Station
The cascade, South West Arm
The Upper Causeway, Royal National Park
B-B-Q lunch, Royal National Park
South West Arm, National Park
Relief workers in the National Park
View in the deer park
Audley [Weir], [Royal] National Park
On Boulder Creek
View on the Freshwater River
Lady Carrington Road, National Park
Relief workers in the National Park
Port Hacking. View near Warrumbul
First meeting of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service staff
Carrington Road, [Royal] National Park
National Park, Sydney
National Park
Holiday time at the National Park
Port Hacking River near Mangrove Creek
Colour negs (?) for Bushfire Poster, taken at Royal National Park
Audley, National Park
National Park, boatshed
View at Warrumble
Lady Carrington Road near bridge
The Trustees Cottage
National Park
Port Hacking. View from Mr Want's wharf (rustic bridge)
Lady Carrington Road & Jersey Springs
First meeting of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service staff
Confluence of Kangaroo Creek
Kangaroo Creek, National Park
On the road to National Park near Waterfall
Lady Carrington Road, National Park
Relief workers in the National Park
Picnic grounds, Royal National Park
Bridge, Carrington Road, [Royal] National Park
First meeting of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service staff
B-B-Q lunch, Royal National Park
North head, entrance to Wattamolla
The dam at Loftus Heights
South head, entrance to Wattamolla
Red Cross and VAD picnic
View near Trustees Cottage, Royal National Park
National Park. Reserve
View on Port Hacking River
View on the Freshwater River, near Walkers Flat
First meeting of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service staff
Wattamolla Creek
Waterfall Road, National Park
Accommodation house from the water front
Mr Want's residence
Mr Divers (?) hut at National Park
National Park. To the lower Falls
First meeting of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service staff
The causeway, National Park
A view from the Audley Road
Accommodation house from the water front
White touring car on causeway
First meeting of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service staff
Tree ferns, Lady Carrington Road
The Jersey Springs, Lady Carrington Road
Lady Carrington Road, National Park
Red Cross and VAD picnic
View on the Freshwater River
Allambie House & River, National Park
View from Reservoir Hill showing Audley River
The Upper Falls, National Park
The upper waterfall: Royal National Park
River, [Royal] National Park
Looking out through entrance showing part of lagoon
National Park, Sydney
View from Warrumble showing entrance to South West arm
National Park. Picnic Area
Accident in National Park
On the river, [Royal] National Park
View on Port Hacking River
B-B-Q lunch, Royal National Park
Ford Falcons of 1962, Royal National Park
Map of the National Park, County of Cumberland, New South Wales [cartographic material] / Compiled a...
Port Hacking. View near Lilli-Pilli
On the road to Waterfall
First meeting of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service staff
Royal National Park
Picnic in the Royal National Park
N.S.W. Railways. Tourist resorts
Some of the children at play ay Red Cross & VAD picnic
Red Cross and VAD picnic
River, [Royal] National Park
Port Hacking. View near Lilli-Pilli
Looking from deer park at Gundamaian
Lady Carringtons Bower
A view from the Public Pavilion, Royal National Park
Bridge over Kangaroo Creek
B-B-Q lunch, Royal National Park
By Road & River, National Park, N.S.W.
National Park, N.S.W. [boating scene]