City and suburban projects
City and suburban projects
Item 062: Maintenance crew, sawmill, 2011 / photograph by Ruth Maddison
Montrose Child Protection Unit Burwood
Scars on womans legs, hands and face for court evidence
Item 24: A group of people wait for the beginning of the Anzac Day march, Singleton, NSW, 25 April 2...
Hip deformity
Annual NSW Apprentice of the Year Awards
Awards presented by the Duke of Edinburgh
1. Michael and Jacko French [son and father]
Item 096: Thayaparan, a Sri Lankan man who came to Australia following the 2004 Tsunami, with his da...
Item 06: Ingrid, Jan, Toon, Marie and Willem Janssen, Belgian-Australian, St Ives, New South Wales,...
Item 10: Miles Franklin, papers of...
Item 10: Miles Franklin, papers of various members of Franklin and Lampe families. Helena Lampe diar...
Junior (American ?) Diplomats visit a Sydney dam
Annual NSW Apprentice of the Year Awards
Scarring on shin
Tour of Nth Coast by Minister Mr Stephens
Opening of 'Tallimba' by J. Waddy, Minister
Police dogs. Customs Bureau Canberra
Item 0169: Tribune negatives including Terry Stocker and uranium demonstration, April 1977
Arson claims, Woollahra
In grounds of Conservatorium
Hip deformity
Tour of Nth Coast by Minister Mr Stephens
Item 02: Florence Holloway photograph album, ca. 1918
Daily exercises for elderly people
New uniforms for female staff
People, for poster
Presentation of Gold Awards by His Royal Highness, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh at Conservatoriu...
Official Launching of Instant Lotteries at Canterbury - Hurlstone RSL
Tour of Nth Coast by Minister Mr Stephens
Item 01: ANZAC Dawn Service, outside Club Liverpool, George St , Liverpool, NSW, 25 April, 2015 / ph...
Female fashion layout for Woman's Day magazine, Sydney
City and suburban projects
British, Kankaren and Essen Trade Missions, also Advisory Council
Graduation of Westmead dental nurses
Annual NSW Apprentice of the Year Awards
Front cover
City and suburban projects
Item 0026: Tribune negatives including political economy demonstration at University of Sydney, Marc...
Awards presented by the Duke of Edinburgh
Bob Field's family, Lugarno
Staff with the Governor
State wards at Spastic Centre, Allambie Heights
Ruth Palma, ballet dancer at Bodenweiser Dance Centre, 1980
File 232: Bushwalking with modelling by Andrews and Bragg in bush location, ca. 1951 / photographed...
[Crew of visiting Chinese vessel, possibly docked at Walsh Bay], 1963
Floods - Narrabri, February 1955 / photographs by Fred Murray
Dorothy Dix situation pictures, Victoria Park Broadway, 8 February 1961 / photographs by Noel Stubbs
Item 081: Tribune negatives including Malcolm Salmon, anti-conscription demonstration at Central Rai...
Item 0554: Tribune negatives including Parklea and Labor Party demonstrations, New South Wales, Augu...
Stinson Plane crash - Lamington Ranges, Qld. Wreckage & survivors Proud & Binstead found by Bernard...
Illustrations for Middleton story, Waverley, 13 August 1964 / photographs by Lynch
Ho Chin Hung and Lieu Hwa Fong - Chinese patients. Beverley Park, Campbelltown, 13 January 1960 / ph...
Mrs Philp and daughter at Clontarf, December 1955 / photographs by Ivan
Children at Crowle Home, Ryde, prepare for sports day, 19 August 1964 / photographs by Alec Iverson
Becky Carter (New Guinea housewife), January 1951
ATN rehearsal for Kay Stevens Show, October 1965 / photographs by Ivan
Item 1005: Tribune negatives including black deaths in custody public meeting and Aboriginal Dance T...
Dutch migrant family at Mortdale, August 1955 / photographed by Ivan Ives
China, [1945]
Girls demonstrate heart massage and resuscitation at RPA Hospital, July 1964 / photographs by David...
NEI air pressure chamber at Bandoeng, 1941 / photographs by Ray Olson
Girl juggler at Tivoli, Pix, 11 November 1940
Ho Chin Hung and Lieu Hwa Fong - Chinese patients. Beverley Park, Campbelltown, 13 January 1960 / ph...
Collection 05: Rosemount Australian Fashion Week 2010 / photographed by Robert Wallace
Swimming coach Forbes Carlisle and class at Ryde Baths (for diet story), 26 February 1962 / photogra...
The big Porteous family of Western Australia, 16 September 1963 / photographs by W. Hartley
Four dresses by Kaiya Aboagye for HSC Aboriginal Studies major project, 2007 [digital photographs]
Exercises for women, February 1966 / photographs by R. Donaldson
43. Skateboarders outside Valhalla Theatre
Port Authur relics Tasmania, [1941]
Yvonne Goldsmith, acrobatic dancer (ex-Rudas girl), May 1963 / photographs by Ivan
Stan Freberg rehearsing for television show. ATN Epping, 23 April 1959 / photographs by Lynch
Murrumbidgee Irrigation / photographed by N. Herfort
Item 1110: Tribune negatives including shearer's dispute, Port Adelaide, South Australia and New Lef...
Arrest of Governor Bligh January 26, 1808. Copy of the original manuscript documents, ca. 1890's
Francis Latrobe and horse "Mullins", April 1961 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Mens fashion; Greek migrants, July 1962
Baseball at Manly, October 1953
Item 1088: Tribune negatives including Australian Council of Trade Unions conference and equal pay p...
Item 0940: Tribune negatives including combined unions picket and Carol O'Donnell, Deb Brennan at bo...
f.12 Adelaide /Centenary Pageant 1936 / “Heritage” / 1936 / Plate 34 / Sailor. 1936. [Signed] Thelma...
Robyn Rose - part-time model, university student, 25 April 1960 / photographs by Lynch
Item 341: Tribune negatives including men speaking into microphone, men sit on grass, police carry o...
Item 0148: Tribune negatives including Ted Gnatenko, [ca. 1976-1977]
Collection 01: Sydney fashion and events, 2006-2008 / photographed by Robert James Wallace
Contraband in Lavender Bay, 28 June 1967 / photographs by Victor Johnston
Item 0272: Tribune negatives including Humanite festival, Paris, France, 1977
Preparation for sheep show by breeders of English stock in the Orange area. Woolley Blue Bloods, 19...
Volume 2: [Views of Sydney and Pacific Islands], 1901
Item 611: Tribune negatives including demonstration against apartheid in airport, n.d.
Item 723: Tribune negatives including portraits of an unidentified man, Kent and Marlboro cigarette...
Item 469: Tribune negatives including unidentified industrial scenes, WWF meeting about the ship Asa...
Henry E. White : Palais theatre, St. Kilda, Melbourne
Item 06: Tribune negatives including photographs taken in Cuba, 1978 / photographed by Mike McKay
Collection of drawings in watercolour, ink and pencil : illustrative of the life, character & scener...
Domain speakers, ca. 1970 ; rock concert, Colonel Nichols' farm, Ourimbah, 1974 / photographed by Jo...
Portraits of Norman and Lionel Lindsay, family and friends, ca. 1900-1912 / photographed chiefly by...
The alternative 70's in Australia / Roger Marchant