032 - SAFE/F8/77 - Flying Eagle Pl:2 - Jan: 11th 1782
032 - SAFE/F8/77 - Flying Eagle Pl:2 - Jan: 11th 1782
126 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of Po. Pontangh or Princes Island and adjacent coast of Java … - May 27th 17...
008 - SAFE/F8/77 - Strait of Mallacca, by Capt. Rich.d Peirce. Pl. 3 - 28th July 1779
124 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Croee, on the west-coast of Sumatra; by C. John Watson, 1762 - 25 Feb.y 1...
074 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of the Island Amboina, from a MS., at the East-India House; Castle Victoria...
112 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Ballambouang Bay in the Strait of Bally, by Capt.n Nicholas Shottowe, in...
159 - SAFE/F8/79 - Sketch of the Carnatick's track form No. Watcher to North Island, by Capt. Lestoc...
086 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of the bay on the south east coast of the Island Engano, by Charles Gutavus...
015 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of the entrance of the Strait of Mallacca and Port Rio by George Bass - Feb....
019 - SAFE/F8/79 - [Mindoro, Panay, Buglas and Negros, Philippines]
170 - SAFE/F8/79 - [Views of Indian coastline] - 9th Nov.r 1779
200 - SAFE/F8/79 - Mr. Payne's views in the Flying Eagle, 1672 - July 17 1781
136 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Poolo Babee Bay on the west coast of Sumatra, by Capt. John McDonald - Ja...
080 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of Indparour on the west coast of Sumatra from a Dutch MS - 25 Feb.y 1774
005 - SAFE/F8/75 - Chart of the west coast of New Holland from Van Keulen with some additional sound...
048 - SAFE/F8/79 - Sketch of the west coast of Lombock, from a draught of Raddin Tomoongoong, commun...
079 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of the Islands of Aiou, or, Yowl, by Capt.n Thomas Forrest; Po. Syang, NE of...
003 - SAFE/F8/77 - No. 1. View of No. Nassau or Poggy Island ; No. 2. View of Nassau or Poggy Island...
020 - SAFE/F8/75 - Chart of the passage of the Royal George, Capt. Nicholas Skottowe in January 1762...
029 - SAFE/F8/77 - Views of Formosa & Bashee Islands - Nov.r 27th 1781
129 - SAFE/F8/75 - Chart of a great bay on the north side of New Guinea from a Dutch M S communicate...
125 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of part of the Strait of Sunda from the fourth point of Java to Po. Panjang...
157 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of the bay on the south east coast of the island Engano; by Charles Gustavus...
126 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the west coast of Sumatra, from Indrapore Point to Padang River, with th...
050 - SAFE/F8/79 - Sumbawa road, from a Dutch M.S. - 4th April 1780
173 - SAFE/F8/79 - Malabar Coast, Plate 3 - 1st March 1780
055 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of the Straits of Solor, from a Dutch MS, communicated by Com: Jon Watson -...
065 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the South Coast Celebes from a Dutch MS. obtained in the East Indies - S...
046 - SAFE/F8/75 - Chart from Point Romania to the Anambas Islands by James Downie Master of HM Ship...
021 - SAFE/F8/79 - A Chart of the China, inscribed to Mons.r D' Apres de Mannevillette the ingenious...
091 - SAFE/F8/79 - Houtman's Abrolhos, near the W. Coast of New Holland, from Van Keulen; Dangerous...
012 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of the entrance of Aimoey Harbour, of Chinchew River &c., from Van Keulen
001 - SAFE/F8/77 - Schooner Caddalore, views on the coast of Palawan by A. Dalrymple in December 176...
025 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the south east coast of Borneo, from a MS., originally Dutch and, appare...
104 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of Tappean-Oely or Tappanooly in 1°. 25'.No. Lat: on the west coast of Sumat...
148 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of a harbour on the east side of So. Poggy Island, adjacent to the west coas...
191 - SAFE/F8/79 - Straits of Bally & Lombock - Sep.r 14th 1780
068 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of Malloodoo Bay, at the north end of Borneo by John Roberts a native of Amb...
128 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of the coast and islands adjacent to Padang on the west coast of Sumatra, fr...
064 - SAFE/F8/75 - Track of the French ship Resolution between the coast of Borneo and the Paternost...
088 - SAFE/F8/75 - Chart of the Strait of Secockup between the No. & So. Poggy Islands adjacent to t...
031 - SAFE/F8/77 - Views of islands off the west coast of Sumatra Pl:2d - Sept.r 7th 1782
041 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of Kalan Soe Soe Harbour from a Dutch MS - 29th May 1805
024 - SAFE/F8/77 - Straits of Bally and Lombock - Sep.r 14th 1780
102 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the Strait on the east of Banka, by Capt Leftock Wilson of Ship Carnatic...
005 - SAFE/F8/79 - Tonqueen Bar, by John Walsh, 1719 - 1st Oct.r 1774
018 - SAFE/F8/79 - Track of the Schooner Cuddalore, along the east coast of Panay; by A. Dalrymple,...
153 - SAFE/F8/79 - Strait of Secockup, by Capt. Thomas Forrest; Mazular, by Capt. Thomas Forrest - A...
035 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the south coast of Hainan, from Tinhoza to the Bay of Naytiou, from a Sw...
014 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of the north harbour of Balambangan, by A. Dalrymple, 1763 1764 - Dec 29th...
129 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Padang the chief settlement of the Dutch on the west-coast of Sumatra; fr...
072 - SAFE/F8/79 - East side of the Island Baber, where we lay the Shifting the munsoons as in my jo...
039 - SAFE/F8/75 - Strait of Secockup by Capt. Thomas Forrest ; Mazular by Capt. Thomas Forrest - A...
092 - SAFE/F8/75 - Views of islands off the west coast of Sumatra, Pl: 2d - Sept.r 7th 1782
084 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Dory Harbour, by Capt.n Thomas Forrest, 1775 - March 10th 1781
099 - SAFE/F8/75 - Chart from Padang to Boongas Bay on the west coast of Sumatra surveyed by John Mc...
080 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Port Geby in the Maluco Island laid down geometrically on the spot in 177...
143 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Priaman and the Ticoo Islands on the west coast of Sumatra, by Com: John...
076 - SAFE/F8/75 - Captn. Kirtons survey of the Harbour of Po. Pinang on the west coast of Sumatra ;...
121 - SAFE/F8/75 - Part of a map of America from Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by Abraham Ortelius, Antwer...
018 - SAFE/F8/77 - Strait of Singapore - March 17th 1780
023 - SAFE/F8/75 - A sketch of the southern range of the Pelew Islands, to convey an idea of their s...
082 - SAFE/F8/75 - Chart of the passage between the islands of Great Fortune lying off the west coas...
178 - SAFE/F8/79 - Strait of Mallacca, by Capt.n Rich.d Pierce, Pl. 3 - 28th July 1779
110 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of the Strait of Chinabata, from an antient English MS - Jan. 15th 1786
151 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Hurlock's Bay on the Island Good Fortune, or, Porah, with adjacent island...
116 - SAFE/F8/75 - Chart of the Strait on the east of Banka by Capt. Lestock Wilson of Ship Carnatic...
040 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of the harbour of Nangasaky in Japan, from an antient MS., communicated in 1...
111 - SAFE/F8/79 - Sketch of Carimon Java, from an English MS., supposed by Capt: Charles Boddam - M...
189 - SAFE/F8/79 - Schooner Cuddalore, views on the coast of Palawan, by A. Dalrymple in December 17...
127 - SAFE/F8/75 - Chart of the S.W. coast of Celebes from an old Dutch MS. At C.C. Coll: Oxford - M...
088 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Port Praslin in 7°.25'. S, discovered in the Ship St. Jean Baptiste, comm...
025 - SAFE/F8/77 - Princess Augusta, Pitts Passage, 1761 - June 7th 1781
133 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of part of the west coast of Sumatra, surveyed by order of the Governor and...
109 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of Croee, on the west coast of Sumatra by C. John Watson, 1762 - 25 Feb.y 17...
131 - SAFE/F8/79 - Capt.n Kirktons survey of the harbour at Po. Pisang on the west coast of Sumatra;...
033 - SAFE/F8/79 - Great Anamba Islands, Little Anamba Islands - Oct.r 19 1781
174 - SAFE/F8/79 - Views of Fort St. George on the coast of Choromandel, by B: Henry, Dec.r 1775 - 1...
155 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the Strait of Secockup between the No. & So. Poggy Islands adjacent to t...
043 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of Ballambouang Bay in the Strait of Bally by Capt. Nicholas Skottowe in the...
196 - SAFE/F8/79 - Princess Augusta, Pitts Passage, 1761 - June 7th 1781
049 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of part of the coast of Madura 1801 by Capt James Horsburgh - Feb 1st 1802
037 - SAFE/F8/77 - Coast of China - Nov.r 7th 1783
090 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of the Island Rottenest (ie Rats Nest), being off the west coast of New Holl...
081 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of S. Leaga Bay, on the west coast of Sumatra ; about 5 leagues to the S.E....
042 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Port Brooks, Lat. 50°18'N., Long. 128°13' W., by James Johnstone, a Maste...
100 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of the coast and islands adjacent Padang on the west coast of Sumatra, from...
028 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the port and river of Borneo - 28th July 1779
010 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of part of the coast of China, by Felis Medoca, 1760; C. Alves's sketch of...
190 - SAFE/F8/79 - New Holland, Sumbawa, Lombock, Bally and Madura - 1st March 1780
028 - SAFE/F8/77 - Mr. Payne's views in the Flying Eagle, 1672 - July 17. 1782
069 - SAFE/F8/75 - Chart of the south east coast of Borneo, from an MS originally Dutch and, apparen...
009 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Typa near Macao in China, by Capt.n George Baker, 1759 - April 30th 1780
057 - SAFE/F8/75 - Chart of the track of the Tartar-Gallery 1774 & 1775 by Thomas Forrest ; Chart of...
134 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart from Padang to Boongas Bay on the west coast of Sumatra, surveyed by John M...
061 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the Straits of Salayr by Com: John Watson, 1764 - 27th Feb: 1781
142 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Ayer-Bongy, on the west coast of Sumatra; from a Dutch MS - 25 Feb.y 1774
078 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of Ayer-Bongy on the west coast of Sumatra from a Dutch MS - 25 Feb.y 1774
040 - SAFE/F8/75 - Chart of the Straits of Sinkapoura from an old book of English MSS - Jan.ry 5th 1...
060 - SAFE/F8/79 - A rough sketch of Turatte Bay on the south coast of Celebes, April 1761; Banthain...