Series of photos of students at Cambridge Park High School, for Directorate of Studies
Series of photos of students at Cambridge Park High School, for Directorate of Studies
Home help services, North Shore district
Bakery operations
Machines printing electoral rolls and Hansard
"Slum" terrace house, Darlinghurst
File 69: Electric stoves, March 1949 / photographed by Max Dupain
Ormond School
File 133: Dishlex washing machine at Princes showroom, ca. 1950 / photographed by Max Dupain & Assoc...
Summer camp Aboriginal children visit Manly Marineland
"Slum" terrace house, Darlinghurst
Cookery lesson - testing a sponge cake, 9 January 1964 / photographs by Alec Iverson
Photos of department
Office scenes, staff portraits
Baby Health Centre, Strathfield
Kitchen, child care centres
Cookery lesson - how to prepare a chicken for roasting, 9 January 1964 / photographs by Alec Iverson
Address to the King
Projects in Wollongong and Far South Coast and Queanbeyan Districts
The large gas stove with twin ovens, "Burnham Thorpe", Gordon, home of Mr Woolcott Forbes
Cookery in kitchen, 4 May 1966 / photographs by Lynch
Album presented by State Government to Duke of York: middle of album
Migrant hostel at Bradfield Park
Condition of flat in George St, Redfern
Chefmobile food warmer at David Jones
Facilities at Norma Parker Centre
Day nursery and clinic at Double Bay
File 25: Philips new mantle model radiogram in setting, Model 133, ca. 1953 / photographed by Max Du...
Homebush Abattoirs canteen
Taken for new induction & information handbook
Sandra Dillon, My Fair Lady showgirl. Melbourne, July 1959, photographs by David J. Beal / photograp...
Kitchen in a house built by Mr. Park, builder, of Roseville
Gaols at Goulburn, Berrima, Cooma
Cucumber: Boston pickling
Album of Jenolan Caves views presented to Duke of York
File 69: Electric stoves, March 1949 / photographed by Max Dupain
[Studio shot of table settings - display of food], 1937
Miss Mewburn manager of sheep station, 8 September 1943
Job no. 2443: BGE [British General Electric] stove with Andre Nevass and family group, May 1958 / ph...
Cookery lesson - omelette making, 9 January 1964 / photographs by Alec Iverson
Cookery lesson - testing a sponge cake, 9 January 1964 / photographs by Alec Iverson
Cookery in kitchen, 4 May 1966 / photographs by Lynch
File 48: Bridgebuilt stove, open and closed, ca. 1948 / photographed by Max Dupain
File 30: Portable Philips radio, bedroom setting, Model 148, ca. 1953 / photographed by Max Dupain
Admiral TV factory. Bankstown, 4 January 1960 / photographs by Lynch
Cookery lesson, roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, 7 May 1964 / photographs by Alec Iverson
Cookery lesson - scone making at Gas Co., 5 September 1950 / photographs by Jack Hickson
Cooking with Des Hatton, November 1967 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Cookery lesson, roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, 7 May 1964 / photographs by Alec Iverson
Cookery in kitchen, 4 May 1966 / photographs by Lynch
File 69: Electric stoves, March 1949 / photographed by Max Dupain
Cooking for "Woman", 24 November 1936
Ballet sisters - Pat and Sandra - Palladium, July 1954 / photographs by Ivan
Cookery lesson, roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, 7 May 1964 / photographs by Alec Iverson
Item 0555: Victoria Centenary medal, 1934
Job no. 2443: BGE [British General Electric] stove with Andre Nevass and family group, May 1958 / ph...
Dorothy Fosfer, Cremorne, January 1967 / photographs by David Cumming
Job no. 2638: Space chief electric range, September 1958 / photographs by Max Dupain & Associates
Step by step cookery, 20 April 1964 / photographs by Lynch
Picture guide to cake cooking, September 1964
Cookery lesson series, making chocolate cake, 5 May 1964 / photographs by Alec Iverson
Cookery lesson, roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, 7 May 1964 / photographs by Alec Iverson
Machine and man, 21 November 1961 / photographs by F. R. Johnson
Cookery lesson - omelette making, 9 January 1964 / photographs by Alec Iverson
Dorothy Fosfer, Cremorne, January 1967 / photographs by David Cumming
Des Hatton cooking Series, West Pymble, 20 September 1967 / photographs by W. Croser
Machine and man, 21 November 1961 / photographs by F. R. Johnson
Modern kitchens, May 1960 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Budget story. Mrs Burgh - Mrs Hobbs, May 1966 / photographs by Wal Easton
Cookery lesson, roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, 7 May 1964 / photographs by Alec Iverson
Sandra Dillon, My Fair Lady showgirl. Melbourne, July 1959, photographs by David J. Beal / photograp...
Bert Groves, 20 May 1953
Cookery lesson - how to prepare a chicken for roasting, 9 January 1964 / photographs by Alec Iverson
Television Artransa series [behind the scenes - location- wardrobe - harbour control room], 16 Novem...
Cookery in kitchen, 4 May 1966 / photographs by Lynch
Des Hatton cooking series: Steak Diane, beef stroganoff etc., 2 October 1967 / photographs by W. Cro...
Cookery in kitchen, 4 May 1966 / photographs by Lynch
Budget story. Mrs Burgh - Mrs Hobbs, May 1966 / photographs by Wal Easton
Des Hatton cooking series: Steak Diane, beef stroganoff etc., 2 October 1967 / photographs by W. Cro...
Canadian warship "Uganda", 13 April 1945 / photographed by Alec Iverson
Maureen Duval Neptune's daughters contestant / photographed by Ivan Ives
Des Hatton cooking series: Steak Diane, beef stroganoff etc., 2 October 1967 / photographs by W. Cro...
Ways of viewing television, December 1962 / photographs by Ivan
Des Hatton cooking series: Steak Diane, beef stroganoff etc., 2 October 1967 / photographs by W. Cro...
June Croker, Tivoli ballet girl, September 1950 / photographs by Ivan
Sam: Chef, Buck's Steak House, 1966 / photographs by Victor Johnston
Item 12: Tribune negatives including kitchen possibly on building site, 1973
Ways of viewing television, December 1962 / photographs by Ivan
Exercises for Mona Burn page, May 1966 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Air conditioning - fans etc. for supplement, 6 November 1964 / photographs by David Cumming
Item 0064: Tribune negatives including Leichhardt Women's Community Health Centre, ca. 1974-1975?
Des Hatton cooking series: Steak Diane, beef stroganoff etc., 2 October 1967 / photographs by W. Cro...
Heart, October 1960 / photographs by F. R. Johnson
Des Hatton cooking series: Steak Diane, beef stroganoff etc., 2 October 1967 / photographs by W. Cro...
Bird Island yacht race, 11 November 1955 / photographs by Lynch
Des Hatton cooking series: Steak Diane, beef stroganoff etc., 2 October 1967 / photographs by W. Cro...
Cookery, August 1967 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Professor Mussel cooking and entertaining at home; also Dr Butler cooking; Professor McCusker, Novem...
Pat Commens, 30 October 1942 / photographed by N. Herfort
Professor Mussel cooking and entertaining at home; also Dr Butler cooking; Professor McCusker, Novem...