Garden Palace, Sydney, interior during erection
Garden Palace, Sydney, interior during erection
[International Exhibition, 1879-80 : interior of the German court, Garden Palace, Sydney / attribute...
Key to Chas Nuttall's picture `Opening of First Australian Federal Parliament by H.R.H the Duke of C...
Crowds leaving Showground
Garden Palace ruins after fire, taken from Garden Palace Grounds
Austrian section, International Exhibition, 1879-80
Chicago Exhibition (1893) - Interior, NSW Court
Garden Palace
Garden Palace & grounds
International Exhibition, Sydney, 1879-80: Thomas Webb exhibit
Garden Palace, Sydney, exterior during erection
Tasmanian court, Garden Palace
Garden Palace ruins after fire, taken from Col. Sec.'s Office
Garden Palace during erection - from Macquarie Street, Sydney
Queens Statue, Garden Palace Building
Garden Palace ruins after fire, taken from Garden Palace Grounds
Statuary, Italian court, Garden Palace
[Garden Palace, Sydney, ruins after the fire]
Ebsworth Family - album of Sydney, Newcastle & Bathurst views by various photographers
View of Macquarie Street and Garden Palace from St James' Church spire, 1879-1880 / photographed by...
Queensland court, Garden Palace
Garden Palace, Sydney, exterior during erection
Garden Palace during erection - from Macquarie Street, Sydney
Victorian section, International Exhibition, 1879-80
Exhibition, Prince Alfred Park
Royal Agricultural Show: Agricultural Hall: exhibit
Royal Easter Show, Sydney 1947
Garden Palace ruins after fire, taken from Garden Palace Grounds
Garden Palace during erection - from Macquarie Street, Sydney
Exhibition Building - Melbourne, VIC
New Zealand display, International Exhibition, 1879-80
Garden Palace, Sydney, exterior during erection
Garden Palace during erection - from Macquarie Street, Sydney
Garden Palace during erection - from Macquarie Street, Sydney
Royal Easter Show
Botanical Gardens, from Mrs Macquaries Chair
Avenue, Botanic Gardens
Steel display, International Exhibition, 1879-80
International Exhibition, Sydney, 1879-80: Italian exhibit
Australia's 150th centenary pavilion
Garden Palace Building: Interior: nave looking north
International Exhibition, Sydney, 1879-80: Central hall
International Exhibition, Sydney, 1879-80: hall of exhibits
Garden Palace, eastern entrance of building
Garden Palace, Sydney, exterior during erection
[Show at the Garden Palace, Sydney, 1879-1882]
Exhibition Building, Prince Alfred Park
Mines Department exhibit, Garden Palace
Garden Palace during erection - from Macquarie Street, Sydney
New Zealand court, Garden Palace
Garden Palace during erection - from Macquarie Street, Sydney
Australia's 150th centenary pavilion
Chicago Exhibition (1893) - birds eye view
The International Exhibition, from Lady Macquarie's Chair / photographed by C. Bayliss, 419 George S...
Garden Palace, Sydney / [attributed to the New South Wales. Government Printing Office]
Central Railway Station (Old) [including Exhibition Building]
Motor cars parked outside Showground
Garden Palace ruins after fire, taken from Free Public Library
Sites of accidents: exhibition hall at Showground
Garden Palace, taken from Fort Denison
Garden Palace during erection - from Macquarie Street, Sydney
Figure on seat under tree, Botanic Gardens
New South Wales Court, exterior view, Franco British Exhibition
Garden Palace during erection - from Macquarie Street, Sydney
Garden Palace during erection - from Macquarie Street, Sydney
[Queens Statue, Garden Palace Building, ca. 1879-1882]
[Interior, Exhibition Hall, Prince Alfred Park, Sydney]
[Show at the Garden Palace, Sydney, 1879-1882]
Craig Breedlove, American land speed record challenger, in Sydney to promote Ford cars and appear at...
Garden Palace from Dawes Point, during erection
[Queens Statue, Garden Palace Building, ca. 1879-1882]
Garden Palace & grounds [Sydney / attributed to the New South Wales. Government Printing Office]
Garden Palace ruins after fire, taken from Garden Palace Grounds
Museum, Botanic Gardens
Pond & figure, Botanic Gardens
Garden Palace during erection - from Macquarie Street, Sydney
[International Exhibition, 1879-80 : the West Transept, Garden Palace, Sydney / attributed to Richar...
Chicago Exhibition (1893) - Interior, NSW Court
Botanical Gardens: Garden Palace in the distance
International Exhibition, Sydney, 1879-80: lamps & chinaware
Garden Palace from Mrs Macquarie's Chair, during erection
Garden Palace ruins after fire, taken from Government House
Garden Palace ruins after fire, taken from Reform Club, Macquarie
Plan of Prince Alfred Park showing the position of buildings for the Agricultural Society's Exhibiti...
The Burning of the Garden Palace, seen from the North Shore, [1882] / J.C. Hoyte
Garden Palace ruins after fire, taken from Macquarie St
The Melbourne Exhibition Building, N.W. angle 1854 [a view], 1850-1859? / Samuel Thomas Gill
International Exhibition, Sydney, 1879-80: German pianos
[Queens Statue, Garden Palace Building, ca. 1879-1882]
[International Exhibition, 1879-80 : the South Nave, Garden Palace, Sydney / attributed to Richards...
Garden Palace during erection - from Macquarie Street, Sydney
[International Exhibition, 1879-80 : J.C. Goodwin & Co., glass silverers exhibit, Garden Palace, Syd...
Exhibits, International Exhibition, Sydney, 1879-80
[View of Garden Palace looking west-south-west from Lawn 34, Botanic Gardens, Sydney]
Garden Palace during erection - from Macquarie Street, Sydney
Queens Statue, Garden Palace Building, 1882
Exhibition Building, Prince Alfred Park
International Exhibition, Sydney, 1879-80: Mines Dept. exhibit
Garden Palace, Sydney, interior during erection
Chicago Exhibition (1893) - Interior, NSW Court