Photo of Hurley amongst Adelie penguins
Photo of Hurley amongst Adelie penguins
Australian Antarctic Expedition Members: scenes inside living quarters, 1911-1914
Captain Frank Hurley self-portrait, on board the "Discovery", ca. 1929
Frank Hurley amongst the penguins
Item 073: All that is left of the long wall of the Cloth Hall, Ypres [ca. 1920 photographic print of...
02. A Battery of 18 pounders cleaning up preparatory to going into line.
05. Limbers carrying up ammunition at sunset.
06. Transport conveying small ammunition from a dump to the Front.
09. The Battle-Scarred Barracks, Ypres. Australian Infantry awaiting orders to take over the line.
10. The camouflaged Menin Road at sunset.
11. Infantry marching ahead in single file to the front line. Along the sky line a train of mules is...
12. Camouflaged German Pill-boxes in the Wood of Nonne Bosschen.
24. "Just as it was." A characteristic scene on the Flanders Front. During rains it was only by mean...
27. Surrounded by invisible death. Australian gunners of the 55th Siege Battery working during a gas...
29. A Battle-torn Wood. Chateau Wood near Ypres.
31. Attending to wounded in the advanced dressing station on Hill 60.
38. Motor transport passing through the ruined village of Vlamertinghe.
45. Shrapnel bursting amongst reconnoitring planes. Picture taken over the tail of a leading machine...
49. A well concealed Australian Heavy in action.
58. Knocked out of action. This picture gives a fine idea of shell-torn ground.
63. Ruins of the Church at Voormezeele.
65. A street in Ypres.
66. The Lille Gate.
68. Evening in the ruined City of Ypres.
72. Reveries of Home. Veterans of the labor corps gathered around the cook's hearth.
75. Australian Pioneers salving a 4.5 Howitzer which has become bogged in a muddy crater.
77. An episode after the Battle of Zonnebeke. Australian Infantry moving forward to resist a counter...
80. Looking out from the entrance of a captured Pill-box on to the shell ravaged battlefield. (locat...
82. Passchendaele.
84. Changing guard, The Citadel, Cairo.
87. The advance through the desert with the A.L.H. in Palestine.
89. An Oasis in the Desert.
90. Australian Light Horse watering in the Desert.
91. A halt in the Desert with the Australian Light Horse.
96. The Imperial Camel Corps going into action. (located at XV*/Wor W 1/7)
101. An outpost in Palestine.
103. Australian Light Horsemen taking part in the fight for the Heights of
107. A machine descending to the Hangars of the 1st Australian Flying Corps, Palestine. The marks on...
109. Aerial photograph showing the Turkish defences of Jerusalem. The trenches may be observed cut a...
111. View of the Holy City from the Mount of Olives. Right hand bottom corner - Russian Church. The...
115. Australian Light Horse crossing the field "Where Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night" Bethl...
117. Camp at the foot of the Judaean Hills in the Jordan Valley, near Jericho.
119. Australian Light Horse riding through Zernuka.
122. Australian Light Horse Machine Gunners in action amongst the Judaean Hills.
126. Imperial Camel Corps going into action.