Nova orbis tabula, ad usum serenissimi Burgundiae Ducis [Album view]
Hemisphere meridional pour voir plus distinctement les Terres Australes ; ou se voyent les nouvelles...
Oost Indien wassende-graade paskaart, vertoonende neves van het Oostelyckste van Africa meede de Zee...
Accuratissima totius Asiae tabula recens emendata.
025 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of the track of the Ship Glatton, by M. William McNamara … - Oct.r 9th 1791
Novus planiglobii terrestris per utrumque polum conspectus, [1695] [Album view]
Novissima totius terrarum orbis tabula / auctore, Nicolao Visscher [Album view]
Hemisphere oriental [Album view]
Chart of the South Pacifick Ocean, pointing out the discoveries made therein previous to 1764 [carto...
Asiae recentissima delineatio, qua status et imperia totius orientis unacum orientalibus indiis exhi...
New and correct map of the world, laid down according to the newest discoveries and from the most ex...
013 - SAFE/F8/80 - A chart of the northern part of the Bay of Bengal, laid down chiefly from from th...
[India quae Orientalis dicitur et insulae adiacentes] [cartographic material] [Album view]
Paskaerte Zynde t'Oosterdeel Van Oost Indien [cartographic material] : met alle de Eylanden daer ont...
Planiglobii terrestris cum utroq hemisphaerio caelesti generalis repraesentatio : quam ex novissimis...
006 - SAFE/F8/80 - A chart of the coast of Persia, with the various branches of Bussora River - 13th...
A new general chart of the world [cartographic material] : exhibiting the whole of the discoveries m...
Mar di Æthiopia vulgo Oceanus Æthiopicus [cartographic material] / Jan Jansson [Album view]
India quae orientalis dicitur, et insulae adiacentes [cartographic material] : Australia and East In...
Carta particolare della costa Australe scoperta dall'Olandesi : la longitud'ne comin'ca da l'Isola d...
030 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of the east coast of New Holland, by James Cook, 1770, Plate III - Oct 4th...
Asiae nova descriptio [cartographic material]. [Album view]
Chart of New Holland with the adjacent countries and new discover'd islands
Nova totius terrarum orbis tabula, 1676 / by Hendrick Donker boekverkooper en Graedt bogen Maecker i...
Karte von Fünften Erdtheil Polynaesien inselwelt oder Australien od. Südindien [Album view]
Essay d'une carte reduite contenant les parties connuees du globe terrestre dedie a M. le Comte de M...
Planisphærium terrestre cum utroque coelesti hemisphærio, sive diversa orbis terraquei.
Magnum Mare del Zur cum insula California = De Groote Zuyd-Zee en't eylandt California [cartographic...
Carte generale des Indes Orientales et des isles adiacentes [cartographic material]. [Album view]
Hemisphere meridional pour voir plus distinctement les terres Australes / par Guillaume del'Isle de...
018 - SAFE/F8/80 - A chart of part of the coast of China and the adjacent islands from Pedro Blanco...
Mar del Sur. Mar Pacifico
Carte tres curieuse de la Mer du Sud contenant des remarques nouvelles et tres utiles non seulement...
New and correct map of the world, laid down according to the newest discoveries and from the most ex...
Kaart van de zuyd-ooster eylanden van Banda [Album view]
029 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of the east coast of New Holland, by James Cook, 1770, Plate IIa - Oct 4th...
Dauphin chart of Australia [Iave La Grande]
Hémisphère oriental, ou de L'ancien monde / par le Sr. d'Anville de l'Academie Royale des Belles Let...
017 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of the Island Pakan or Formosa, from a Dutch MS - July 18th 1792
Oost Indien / [by Pieter Goos] [Album view]
015 - SAFE/F8/80 - A chart of the China Sea, inscribed to Mons.r D'Apres de Mannevillette the ingeni...
Nova totius terrarum orbis tabula, 1730 / per F. de Witt ; ex officina R & I. Ottens [Album view]
Carta secon.a generale del' Asia [cartographic material] / A F Lucini fece. [Album view]
World on Mercator's projection
022 - SAFE/F8/80 - A map of part of Borneo, and the Sooloo Archipelago: laid down chiefly from obser...
023 - SAFE/F8/80 - To His Majesty George the Third, King of Great Britain, &c., this chart of Felici...
Mappemonde a l'usage du roy.
Nieuwe en naukeurige kaart des geheelen Aardbodems
Asien nach den neusten und besten Hülfsmitteln entworffen und herausgegeben im Jahre 1793.
A chart of the eastermost part of the East Indies with all the adjacent islands from Cape Comorin to...
Hemisphere occidental, dresse en 1720, pour l'usage du roy, sur les observations astronomiques et ge...
India quae orientalis dicitur, et insulæ adiacentes / apud G. Valk and P. Schenk. [Album view]
Wereld-kaart, na de alderlaatste Ontdekking i'nt Licht gebragt [Album view]
A chart of part of the interior of New South Wales / by John Oxley, Surveyor GeneralChart of the An...
Carte des Indes Orientales.
Nova orbis tabvla
Nova totius terrarum orbis tabula, 1686 / ex officina T. Robyn, Amstelodami met Privilegio [Album v...
A new and accurate map of the East Jndia Jslands : laid down according to the latest discoveries, an...
Die Sud Pol-Länder sehn [cartographic material] [Album view]
Orbis terrae compendiosa descriptio quam ex Magna Universali Gerardi Mercatoris Domino Richardo Gart...
Nieuwe wassende graaden paskaart vertoonende alle de bekende zeekusten en landen op den geheelen Aar...
Mappa mondo o descrizione generale del globo terraqueo : con i viaggi e nuove scoperte del Cap. Cook
021 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of Faveau's voyage reduced from the original MS on a scale of 7 inches to 1...
A new and accurate map of the East Jndia Jslands : laid down according to the latest discoveries, an...
027 - SAFE/F8/80 - A map in the English Linschoten entitled Insulæ Molvccae & c.ra, imprinted at Lon...
Planiglobii terrestris mappa universalis, utrumq hemisphaerium orient et occidentale repraesentans [...
002 - SAFE/F8/80 - [Continuation of] chart of the east coast of Brazil - 11th May 1779
Northern hemisphere ; Southern hemisphere
A new & accurate map of Asia drawn from the most approved modern maps & charts by Thos. Bowen.
Karte von Australien oder Polynesien : nach den Zeichnungen Reisebeschreibungen, und Tagebucher der...
Carte reduite de l'Australasie pour servir a la lecture de l'Histoire des Terres Australes [cartogra...
Nouveaux mappemonde ou globe terrestre
Nova totius Terrarum orbis tabula / ex officina F. de Wit. [Album view]
007 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of the head of the Gulph of Persia, by Lieut. John McCluer … - Jan.y 25th 1...
024 - SAFE/F8/80 - The Sooloo Archipelago, laid down chiefly from observations in 1761, 1762, 1763 &...
Hemisphere meridional ou antarctique du globe terrestre vuen convexe l'oeil estant pos?? au Zenith e...
Nova orbis tabvla / in lvcem edita, a F. de Wit.
Curious map of some late discoveries in the Terra Australis comprehending New Guinea & New Britain [...
Indiae orientalis insvlarvmqve adiacientivm typvs [Album view]
Karta över Polynesien eller femte delen af jordklotet [cartographic material] = Carte de la Polynesi...
019 - SAFE/F8/80 - A chart of the Schooner Cuddalore's track along the west coast of Palawan in Dece...
Indiæ Orientalis nec non Insularum adiacentium nova descriptio / per Nicolaum Visscher [Album view]
Nova totius terrarum orbis geographica ac hydrographica tabula|h[cartographic material] [Album view]
Paskaerte Zynde t'Oosterdeel Van Oost Indien met alle de Eylanden deer ontrendt geleegen van C. Como...
Amerique Meridionale / dressée sur les observations de l'Academie Royale des Sciences & quelques aut...
The East India Islands, comprehending the Isles of Sunda, the Moluccas and the Philippine Islands [A...
Nieuwe pascaert van Oost Indien verthoonenende hen van C. de Bona Esperanca tot den het Landt van Es...
Asie, et isles qui en dépendent, la N.le Hollande et N.le Zeelande, et isles adjacantes.
Mappe-monde dressé sur les observations [Album view]
New Holland & the adjacent islands, agreeable to the latest discoveries [Album view]
Hemisphere occidental, dresse en 1720, pour l'usage du roy, sur les observations astronomiques et ge...
Diversa Orbis Terrae visu incendente per coluros tropicorum, ambos ejus polos et particuaris sphaera...
Mappe-monde geo-hydrographique; ou, Description générale du globe terrestre et aquatique en deux pla...
Nova et accuratissima totius terrarum orbis tabula, [1664] / Auctore Ioanne Blaeu [Album view]
Nova et accuratissima totius terrarum orbis tabula, [1745] / auctoribus R. & J. Ottens Amsterdami =...
Mare del Sud, detto altrimenti Mare Pacifico [cartographic material] / Auttore Il P. M. Coronelli M....
General chart of the passage from England to Botany Bay in New Holland [Album view]
Mappe-monde suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Messrs. de L'Academie Royale des Sciences etc., Au...
A chart of the track of the Scarborough on her homeward passage from Port Jackson on the Et. (i.e. E...
La Mer des Indes Orientales [Album view]