Item 06: Crowd waits for the Anzac Day march, Singleton, NSW, 25 April 2015 / photograph by Jay Worl...
Item 06: Crowd waits for the Anzac Day march, Singleton, NSW, 25 April 2015 / photograph by Jay Worl...
Injuries to girls face - A70/769
Scarring on inside of right thigh
Scarring on inside of right thigh
Tour of Nth Coast by Minister Mr Stephens
Pool room & pinball parlour
Levi Strauss (jeans) modelled at City Tattersalls Club
A collection of drawings in watercolour, ink and pencil : illustrative of the life, character & scen...
Stan Freberg rehearsing for television show. ATN Epping, 23 April 1959 / photographs by Lynch
Item 22: Prince of Wales Hotel, 97 Mayne Street, Gulgong, NSW, 18 March 2014 / photograph by Geoff A...
Item 111: Saw doctor 9 (Scott Jackson and Louie Rogers), 16 February 2010 / photograph by Ruth Maddi...
Interpreters at union meeting at Malleys factory, Auburn
Group portrait
Nurses graduation, Parramatta Hospital
State wards at Spastic Centre, Allambie Heights
Arthur Lennon & prizewinners of GPO's logo design competition
Geelong Album photographed by E. De Balk, Geelong, 60 & 62 Moorabool St., 1866
Job no. 153: Electrical power lines, south and west of Sydney, and worker, March 1953 / photographs...
Swearing in of new Ministry under Sir Eric Willis
Accident scars
File 232: Bushwalking with modelling by Andrews and Bragg in bush location, ca. 1951 / photographed...
Portrait of The Hon D.P. Landa, Minister for Industrial Relations
Inner-spring mattresses, Waltons
Presentation of Certificates, Government Printer
Item 07: Uncle Jimmy Little and Tex Perkins, City Live, Fox Studios, Sydney, Tuesday, 2 October 2001...
Pagewood Studios, "The Flying Doctor", 3 February 1936 / photographs by Baden H. Mullaney
Children's Day at Redfern Oval
Visit by Deputy Premier to Concord High School
Filming "Ned Kelly", Euroa, Victoria
Ruth Palma, ballet dancer at Bodenweiser Dance Centre, 1980
Item 29: Andrew Parret photographs his parents inside Club Liverpool, Liverpool, George St, Liverpoo...
Opening of 21st International Conference of Safety in Mines Research Institutes at Hilton Hotel
Family with "Kenny Koala" and an "elf" from Dreamworld at the Telgraph Holiday & Travel Show 1983, S...
Item 48: Scary Mother, Sydney, New South Wales, 1983 / photograph by Wendy McDougall
Scarring on inside of right thigh
Item 12: Zambesi at Mercedes Benz Fashion Festival, Sydney Town Hall, 21 August 2014 / photograph b...
Hordern Pavilion wall mural for International Year of the Child
Prison industry at Emu Plains
Marie Haig war bond series, 5 March 1945 / photographed by Alec Iverson
Item 0315: Victoria's Jubilee medal, 1897
Rita Henderson "woman" wrestler, 20 August 1942
Item 0077: Tribune negatives including Communist Party of Australia explosion, [ca. 1974-1975]
Migrant camp Bathurst. Proj / photographed by R. Donaldson
Rita Henderson "woman" wrestler, 20 August 1942
Item 0762: Tribune negatives including injuries and press conference at legal centre, New South Wale...
Baseball at Manly, Pix, October 1953
Stan Freberg rehearsing for television show. ATN Epping, 23 April 1959 / photographs by Lynch
Stockings and skirt, January 1962 / photographs by F. R. Johnson
Illustrations for Middleton story, Waverley, 13 August 1964 / photographs by Lynch
City Library - Samuel Marden's diary, 11 February 1965 / photographs by David Cumming
Holiday girls camping / photographed by Ivan Ives
Stan Freberg rehearsing for television show. ATN Epping, 23 April 1959 / photographs by Lynch
Self-defence for women, June 1964 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Item 0770: Tribune negatives including anti uranium gauntlet and National Alliance shop, December 19...
Daniel Christie, Ryde Psychiatric Centre, 1 August 1968 / photographs by F. R. Johnson
Collection 05: Rosemount Australian Fashion Week 2010 / photographed by Robert Wallace
Ned and Dan Kelly's armour. ATN and Bourke Street police barracks, 1 April 1959 / photographs by Lyn...
Social, 20 February 1964 / photographs by Lynch
Item 171: Tribune negatives including anti-conscription demonstration regarding Bill White's arrest,...
Item 0441: Tribune negatives including health cuts protest, Sydney, New South Wales, June 1979
Hank Morton escapologist, 28 June 1938 / photographed by Ivan Ives
Item 0720: Tribune negatives including Roxby Downs blockaders leave Sydney, August 1983
Go-go session. ATN 7, March 1966 / photographs by Ivan
The sharing book : a souvenir of change in Australia during the 70's / by Roger Marchant
Item 0351: Tribune negatives including Homosexual demonstration, Liverpool Court, Sydney, New South...
Item 0527: Tribune negatives including brewery workers meeting, Sydney, New South Wales and dockland...
Glebe, 2002 / photographed by Patricia Baillie
Snow fashions, 12 April 1955
"Terrible Ten" TV series, August 1959
Jim Spears & Family Steel worker Port Kembla / photographed by F. R. Johnson
Item 586: Tribune negatives including portrait photographs and interior of an unidentified railway f...
Italian community at Griffith NSW, June 1955
"Porgy and Bess" musical, November 1965 / photographs by Ivan
Jantzen series at Garie Beach / photographed by Ivan Ives
Item 0645: Tribune negatives including Royal Easter Show and abortion protest, 1982
Wendy Hill, married model and mother, August 1957 / photographs by Ivan
File 232: Bushwalking with modelling by Andrews and Bragg in bush location, ca. 1951 / photographed...
Item 1136: Tribune negatives including Triple J public meeting and protests, Sydney, New South Wales...
Iris [Mumford], 30 June 1941
Tex Morton's rodeo, 7 November 1940
Gill Bros Rodeo, Cowra, 24 March 1968 / photographs by F. R. Johnson
Fashion, girdles, bras, and petticoat, May 1964 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Back Cover
ATN rehearsal for Kay Stevens Show, October 1965 / photographs by Ivan
Vicky Fossati. Studio, November 1965
William Strutt - a collection of drawings in watercolour, ink and pencil [...] illustrating the Burk...
Stompers at Beatle Village in Darlinghurst, 8 February 1964 / photographs by David Cumming
Item 0180: Tribune negatives including teachers demonstration and International Women's Day, Adelaid...
Masonite, 7 November 1960 / photographs by F. R. Johnson
Item 0886: Tribune negatives including anti-nuclear, peace marches and medicare rally, 1985
Series 07: Sketchbook XXVIII, No. 10 Australian. Nov.???Dec. 1857 / by Eugene von Guerard
A collection of drawings in watercolour, ink and pencil : illustrative of the life, character & scen...
Wollongong, City of
72. u0009Sailors of 'SMS - Emden' at GCC 1916
81. Shopfront Window Industrie, King Street, Newtown
Sub-fonds 2: New housing estates, developments and activities, 2008-February 2013 / photographs by G...
147. u0009Down on their luck internees at GCC 1916
The alternative 70's in Australia / Roger Marchant
The alternative 70's in Australia / Roger Marchant
Series 04: Ludwig Leichhardt Excerpta aus verschiedenen Journalen, 1832-1833