Plan of 22 allotments at Darling Harbour near Jack the Miller's Point to be sold by auction by Mr. L...
026 - SP/811.1717/31 - Darling Harbour [Section 93] - Kent St North, Gas Street, View St, Jenkins St
Plan of Messrs. Long and Wright's Estate at the Miller's Point, Sydney, as sold by public auction on...
032 - SP/811.1717/37 - [Section 57] - [Sussex St, Erskine St], 1885
047 - SP/811.1718/47 - Ground Plan - Referred to by the Within Indenture - Darling Harbour - Sussex...
007 - Z/SP/811.1713/7 - Plan no. 2 - Observatory Hill lands - first sale of business and residential...
009 - SP/811.1717/11 - Lots 12 to 15 [correspondence description of Lots] - No boundaries shown, 184...
018 - SP/811.1718/18 - Section 92 - Windmill St, Kent St
Part of W. Long's & J. Wright's lots 9 & 10. Sec 92 (Talbot's occupation)
008 - Z/SP/M16/8 - Copy of Mr Thorpe's Plan by which this property was sold by auction by Mr Lyons -...
021 - SP/811.1717/26 - Part of Lot 1 - Section 93 - Sydney - Kent St, 1866
002 - Z/SP/811.1713/2 - J Walker's cert...Vol. 148, folio 225 [Sec. 95] - Argyle St, Kent St, [1867]
018 - SP/811.1717/23 - [Section 57] - Sussex St, Erskine St, [1898]
003 - Z/SP/M16/3 - [Sketch plan of Miller's Point] - Windmill St , Argyle St , Kent St, 1880
038 - SP/811.1718/38 - Chapman's Estate - Millers Point - Merriman St, [1881]
050 - SP/811.1718/50 - [Section 92] Millers Point - Munn St, Bettington St
043 - SP/811.1718/43 - [Section 92] - Merriman St, Bettington St
011 - Z/SP/M16/11 - Live & Let Live Hotel - Windmill Creek, Fort St, [1881]
017 - SP/811.1717/22 - Property in Sussex St. Lots 1-8. [Section 11] - Sussex St, Sussex Place
024 - SP/811.1718/24 - [Section 55, part of Lot 15] - Erskine St, Union St (now Day St), Lime St
008 - SP/811.1718/8 - [Section 92] - Windmill St, Argyle St, Kent St
004 - Z/SP/811.1713/4 - [Advertisements for City of Sydney businesses] - No boundaries shown
Tracing from a rough tracing of a Govt. plan S.G.O. S.l 1656 shewing a line asset down in pencil of...
033 - SP/811.1718/33 - [Section 92] - Union St, Millers Rd
007 - SP/811.1718/7 - [Section 93, plan of Lots 1 & 2] - View St, [1878]
002 - SP/811.1718/2 - Section 92 - City of Sydney - Munn St, Clyde St, Unwin St, Wentworth St
040 - SP/811.1717/45 - [Plan of Lot with measurements] - Sussex St, Margaret St, Napolean St
005 - SP/811.1718/5 - Section 92 and 93 - Darling Harbour - No boundaries shown
014 - SP/811.1718/14 - Plan of part Lot 15 - Section 55 - Day St
029 - SP/811.1718/29 - Survey & rough plan of the Market Wharf in the City of Sydney - Corporation S...
020 - SP/811.1717/25 - Lion Flour Mills - City [Section 54] - Kent St, King St, [1888]
013 - SP/811.1717/17 - [Section 57] - King St, Erskine St, Sussex St
Redgrave's land in Windmill & Kent Streets Parish of St. Phillip.
014 - SP/811.1719/16 - [Section 86, 19 allotments] - George St North, [1881]
005 - SP/811.1717/7 - Section 54 - Sussex St, Erskine St, King St, 1834
006 - Z/SP/811.1713/6 - [Section 95] - Fort St, Argyle St, Kent St, 1864
028 - SP/811.1718/28 - Section 55 - Day St, Erskine St, 1887
031 - SP/811.1717/36 - [Plan of various owners showing position of properties with measurements] - N...
[Manuscript cadastral map of allotments along Miller's Road and Crown Street, Millers Point, New Sou...
030 - SP/811.1717/35 - [Section 57, part Lot 10] - Sussex St, 1871
005 - Z/SP/M16/5 - Sketch of 17 Building Allotments - Parish of St Phillips, Sydney - Millers Rd, Ke...
012 - SP/811.1717/16 - Plan of the properties belonging to the Estate of the Late F. J. King, Esq -...
[Part of section 90, Windmill and Fort Streets, Millers Point, Parish of St. Philip]
Sec. 92, part of Martin's grant, Wentworth Place, Millers Road [Album view]
006 - SP/811.1717/8 - [Section 54] - Sussex St, 1882
Plan of a f of 5''3"353/4 of land, the joint property of Messrs. William Long & James Wright shewing...
004 - Z/SP/M16/4 - [Plan of Miller's Point] - Wharf Rd, Windmill St, Kent St North, Chapmans Rd, [18...
013 - SP/811.1719/15 - Allotments - Bonded Stores - George St
[Manuscript cadastral map of Coles Buildings, Argyle Street, Sydney, Section 94] [Album view]
035 - SP/811.1717/40 - Lot 16 Section 54 - Parish of St Phillip - [Kent St]
016 - SP/811.1717/21 - [Section 54] - Kent St, Erskine St
032 - SP/811.1718/32 - Section 92 & 93 - Unwin's Subdivision - Millers Point - Millers Rd, Clyde St,...
025 - SP/811.1718/25 - Munn's Allotments - Sold by Mr. Blackman [Section 92] - Munn St, Bettington S...