A map of the world with the latest discoveries, on which is delineated the voyage of Robinson Crusoe...
G. Mercator's double cordiform map of the world (1538) Southern Hemisphere [cartographic material]....
Nova & accuratissima totius terrarum orbis tabula nautica variationum magneticarum index juxta obser...
Mappe-monde dressé sur les observations ... de l'Académie Royale des Sciences, et quelques autres, e...
Nova totius terrarum orbis tabula
Australasian regions from the Schonerean Frankfort gores, A.D. 1515 [Album view]
Outline map 1596 [cartographic material] : Mappemonde de Gérard Mercator. [Album view]
Mappe-monde pour connoitre les progres & les conquestes les plus remarquables des Prouinces-Vnies......
A Mercator chart of the world / by Thos. Bowen 1778.
[Manuscript world chart] [Album view]
A chart of the world according to Mercator's projection wherein are shewn the latest discoveries. [A...
The Australian regions in Mercator's mappamundi of 1569 [cartographic material]. [Album view]
A new map of the world according to the latest discoveries
Nova Guinea [cartographic material] : [from a map of the world, 1600, by F. Hoeius] / facsimile Geor...
Orbis Typus Universalis Iuxta Hydrographorum Traditionem Exactissime Depicta [cartographic material]...
A general chart exhibiting the discoveries made by Captain James Cook in this and his two preceeding...
[Salamanca's world map on double cordiform projection] [cartographic material] / Ant. Sal. exc. [Alb...
The world [cartographic material] : showing the political divisions ... / prepared especially for th...
Orbis terrae compendiosa descriptio quam ex Magna Universali Gerardi Mercatoris Domino Richardo Gart...
A new general chart of the world exhibiting the whole of the discoveries made by the late Captain Ja...
Nova orbis tabvla
Chart of the world according to Mercator's projection, shewing the Tracks & Discoveries of Captn. Co...
Padron General Ribero map, 1529, Spanish Hemisphere / [Diego Ribero] ; facsimile Geo. Collingridge....
The Australasian regions in Ruysch's mappamundi, A.D. 1508 [cartographic material]. [Album view]
Abraham Goos' Globe, A.D. 1621 [cartographic material] / [from a lithograph by Collingridge]. [Albu...
Orbis terrarum typus de integro multis in locis emendatus, 1652 / Nicolaus Ioannis Visscherius tabel...
Oestliche und westliche Halbkugel de Erde, nach den neuesten entderkungen
Air centre map of notable flights
[Padron General Ribero map, 1529, Spanish and Portugese Hemispheres] [cartographic material] / [Dieg...
Orbis terrae compendiosa descriptio [pars] [Album view]
Mappe-monde physique politique et mathematique ou nouvelle maniere de considerer la terre par la dis...
Eastern hemisphere / [Nikolass Visscher] [Album view]
Nova orbis tabula, ad usum serenissimi Burgundiae Ducis [Album view]
Zendings prentenkaart [Album view]
[The World]
Charte universelle de tout le monde : en laquelle plusieurs régions sont représentées plus exacte...
Novus planiglobii terrestris per utrumque polum conspectus, [1695] [Album view]
6th ed.
Ptolemaic world map by Bernard Sylvanus [Album view]
Descrittione del mappamondo [cartographic material]. [Album view]
Novissima totius terrarum orbis tabula / auctore, Nicolao Visscher [Album view]
The English pilot. The third book, Describing the sea-coasts, capes, head-land, streights, soundings...
Hemisphere oriental [Album view]
A new and correct chart shewing the variations of the compass in the western & southern oceans as ob...
New and correct map of the world, laid down according to the newest discoveries and from the most ex...
[Map of the world showing Drake's voyage] [cartographic material]. [Album view]
Bankoku jinbutsu no zu.
Hydrographical map of the world showing the currents, temperature etc. of the ocean
Planiglobii terrestris cum utroq hemisphaerio caelesti generalis repraesentatio : quam ex novissimis...
The world [cartographic material] / compiled and drawn in the Geographic Section of the National Geo...
A new general chart of the world [cartographic material] : exhibiting the whole of the discoveries m...
Fragment der wereldkaart van Diego Ribeiro, 1529, op de Gr. Hert . Bibliotheek te Weimar [Album view...
Commercial & strategic map of the British Empire
India new wie es zu unsern zeiten erfaren unnd beschriben ist zu landt unnd zu wasser, mit onzäligen...
Asiae nova descriptio [cartographic material]. [Album view]
Nova totius terrarum orbis tabula, 1676 / by Hendrick Donker boekverkooper en Graedt bogen Maecker i...
Map of the world by G. Mercator (1587) Southern hemisphere (Reduced from Nordenskiöeld's Atlas) : Ma...
Essay d'une carte reduite contenant les parties connuees du globe terrestre dedie a M. le Comte de M...
General chart for the purpose of laying down a ship's track on her voyage from England to the East o...
Nieuw aerdsch pleyn [Album view]
Commercial & strategic map of the British Empire
Übersicht sämlicher evangelischen missions stationen in beyden hemisphären im jahr 1820
Die eigentliche und warhafftige Gestalt der Erden und des Meers. Cosmographia universalis [cartograp...
Planisphærium terrestre cum utroque coelesti hemisphærio, sive diversa orbis terraquei.
Turin mappamundi, 8th century [Album view]
Cartographie du moyen-age [cartographic material] : [a sheet of facsimile maps / [Louis Vivien de Sa...
Novus typus orbis ipsus globus, ex Analemmate Ptolomaei diductus [cartographic material] / Studio F....
Peter Goos' map of Hollandia Nova, Circa, 1660-1669 / [lithographic facsimile by] Geo. Collingridge...
Mappa totius Mundi [Album view]
The World, showing routes of voyagers [Album view]
Orbis terrarum nova et accuratissima tabula / auctore Nicolao Visscher, J. de Visscher sculpsit, N.P...
World map showing the shipping routes of the Company
[Grand Océan, a map of the Pacific region divided into Polynésie, including Micronesia, Melanésie, i...
The world on Mercator's projection showing principal Australian trade routes
Nieuwe kaart van het westelykste deel der weereld, dienende tot aanwyzing van de scheepstogten der N...
Carte tres curieuse de la Mer du Sud contenant des remarques nouvelles et tres utiles non seulement...
New and correct map of the world, laid down according to the newest discoveries and from the most ex...
Oranda shinyaku chikyū zenzu
Vera totius expeditionis nauticae descriptio D. Franc. Draci ... [cartographic material] / [Iudocus...
Nova totius terrarum orbis tabula, 1730 / per F. de Witt ; ex officina R & I. Ottens [Album view]
World on Mercator's projection
The world
Nova totius terrarum orbis geographica ac hydrographica tabula / Auctore N.I. Piscator ; C J Vissche...
The Western Hemisphere; The Eastern Hemisphere
Model relief map of the world
Mappemonde a l'usage du roy.
Hyetographic map showing the distribution of the rain over the globe
Asien nach den neusten und besten Hülfsmitteln entworffen und herausgegeben im Jahre 1793.
Hemisphere occidental, dresse en 1720, pour l'usage du roy, sur les observations astronomiques et ge...
L'Hydrographie ou description de l'eau c'est a dire des mers, golfes, lacs, destroits et rivieres pr...
Wereld-kaart, na de alderlaatste Ontdekking i'nt Licht gebragt [Album view]
Commercial & strategic map of the British Empire
A chart of the world on Mercator's projection [Album view]
Planisphere representant toute l'etendue du monde : dans l'ordre qu'on a suivi dans ce livre
The Eastern Hemisphere Western Hemisphere
Nova orbis tabvla
Nova totius terrarum orbis tabula, 1686 / ex officina T. Robyn, Amstelodami met Privilegio [Album v...
Mappemonde peinte sur parchemin par ordre de Henri II Roi de France (6e. Partie) [cartographic mater...
[Untitled world map on a double hemisphere polar projection with each hemisphere drawn onto 36 gores...
Die Oestliche und westliche Halbkugel de Erde, entworfen und gezeichnet [cartographic material] / vo...