Portrait of executive staff member
Portrait of executive staff member
Portrait of Don Burrows in front of the Conservatorium
Portrait of executive staff member
Portrait of executive staff member
Portrait of executive staff member
Kings Cross jazz concert
Portrait of executive staff member
Portrait of executive staff member
Don Burrows & guitarist George Golla outside the Conservatorium
Harbour Bridge 50th Anniversary celebrations
Kings Cross jazz concert
Portrait of Don Burrows in front of the Conservatorium
Portrait of executive staff member
Christmas special presentation at Martin Place
Senior Citizens Week 1980
Teacher, New South Wales State Conservatorium of Music
Portrait of executive staff member
Portrait of executive staff member
File 39: Sydney, street players, [1930s-1940s] / photographed by Max Dupain
File 093: Sydney Opera House, recording studio concert hall, April 1973 / photographs by Max Dupain
File 093: Sydney Opera House, recording studio concert hall, April 1973 / photographs by Max Dupain
File 093: Sydney Opera House, recording studio concert hall, April 1973 / photographs by Max Dupain
File 093: Sydney Opera House, recording studio concert hall, April 1973 / photographs by Max Dupain