Front cover
Inside front cover
Front endpaper
Inside front cover
First flyleaf
f.1 Reflexion of open water on C. Barne Glacier Sunday February 11, 1912. 6:00p.m. Pencil sketch
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
f.2 Panorama Hut Pt. 3 & 4 [and] Pt. 5 & 6. [Similar to coastal profile; notes below sketches identi...
f.3 The grave of Scott, Bill and Birdie. November 16, 1912 .... Pencil sketch
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
f.5 The Gap and Observation Hill from North. October 19, 1912. Pencil sketch
f.7 Right leg of Adelie penguin ? Killed on sea ice. C.Evans about January 14, 1912. Life size. Wate...
f.8 Tip of right wing of Emperor Penguin life size. Killed at Cape Evans on sea ice, February 11, 19...
f.8 Erebus Cape Royds. December 7 1912. Pencil sketch
f.8 Panorama from Hut Pt. 1. October 19, 1912. [Notes below sketch identify landmarks]. Pencil sketc...
f.9a Diomedia irrovata. Pencil sketch
f.9 Looking South from Cape Royds. December 7 1912. [Notes below sketch identify landmarks]. Pencil...
f.10a Diomedia melanophrys [incl. sketch of head]. Pencil sketch
f.10 Icefoot. Cape Royds. December 9, 1912. [Notes below sketch re colours]. Pencil sketch
f.11 Erebus. December 9, 1912 from Cape Royds. Pencil sketch
f.11 Diomedia immutabilis [incl. sketch of bird in flight]. Pencil sketch
f.12 Rough map of the Pressure in the Sea ice off Pram Point. Made October 21, 1912. [Notes on sketc...
f.13 [Blank page on which is written] End of Antarctic Sketches. ACG. Burnside. August 16, 1913
f.14 [Can-can dancer?]. Ink
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
Inside back cover
f.17 Fossil impression from scattered moraine... Watercolour
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
f.17 Killer whale breeding at Cape Royds December 13, 1912. [Notes on sketch re colours]. Pencil ske...
f.19 Bergs off Cape Evan. August 19, 1912 ... sketches from Target Rock. Pencil sketch
f.18 Shackleton's Hut at Cape Royds December 14, 1912. Pencil sketch
f.20 Icecliffs where the Barne Glacier joins the Ramp. August 24, 1912. Pencil sketch
f.19 [Two studies of sledges]. Pencil sketch
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
f.20 Icicles hanging from an icecliff. Cape Royds. 15/12/1923. Pencil sketch
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
f.22 Mont Saint Michel. Copy of Illustration London News - Cape Royds. Pencil sketch
f.24 Lunar halo and vertical shaft. From Cape Evans. August 28, 1912 8.30p.m. Pencil sketch
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
f.23 Discovery from above Cape Royds. December 18, 1912. [Notes on sketch re colours]. Pencil sketch
f.25 Earth shadow on Erebus - 11.15a.m. August 29, 1912. Pencil sketch
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
f.29 Earth shadow on Erebus. 9.30a.m. 1912 September 11.'12.
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
f.30 Adelie penguins. Cape Royds. 20/12/1912. Pencil sketch
f.31 [19 studies of] Skuas? 20/12/1912. Pencil sketch
f.32 [9 studies of penguins, most labelled] Cape Royds. December 21, 1912. Pencil sketch
f.35 Berg off Cape Evans. September 24, 1912 .... Pencil sketch
f.36 [Unidentified unfinished sketch]. Pencil sketch
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
f.36 Lie of skuas wingfeathers. Sunday. January 5, 1913. Cape Evans. Pencil sketch
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
f.38 The Eastern End of Inaccessible Island. September 26, 1912. Pencil sketch
f.38 "The Black Panther". Cape Evans. Antarctic. January 7, 1913. Pencil sketch
f.39 [8 studies of whales, each numbered and labelled]. Ink
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
f.45a End of Great Razorback. November 3, 1912. [Notes below sketch identify landmarks]. Pencil sket...
f.44 [Man holding dog, and penguin] January 9, 1913. Ink
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
f.45a-f.45b End of Great Razorback. November 3, 1912 [Double-page image]
f.46 Schoal [sic] of Whales N. Bay. January 10, 1913 [4 sketches; notes above sketches, each sketch...
f.47 Bearing of Tent Island & Inaccessible Island from the end of Glacier Tongue. November 3, 1912....
f.48 Transit of Tent Island & Inaccessible Island from Glacier Tongue - from "Discovery book". [Sket...
Back Endpaper
Back cover
Back Cover
f.55 Rough sketch of fossil impression ... probably a conifer. January 26, 1913. Pencil sketch
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
f.57 Same berg - end seen at 8a.m. ... February 1, 1913. Pencil sketch
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
Inside back cover
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
Back cover
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...
Sketchbooks containing drawings made during the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 / Apsley Geo...