The sketches provide an account of the Wanderer's voyage from South Head Twofold Bay and The Heads B...
1a. [Boat with landscape]
Brig Yacht Wanderer / by O.W. Brierly
The Wanderers, R.Y.S. / by O.W. Brierly
Schooner Yacht Dolphin / O. W. Brierly
1. Albatrofs [i.e. albatross] shot on board the Wanderer Mar. 18 1842
1b. 31 December 1833 [sailing ship]
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
3. [studies of unidentified birds with notes on colour]
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
Oswald W.B. Brierly : [Wanderer. Sketches of scenes and studies], 1833-1842
3a. [sketch of unidentified bird on water]
3a. See ....? [Cloud study. Watercolour]
5. [Webbed Foot of unidentified bird with notes on size]
Oswald W.B. Brierly : [Wanderer. Sketches of scenes and studies], 1833-1842
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
4b. 2.20 PM 4 Augt 1840. Lying from lee Isle Duperrey. [sailing ship]
7. Under part of the foot of Pea? Hen
7a. [sketch of clouds]
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
8. [unidentified bird]
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
9. [Seagull]
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
10. [Pelican]
9. Mewstone dist 3 miles
10. Cape Town from the Bay [with notes]
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
12. [Flying fish?]
14. Curious sea weed picked up off Tristan d
12. The Island of Sal, at 5.15 P.M. Sunday Jany 9th [or 7th] 1842 Dis about 12 miles - Main Point be...
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
15. [Sea weed]
13b. [Sailing ship]
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
16a. Somerset Town Tristan d Acunha [i.e. Tristan da Cunha]
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
16b. [Landscape with figures in foreground. Unfinished pencil sketch]
18. Wanderer rounding the Cape Monday April 4th 1842 [with notes]
19. False Bay April 4th 1842 [with notes]
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
20. Primitive Australia. The Kiah Mount Imlay. May 1st 1842
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
22a. Plan accepted on Board The Wanderer spare topsail set as a fore sail - May 19th 1842 [showing m...
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
25b. Off Teneriffe [sailing ships and boats]
26a. Raza Island at 2.30 [with notes] ; 26b. [Landscapes]
27. Lord Hood's nose on Gabia to Lee Blunt 554
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
33b. From Nytheroy to the city about 5 years [sailing ships]
34a. Land Bearing N. Wed Feb 3 1841 at the entrance of Rio
35. Beam Voyage [3 landscapes with colour notes]
36. Curious Schooner in Rio Harbour
38. Decr. 26th 1849 [in pencil]. Village of Camera De Lobos - or Chamber of the Seals. District of C...
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
40a. Showers in Lat 25-47-S Lon 30.28-W
40b. [Sailing ship]
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
42. Ryde Oct 5th/[18]41 [Sailing ships]
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
43-44, 46. [Sailing ships. On reverse of sketches are journal entries respectively dated 13th, 14th,...
43-44, 46. [Sailing ships. On reverse of sketches are journal entries respectively dated 13th, 14th,...
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
45. Lugger at anchor in the weather tide see sketch [entry for 17th Oct on reverse]
Van Diemans [i.e. Diemen's] Land Sketches / by O.W. Brierly, 1842-1847
43-44, 46. [Sailing ships. On reverse of sketches are journal entries respectively dated 13th, 14th,...
43-44, 46. [Sailing ships. On reverse of sketches are journal entries respectively dated 13th, 14th,...
Oswald W.B. Brierly : [Wanderer. Sketches of scenes and studies], 1833-1842
48. Brillania - rung up channel 25th Octr. 1841 [text dated Monday 25th on reverse]
50. Preparing to start [Journal entry for 30th Sept. on reverse]
51. [Sailing ships. Text on reverse]
52. [Sailing ships. Text on reverse]
53. Lymington[?] Creek [Journal entry for Wednesday 20th on reverse]
53. Lymington[?] Creek [Journal entry for Wednesday 20th on reverse]
55. Fox mart ought to Bend for d [i.e. forward]. Wanderer at 5 PM Taking in a sea over the ....
56. Pacquita. Boat in which our horses were taken from Rio to Piedade[?] [Text on reverse]
58b. [Mountain range with colour notes. Pencil sketch]
59. [Coastal view]
61. [Mountains with colour notes]
62. N by W 1/2 W [Landscape]
66. [Pathway view in park]
68a. [Landscape with notes]
68b. [Sailing ships - unfinished sketches]
69. [Landscape with notes]
70. Lat. Lon. March 8th N by E [Cloud study]
75a-b. [Town Views with notes]
77a. [Landscape]
78. Devils Peak 3315 feet
80a. [Sketches of houses, various modes of transport, and ships]