034 - SAFE/F8/78 - Chart of the west coast of Madagascar from a MS by Mr. White and some addition by...
079 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of Ayer-Bongy, on the west coast of Sumatra; from a Dutch M.S - 25 Feb.y 177...
115 - SAFE/F8/78 - Kismis Channel in the Gulph of Persia, from the early editions of Van Keulen - 10...
097 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of the Bay of Huddada by _; Plan of Mocha Road, from an English MS., receive...
014 - SAFE/F8/77 - New Holland, Sumbawa, Lombock, Bally and Madura - 1st March 1780
081 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of Padang, the chief settlement of the Dutch on the west-coast of Sumatra; f...
009 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of Mohila, from VanKeulen - 5 Feb.y 1774
069 - SAFE/F8/78 - Chart of the Eagle's track, 1772, by Jospeh Mascall Volunt.r, 1774, from a MS. At...
131 - SAFE/F8/78 - Chart of the Coast of Scindy and Bay of Cutch, with part of the coast of Guzurat...
195 - SAFE/F8/78 - Survey of the coast of Chittigan, by Barth. Plaisted, 1761, from the MS., at the...
185 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of part of the coast of Choromandel, by Capt. George Baker, 1759; Chart of p...
238 - SAFE/F8/78 - Sambeelan Islands in the Strait of Malacca, by Mr. Rennell, 1763 - Jan: 4th 1781
017 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of the Island Karak, and Bay of Bundereek in the Gulph of Persia: from an En...
029 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of Kings Island Road; and view of Kings Town, Maldives; taken on board the S...
056 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of the Islands Cosmoledo, sailed round by Cornelis Jacobsz, from John Vankeu...
138 - SAFE/F8/78 - Chart of the coast of India from Arnol Island to Nonsaree River by Lieut: John Ri...
032 - SAFE/F8/81 - A survey of Negrais Harbour, by Thomas Taylor, 1753 and plan of the entrance of P...
093 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of Yambo Harbour on the coast of Arabia in the Red-Sea in Latitude 24°10' N...
035 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of the passage to the east of Banka, laid down from observations in Ship Va...
030 - SAFE/F8/77 - Views on the Choromandel coast Pl:2 - Dec.r 17th 1781
049 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of the Port of Palapa on the No. coast of Samar, by Don Manuel Galves - 10 J...
053 - SAFE/F8/78 - Bahia Fermosa on the coast of Melinde, from Manoel Piementel; Plan of the Island...
149 - SAFE/F8/78 - Comptee on the Malabar coast, by Elias Bates, 1725 - March 27: 1775
204 - SAFE/F8/78 - Chart of the Arackan River, from an English MS - 3 Feb.y 1774
007 - SAFE/F8/77 - Strait of Mallacca, by Capt. Rich.d Peirce. Pl. 2 - 30th July 1779
168 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of Tellicherry Road on the Malabar coast, by Capt. Thomas Lynn of the Chatha...
014 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of Kisseen Bay on the south coast of Arabia, by C David Chrichton - 15 Jan.y...
102 - SAFE/F8/78 - Gulph of Persia, from an English MS, by John Friend, 1704; Gulph of Persia from M...
001 - SAFE/F8/80 - In testimony of respect and esteem to Richard Viscount Howe, this chart of the ea...
026 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of the harbour on the Island St. Mary called by the natives Noessa Ibrahim n...
221 - SAFE/F8/78 - Chart of the Andaman Islands, by Capt. John Ritchie, 1771, from the MS., at the E...
107 - SAFE/F8/78 - Gulph of Persia, by John van Keulen - Feb.y 21st 1787
103 - SAFE/F8/78 - Golf of Persia by Samuel Thornton, from the edition of 1716; Golf of Persia by Jo...
038 - SAFE/F8/77 - Views of the land from Dofar to Shoal Cliff on the coast of Arabia taken by James...
012 - SAFE/F8/77 - Views of Fort St. George on the coast of Choromandel by B: Henry Dec.r 1775 - 10t...
020 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of the Island Palawan from observations in the Sloop Endeavour in April & M...
229 - SAFE/F8/78 - Nicobar Islands, by Capt. John Ritchie, 1771 - Jan.y 24th 1785
146 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of Vassava, by Lieut. Edward Harvey, 1777 - Dec.r 27 1780
118 - SAFE/F8/78 - A chart of the coast of Persia, with the various branches of Bussora River; Catip...
054 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of the chielf ports on the coast of Ylocos in Luzon, from a Spanish M.S.; Po...
035 - SAFE/F8/81 - Chart of Tavay River, by Capt.n Palairet, 1753 - 5th Feb.y 1774
242 - SAFE/F8/78 - Chart of the Island St. Mathew and adjacent islands, by Capt. Thomas Forrest, 178...
061 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of Billimbing Bay, on he west-coast of Sumatra; by Charles Gustavus Wahlfeld...
062 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of Bencoonat Bay, on the west coast of Sumatra, by Charles Gustavis Wahlfeld...
233 - SAFE/F8/78 - Chart from Jan Sylan to Queda, by Thomas Forrest - May 31st 1786
210 - SAFE/F8/78 - Sketch of part of the coast of Ava, by Capt: Charles Newland - Dec.r 11th 1784
086 - SAFE/F8/78 - Port and city of Suaquem on the coast of Abexim in the Red Sea, Lat: 19°1/2 N, fr...
013 - SAFE/F8/77 - Mozambique Channel Pl:1. - 21st Feb: 1780
028 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of the east coast of New Holland, by James Cook, 1770, Plate 1st - Oct 4th...
193 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of Bomeeny Harbour, 1770 - March 19th 1782
234 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of Quedah Road, by Capt.n Ashbridge - Aug.t 17th 1781
141 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of Bulsaur River Lat. 20°30' N., by Lieut.t John Ringrose, from the collecti...
033 - SAFE/F8/81 - A chart of the River of Persaim, by Capt. George Baker with some additions from a...
044 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of the bay of Macaloe on the east coast of Africa from a French MS - May 31s...
003 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of the east coast of Africa, from a Portuguese MS., received from Capt. Obe...
021 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan and view of Gingerah, commonly called Donda Rajapore on the Malabar Coast in...
028 - SAFE/F8/81 - The mud bank of Cranganor on the Malabar Coast, from the early editions of Van Ke...
201 - SAFE/F8/78 - Chart of the coast of Arrackan, by Capt: Richard Peirce, 1759; The coast of Chitt...
188 - SAFE/F8/78 - A chart of the Bay of Coringah, from Point Gardawar to Jaggernautporam, surveyed...
004 - SAFE/F8/77 - Views in the Grenville, 1775 ; View of the land round False Bay, A.A. join - 28th...
005 - SAFE/F8/80 - An eye draught from Dofar to Shoal Cliff on the coast of Arabia, taken in Decemb...
124 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of the Road of Jasques on the coast of Persia, from a book of MS charts, by...
017 - SAFE/F8/77 - Malabar coast, Plate 3d - 1st March 1780
198 - SAFE/F8/78 - A draught of part of the coast of Arrackan and Chittigan, by Jon: Ranson, mariner...
077 - SAFE/F8/78 - Diego Garcia, form a sketch by Capt. Tho. Forrest - Oct. 1st 1786
021 - SAFE/F8/77 - Lantao - May 21 1780
217 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of the Siriam or Syrian River in Pegu - 20 March 1775
034 - SAFE/F8/77 - Views of the lands around Dampiers Strait in the Ship Earl Mansfield, Capt: Willi...
203 - SAFE/F8/78 - Chart of the coast to the southward of Arackan River by Capt. Herbert Sutherland,...
050 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of the bays and islands of Quiloa on the east coast of Africa, Lat. 9°.0'S.,...
092 - SAFE/F8/78 - Torr Harbour on the coast of Arabia in the Red Sea, Lat. 28°15'N, from an origina...
016 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of Bushier, in the Persian Gulph; by Cap David Simmons - July 25th 1774
143 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of Danno River, Lat. 19°58' N., by John Ringrose, from Governor Hornby's col...
080 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of Priaman and the Ticoo Islands on the west coast of Sumatra, by Com: John...
175 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of Batacaloe on the Island of Ceylon, June 1762 - 25 Jan.y 1775
208 - SAFE/F8/78 - Chart of the coasts of Aracan and Ava, by John Ritchie, 1770 & 1771 - Nov.r 17th...
004 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of the island of Idolon called by sailors Isles de Loss by William Woodville...
036 - SAFE/F8/77 - Views of coast of China by A. Dalrymple. Pl. 1 - Nov.r 6th 1783
014 - SAFE/F8/78 - Chart of the east coast of Madagascar from Vohemere Bay to Cape Ambre laid down f...
074 - SAFE/F8/81 - Sumatra views - 5 May 1774
123 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of the Island of Karak, and Bay of Bundereek in the Gulph of Persia: from an...
027 - SAFE/F8/78 - Harbour of St. Mary's on the east side of Madagascar Lat. 17°0'. S, by John Brohi...
052 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of the Port of Seeseeran on Luzon, by Don Manuel Galves; Plan of the Bay of...
055 - SAFE/F8/81 - Bay of Calapan on the N. coast of Mindoro. From an English M.S - 10 July 1774
013 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of the Island Socotra, in 12°25'N., from a French MS, 1764, by C.O. F.R.; Ro...
096 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan and view of Moha in the Red-Sea, from an antient book of MS., by M. Hunter;...
067 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of the Islands/dos Banhos discovered by Lazare Picault in the Tartan Elizabe...
008 - SAFE/F8/80 - A chart of the Persian Gulph from Muscat to Bushere, by John McCluer, 1785 - June...
015 - SAFE/F8/78 - Chart of the east coast of Madagascar from Manivoul to Cape East, from M. D'Apres...
167 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of the Island Durmapatam on the Malabar coast, Latt.11°.57'N - 1st Aug.st 17...
048 - SAFE/F8/81 - Bay of Panguyl on Mindanao, or, Mageendanao, from a Spanish M.S., 1754 - 10 July...
225 - SAFE/F8/78 - Chart of the channel thro' the Andamans, passed by Capt. Cleugh in Ship Adm. Poco...
034 - SAFE/F8/81 - Plan of Siriam, or, Syrian River in Pegu - 20 March 1775
190 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of island and harbour of Codgone or Codjon with part of the River Samore lea...
084 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan and view of ASAB on the Aethiopian coast in the Red-Sea from an old English...
101 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of Morebat Bay on the south coast of Arabia, variation 6°40' W., by Capt. Jo...
065 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of the Harbour of Seychelles, from an actual survey made in 1771, by David T...
087 - SAFE/F8/78 - Bahia de Fucha on the coast of Abixim in the Red Sea, Lat: 20°. 1/3 N, from Van K...
189 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of the road and harbour of Coringah, surveyed by William Stevens, Sub: D:r E...
030 - SAFE/F8/78 - Plan of Port Louquez on Madagascar in Lat: 12°48' S. … from M. D'Apres - May 27th...