The Fleet at night from top of Library
The Fleet at night from top of Library
At the Sports, Agricultural Ground - Sperry, Rawson & daughter
Official landing - Admiral Sperry
State Government and party at Reception Pavilion
Sports, Agricultural Ground - Admiral Sperry, Sir T Suttor
Review, Centennial Park
On board the "Connecticut"
View from Tarpeian Way
Man-o-War Steps
Visit of the Great White Fleet
General Post Office at night
George Street South from Martin Place
Fleet at anchor, from top of Chief Secretary's Office
The "Connecticut" from Kirribilli Point
On board the "Connecticut"
Procession through city
American sailors in procession
Macquarie Street
Australian Club
Departure of the Fleet
Review, Centennial Park
Arrival of the Great White Fleet, Sydney Harbour
Departure, US American fleet, Connecticut leading
Lands Office
Departure of the American Fleet
Review, Centennial Park
Sports at Agricultural Ground
Statue of Liberty, King Street, erected by Daily Telegraph
American sailors landing at Woolloomooloo
Procession through city
Fleet at night from Fort Macquarie
Great White Fleet in Sydney Harbour
Departure of the American Fleet
U.S. Army Fleet in Sydney Harbour
Town Hall at night
Departure of the American Fleet
Martin Place
Public reception in Domain
Church Parade, Centennial Park
Statue of Queen Victoria
Customs House
Governor Bourke's Statue
Martin Place at night
Martin Place after the Procession
Arrival of Fleet, from Bradleys Head
Military parade
Portion of American Fleet off Bradleys Head
Sports, Agricultural Ground - Admiral Sperry, Sir T Suttor
Visitors boarding "Connecticut"
Departure of the Fleet
Fleet at anchor, from Bradleys Head
Fleet at anchor, from top of Library
American sailors landing Dawes Point
Arrival of Fleet off Heads, from Middle Head
Garden Party at Cranbrook
Martin Place
Public Reception for Admiral Sperry at Domain
Macquarie Street from Bridge Street
Saluting the port, from Bradleys Head
Harbour after arrival of Fleet
Arrival of Fleet
Arrival of Fleet, from Georges Head
Review, Centennial Park
Departure of the American Fleet
Review, Centennial Park
Review, Centennial Park
American sailors landing Dawes Point
Martin Place procession
Review in Centennial Park
Sports at Agricultural Ground
Statue of Liberty
American sailors landing at the Quay
Review in Centennial Park
Visit of the Great White Fleet
Sports, Agricultural Ground - Admiral Sperry, Sir T Suttor
Queen Victoria Statue
Saluting the port, from Bradleys Head
Official landing - Admiral Sperry
People visiting Fleet
Arrival of Fleet, from Georges Head
Welcome at Manly
Government House gates
Procession through Hyde Park
Review, Centennial Park
George Street South from Martin Place
Album 42: Photographs of the Allen family, August 1908 - December 1908
Album 42: Photographs of the Allen family, August 1908 - December 1908
Album 42: Photographs of the Allen family, August 1908 - December 1908
Album 42: Photographs of the Allen family, August 1908 - December 1908
Album 42: Photographs of the Allen family, August 1908 - December 1908
Album 42: Photographs of the Allen family, August 1908 - December 1908
Album 42: Photographs of the Allen family, August 1908 - December 1908
Album 42: Photographs of the Allen family, August 1908 - December 1908
Album 42: Photographs of the Allen family, August 1908 - December 1908
Album 42: Photographs of the Allen family, August 1908 - December 1908
Album 42: Photographs of the Allen family, August 1908 - December 1908
Album 42: Photographs of the Allen family, August 1908 - December 1908
Album 42: Photographs of the Allen family, August 1908 - December 1908
Album 42: Photographs of the Allen family, August 1908 - December 1908
Album 42: Photographs of the Allen family, August 1908 - December 1908