047 - SAFE/F8/79 - Sketch of Port Stephens, Lat. 53°30' N., Long. 130°12' W., by Charles Duncan, Mas...
047 - SAFE/F8/79 - Sketch of Port Stephens, Lat. 53°30' N., Long. 130°12' W., by Charles Duncan, Mas...
103 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of the place where Mons.r Crozet [anchored] on the east side of Banka, 23rd...
013 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of part of Balambangan, from T. Parang to Bontud., showing the entrance to L...
011 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the coast of China, adjacent to Honghai Island; from ibservations in the...
198 - SAFE/F8/79 - Views of the lands around Dampiers Strait in the Ship Earl Mansfield, Capt: Willi...
077 - SAFE/F8/79 - New Guinea, this chart is copied from a Dutch MS without date or name of vessel w...
104 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the Clements Strait to the west of Billiton, with the track of the fleet...
135 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Po. Marra and adjacent islands and of Soongey Peesang and Soongey Peenang...
008 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Tien-pe-hien on the coast of China, by Capt.n George Stainforth; Galloon,...
165 - SAFE/F8/79 - Brazil, from Vankeulen - 28th July 1779
073 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Selang Harbour, by Capt. Thomas Forrest - Aug.t 27th 1781
150 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the passage between Po. Bato and SE Beeroo, called Nantian and Good-Fort...
145 - SAFE/F8/79 - Sketch of passage between Po. Banjac and the west coast of Sumatra, from an Engli...
085 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of English Cove and Gower's Harbour in New-Britain, 1767 - June 1.st 1781
059 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the south part of Celebes and adjacent islands, from a Dutch printed cha...
094 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the coast of Sumatra, from Acheen to Diamond Point, by Capt. George Bake...
002 - SAFE/F8/79 - Padaran Bay on the coast of Tsiompa, in Lat 11°30' N, from Vankeulen - Jan: 7 178...
052 - SAFE/F8/79 - Sketch of Sapy Bay on the Island of Sumbawa, by Mr. Thomas Welladvice, in the Shi...
140 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the passage between the islands of Great Fortune lying off the west coas...
008 - SAFE/F8/80 - A chart of the Persian Gulph from Muscat to Bushere, by John McCluer, 1785 - June...
123 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Bencoonat Bay on the west coast of Sumatra; by Charles Gustavus Wahlfeldt...
024 - SAFE/F8/79 - Track of Ship Union, Capt. Robert Lindsay, from the Island Arentes to and from Pa...
099 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the track of Ship Atlas thro' the islands to the east of Banka, by Capt....
116 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Vinkops, or, Wine-Coopers Point and Bay on Java, Lat. 7°25' , 28 Lea.s E...
105 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart shewing the track of the Hector, Capt. John Williams, 1759, laid down from...
197 - SAFE/F8/79 - Revenge's views, Pitt's Passage, 1763 & 1764, by Comm: John Watson - July 7th 178...
058 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the west end of the island of Timor with part of the adjacent island, fr...
100 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Mintow Road - August 1st 1789
101 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of the Warren Hastings' track to the east of Banka, by Capt. John Pascal Lar...
180 - SAFE/F8/79 - Strait of Singapore - March 17th 1780
137 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Pooloo Saytan Harbour on the west coast of Sumatra, by Capt. John McDonal...
049 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the Strait of Allass, laid down from observations in the Van Sittart, by...
033 - SAFE/F8/80 - Plan of the Straits of Solor, from a Dutch MS communicated by Com: John Watson -...
030 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of the river of Borneo proper, on the north-west coast of Borneo Island, by...
164 - SAFE/F8/79 - Views in the Grenville, 1775; View of the land round False Bay, A.A. join - 28th...
045 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Rose's Harbour, Lat. 52°9' N., Long. 131°20' W., by Jams Johnstone, a Mas...
139 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of the north part of Poolo Nayas adjacent to the west coast of Sumatra, from...
169 - SAFE/F8/79 - Views of the land from Dofar to Shoal Cliff on the coast of Arabia, taken by Jame...
031 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of the great bay on the north side of New Guinea, from a Dutch MS, communic...
070 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the islands seen in the Warwick, Capt. James Dewar, 1761, by Capt. Rober...
009 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of the coast from Cape Arubah to the entrance of the Gulph of Persia, surve...
182 - SAFE/F8/79 - No. 1, View of No. Nassau or Poggy Island, Thomas Forrest del.; No. 2, View of No...
201 - SAFE/F8/79 - Flying Eagle, Pl: 2 - Jan: 11th 1782
025 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of the track of the Ship Glatton, by M. William McNamara … - Oct.r 9th 1791
097 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart from Lingen to Borneo, including Banka, Billeton and Crimata, from two char...
098 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the track of the Mascarin commanded by M. Crozet in March and April 1773...
108 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of the road of Batavia on the north coast of Java, published by Gerard Van K...
161 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of the track of the French ships, Elephant, M. Winslow and Camel, M. Omerat,...
083 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Carterets Harbour in St. Georges Sound, New-Britain, 1767 - June 7th 1781
064 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of the Bay of Bony on the south part of Celebes, from a Dutch MS., obtained...
013 - SAFE/F8/80 - A chart of the northern part of the Bay of Bengal, laid down chiefly from from th...
081 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of the Harbour of Offak on Waygiou, by Capt.n Thomas Forrest; View of the mo...
026 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Abai Harbour on the NW coast of Borneo, by James Rennell, 1762 - 27th Feb...
082 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Rawak Harbour on the north-side of Waygiou by Capt.n Thomas Forrest; View...
006 - SAFE/F8/80 - A chart of the coast of Persia, with the various branches of Bussora River - 13th...
144 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Tappean-Oely, or, Tappanooly in 1°.25'. No. Lat: on the west-coast of Sum...
168 - SAFE/F8/79 - Diver views relative to Lieut. Archibald Blair's chart and remarks concerning the...
003 - SAFE/F8/79 - Harbour on the coast of Cochin, China - April 24th 1780
030 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of the east coast of New Holland, by James Cook, 1770, Plate III - Oct 4th...
163 - SAFE/F8/79 - Views in the Grenville, 1775 - Oct.r 1st 1779
184 - SAFE/F8/79 - [Various islands views] - [8 November 1783]
147 - SAFE/F8/79 - A chart of Po. Nayas, from a MS., in the collection of Capt: Charles Boddam, comm...
121 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Billimgbing Bay on the west-coast of Sumatra; by Charles Gustavus Wahlfel...
193 - SAFE/F8/79 - Pitt's Passage, Pl:1 -
046 - SAFE/F8/79 - Milbank's Sound, Lat. of the cove 52°14' N., Long. 129°0' W., variation observed,...
149 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of part of the Islands Pora, or Good Fortune; and Poggys, or, Nassau; Capt....
130 - SAFE/F8/79 - Padang, the chief settlement of the Dutch Company on the west coast of Sumatra; V...
056 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the Strait of Solor, from a Portuguese MS used by the Portuguese of Maca...
066 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the west coast of Celebes, from Tanakeke to Mandhar, from a Dutch MS., o...
179 - SAFE/F8/79 - Strait of Mallacca, by Capt.n Rich.d Pierce, Pl. 4 - 30th Sept.r 1779
017 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the Cuyos, and part of Panay - April 11th 1775
054 - SAFE/F8/79 - Mangrove Harbour or Floris or Mangery, laid down from observations, 1st April 176...
037 - SAFE/F8/79 - Sketch of the Islands to the S E of Lantao on the coast of China. From a Chinese...
107 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Po. Pontangh or Princes Island and adjacent coast of Java, from a Dutch M...
095 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Acheen Road, from the French - Jan 27th 1785
057 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the islands, Mangaray and Sumba with Timor and adjacent islands from a D...
075 - SAFE/F8/79 - The Iland of Banda wholy in possession of the Hollanders who made a bloody conque...
020 - SAFE/F8/79 - A map of part of Borneo, and the Sooloo Archipelago: laid down chiefly from obser...
001 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Pera River, Po. Ding Ding and the Sambelong Islands, by Thomas Forrest -...
032 - SAFE/F8/79 - Sketch of the east and south coast of Natunas Islands, laid down from observation...
120 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Keyser's Bay, called by the natives Semanko, on the So. Coast of Sumatra,...
018 - SAFE/F8/80 - A chart of part of the coast of China and the adjacent islands from Pedro Blanco...
078 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the west part of New-Guinea and the adjacent straits, from a Dutch MS.,...
029 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of the east coast of New Holland, by James Cook, 1770, Plate IIa - Oct 4th...
022 - SAFE/F8/79 - To His Majesty George the Third, King of Great Britain, &c., this chart of Felici...
195 - SAFE/F8/79 - Views of the lands around the Pitts-Strait … - May 11th 1780
017 - SAFE/F8/80 - Chart of the Island Pakan or Formosa, from a Dutch MS - July 18th 1792
015 - SAFE/F8/80 - A chart of the China Sea, inscribed to Mons.r D'Apres de Mannevillette the ingeni...
034 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Po. Condor, Lat: 8°40' N, by M. Didier, from M. D'Apres; Po. Condor, from...
113 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of the Island Lubeck, called by the natives Babean - June 1st 1780
069 - SAFE/F8/79 - Kanary Islands, no. of the Mysol, Lat: 1°40'S., by Capt.n Thomas Forrest - Aug.t...
022 - SAFE/F8/80 - A map of part of Borneo, and the Sooloo Archipelago: laid down chiefly from obser...
023 - SAFE/F8/80 - To His Majesty George the Third, King of Great Britain, &c., this chart of Felici...
158 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the mouths of the Straits of Malacca and Banka to the coast, of Borneo,...
031 - SAFE/F8/79 - Sketch of the northern part of the Natunas Islands, by Capt.n John Clements, 1773...
036 - SAFE/F8/79 - A chart of part of the coast of China and the adjacent islands, from Pedro Blanco...
183 - SAFE/F8/79 - Views of islands off the west coast of Sumatra, Pl: 2d - Sept.r 7th 1782
187 - SAFE/F8/79 - Coast of China - [7 November 1783]
068 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of part of the east coast of Celebes and the adjacent islands; Castricoms B...
192 - SAFE/F8/79 - Straits of Sapy, Sumbawa and Mangery or Floris, by A. Dalrymple, 1761 - 25th June...