Item 270: Currency notes, one shilling, issued by Frederick Bradley, 1824
Item 433: Currency note, one shilling and sixpence, issued by Wm. [William] Jenkins, 1812
Item 09: Colonel Reginald Travers miscellaneous papers, 1914-1918
Item 752: Bank of Otago, banknote, ten shillings, [185-?]
Memorandum headed 'Mr Marshall', undated (Series 18.101)
Item 571: Currency note, sixpence, issued by Thomas Stace, 1826
Item 02: Hugh Quinn collection of photographs, postcards and ephemera, ca 1912-1919
Item 04: Memorial plaque and scroll issued to William Foxford, ca.1922
Item 0612: Awards, Academic, Sydney University medal
Letter received by Banks from George Caley, 26 June 1814 (Series 18.079)
Letter received by Banks from Philip Gidley King, 26 November 1807 (Series 39.105)
Letter received by Banks from George Caley, 12 March 1799 (Series 18.019)
Item 07: Leo Walsh soldier's pay books, 1916-1918
Album 02: Photographs of the Allen family, 1920 - 1925
Volume 1: New Guinea Expedition sketches. [Sketchbook 11.7 x 18.8 cm., numbered '29' on front cover,...
Item 09: Oliver Hogue photographs and postcards, 1918
Item 02: Oliver Hogue photographs, 1915-1919
Box 1: Stereographs of New Zealand ca. 1895-1910
Botanical sketches and drawings, 1893-1897 / Edward William Minchen
Item 1: Index to personal names, titles and subjects in literary notebooks and diaries, [between 190...
Log of the Proceedings of His Majesty's Ship Bounty Lieut. Wm Bligh Commander from Otaheite towards...
Item 08: Postcards and photographs of cities and towns in China, S-Z, ca. 191-? / from the papers of...
Series 02 Part 14: [Dangar family photographs]
Photographs of actors and actresses, singers, music hall artists and others, ca. 1870-ca. 1897, main...
Item 04a: Letters from Walter Lawry Waterhouse, 21 June 1915-15 January 1919
Photographs taken during internment on Torrens Island Camp, ca. 1914-1915
Item 01: William Worth and Joan Worth family photographs, 1903-1963
Item 01: Oliver Hogue photographs, ca. 1915-1919
Volume 4: Drawings for The Lone Hand magazine, ca. 1907-1912 / by Norman Lindsay
Collection of drawings, 1861-1889 / Robert Russell
Item 01: Oliver Hogue photographs, ca. 1915-1919
Volume 255a: Angus & Robertson pictorial material - The Lawson Family Portraits and Views, ca. 1866-...
Item 09: Oliver Hogue photographs and postcards, 1918
[Greeting cards, Christmas cards and postcards published during World War I]
58 verso. Views of the guards at work and play
Sketchbook No. 19, ca. 1794 / John Glover
Volume 3: European and other non-Australian views, Mo-V, ca. 1892-1950
Botanical sketches and drawings, 1893-1897 / Edward William Minchen
Item 08: A Logg [Log] Book of the proceedings on Board His Majesty's Ship Swallow, Captain Philip Ca...
80 verso. Officer's quarters
Photographs taken during internment on Torrens Island Camp, ca. 1914-1915
File 06: Miles Franklin General Correspondence, 1904-1954
194. Derby. Revd. Wm. Ellis Missionary, from the Society and Sandwich Islands. 1826.
File 09: Miles Franklin General Correspondence, 1915-1950
Album of photographs of Sydney & country New South Wales, ca. 1871 / American & Australasian Photogr...
[Botanical drawings of mainly Australian plants], ca. 1852-1896 / by Helena Forde
Album of photographs of Sydney & country New South Wales, ca. 1871 / American & Australasian Photogr...
Photographs taken during internment on Torrens Island Camp, ca. 1914-1915
Item 07: Oliver Hogue photographs and postcards, 1916
f.175 Independent Theatre/ “Little Round House” / Water Lily/ Carolyn Southwell – Keely. 1957. [Sign...
171 verso. Public buildings
Item 08: Postcards and photographs of cities and towns in China, S-Z, ca. 191-? / from the papers of...
Item 08: Postcards and photographs of cities and towns in China, S-Z, ca. 191-? / from the papers of...