Mr Watson
Mr Watson
B. Edwards, PWD or W.R. Cundy, Land Tax or B. Jessop, PWD or E. Darley, Agriculture or N. Houston, P...
Mr Bob Swann, Mr Steve McCoy, Joe Ventura
A.W. Heischmann, Health or A.D. Mears, Agriculture or MEJ Ellis, Tech Education or J. Cape, PSB
Portraits of Legislative Council officers
Mr J. Allen
S.H. Wesley, Public Works or A.K. Sheridan, Agriculture or A. Duncan, Valuer-Generals or Gregory, As...
Government Insurance Office - Country representatives
Portrait of Mr V Nash?
Personnel Assessment
Mr Roberts, Head of Food School
Bill Bright
Candidate for personnel assessment
Candidates for personnel assessment
Portrait 2
Hon J.J. Cahill, M.L.A.
John Mullane, Valuer-Generals or John McGlynn, Mines or B. Proctor, Att-Gen. & Justice or Terry Daly...
Passport photo, Mr R. McKie
Lyn Gordon, Minister
Personnel Assessment, P.S.B.
Portraits of officers and group photos of meeting for annual report
Louis Tyndell
Portrait 6
Official photo, Sir James Rowland
Portrait of Undersecretary Rhine
J.K. Watson, G.L. Griffith, Pastor Taylor, Ray Phillips, Dr Seaborn or B. Mews
Personality [portrait of a man], 8 December 1950 / photographs by B. Rice
Public Service : staff portraits
Model Geraldine Bronson from June Dally-Watkins school, May 1963 / photographs by Ivan
Portraits and group photo of staff members
Government Insurance: Portraits
Candidates for personnel assessment
Passport photo Mr J. H. Taylor
Portrait of Minister
Portrait of new Director Alan Coles
Item 02: Lachlan Tekema-Cutts portrait, 16 June 2017 / photograph by Louise Darmody
J. Telfer, PWD or A.C. Leard, Lands or W.G. Spink, Lands or B.E. Jenkins, PWD or R.M. Tallis, Labour...
Portrait of a young man, 18--?
Photo for ID card
J.K. Watson, G.L. Griffith, Pastor Taylor, Ray Phillips, Dr Seaborn or B. Mews
Portrait of Undersecretary, Mines Dept
Portrait of the Hon. A.R.L. Gordon, MLA. Minister for Conservation and Water Resources
W.H. Gregory, Valuer-Generals or G.C. Marler, Tech. Education or C.J. Curtis, Labor & Industry or J....
Taken at Daceyville Convent for fluoridation publicity
D.J. Ellsmore, Public Works or R.R. Daley, Registrar-General or A.F. Luff, Agriculture or R.A. Bolt,...
Portrait of Parliamentary Secretary
Personnel assessment
Mr Davis, Premiers Department
Candidate for personnel assessment
State wards at Raith Lark Hill Hostel at Campbelltown
Portraits and group photos of staff members
Portrait of Minister
L.B. Daniel, Public Works or Tom Cunningham, PSB or N.H. Sergeant, Stamp Duties
Portrait: Bob Day, monotype setter
Staff photos for journal
Overseers - Government Printing Office
Portrait of Minister
P. Solomon, Sydney Cove Redevlt. Auth'y or V. Johnson, Tech.Education or P. Mason, Reg-Generals or L...
APA portrait of President of the Country Press Association, Mr. Watson
P.F. Crombie, Super. Board or A.G. Dunstan, PWD or J.J. Gallagher, Police or AJ Fogarty, State Docky...
R.E. Jones, Agriculture or F.W. Down, Public Works or P.E.J. Hogan, Builders Licensing Board or S.F....
Personnel Assessment
Arthur Lennon
Portrait of Assistant Director, Stan Rumbell
Portraits of Legislative Council officers
H. A. R. Snelling, Solicitor-General
Anti-smoking campaign
Passport photos of Mr Jay, Senior Inspector
Gio Richards, 30 June 1966
Staff passports: Anive Goldie, 1965
Portrait, Frank Caylev, August 1963 / photographs by Ivan
Writer Bryce Frazer, 25 June 1966 / photographs by David Cumming
Churchill, Stalin, Roosevelt composite photo, 16 December 1943 / photographed by N. Herfort
Job no. 2267: Portrait of musician Soljanich, tenor, February 1950 / photographs by Max Dupain
File 19: Cliff Grant, publicity portraits, September 1953 / photographed by Max Dupain
Job no. 2285: Portrait of musician William Herbert, lyric tenor, January 1947 / photographs by Max D...
File 06: Jill White portraits, taken by Bert Brown at the 49 Clarence Street studio, 1959 / photogra...
Singer Jimmy Little and families, 4 August 1961 / photographs by Lynch
60 words winner, Mrs Joan Howarth of Manly, 29 July 1964 / photographs by Alec Iverson
File 13: Studio portraits of Jill White and Max Dupain / possibly by John Seymour, February 1975
Dale Plummer hair stylist in the city, 12 March 1962 / photographs by Lynch
Job no. 2231: Conductor Henry Kripps, [ca. 1951] / photographs by Max Dupain
Roslyn Dunbar, N. Strange-Milne, John Heffernan, finalists in Sutherland/Woman's Day scholarship, 14...
File 19: Cliff Grant, publicity portraits, September 1953 / photographed by Max Dupain
Male model - Harvey, 9 February 1965 / photographs by Alec Iverson
Bob Raymond, 4 Corners director, June 1963 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Bobby Limb in City, 10 May 1967 / photographs by David Cumming
Frankie Avalon at Chevron Hotel, 20 May 1968 / photographs by W. Croser
Lionel Yorke. Melbourne television and radio [presenter], 13 December 1967 / photographs by Gordon A...
Item 14: Tribune negatives including press conference, 1972
Papua and New Guinea, July 1960 / photographs by Lynch
Man from U.N.C.L.E., 1966
Limbless men; Aboriginal artist at Chevron, April 1961 / photographs by R. Donaldson
File 14: People at work, miscellaneous, [ca 1950] / photographed by Max Dupain
Joe Martin. Chequers and Tivoli, July 1959
Barry Jones quiz champ, October 1960 / photographs by Ivan