Item 07: A Journal of ye [the] Proceedings of his Majesty's Sloop Swallow, Captain Phillip [Philip]...
Nuove scoperte fatte nel 1765, 67, e 69 nel Mare del Sud / G. Zuliani, scl. ; G.V. Pasquali, scri.
Item 10: Log book of the Swallow from 22 August 1767 to 4 June 1768 / by Philip Carteret
Item 07: A Journal of ye [the] Proceedings of his Majesty's Sloop Swallow, Captain Phillip [Philip]...
Item 10: Log book of the Swallow from 22 August 1767 to 4 June 1768 / by Philip Carteret
Item 10: Log book of the Swallow from 22 August 1767 to 4 June 1768 / by Philip Carteret
Item 07: A Journal of ye [the] Proceedings of his Majesty's Sloop Swallow, Captain Phillip [Philip]...
Item 10: Log book of the Swallow from 22 August 1767 to 4 June 1768 / by Philip Carteret
Item 10: Log book of the Swallow from 22 August 1767 to 4 June 1768 / by Philip Carteret
Item 07: A Journal of ye [the] Proceedings of his Majesty's Sloop Swallow, Captain Phillip [Philip]...
Item 07: A Journal of ye [the] Proceedings of his Majesty's Sloop Swallow, Captain Phillip [Philip]...
Item 10: Log book of the Swallow from 22 August 1767 to 4 June 1768 / by Philip Carteret
Item 07: A Journal of ye [the] Proceedings of his Majesty's Sloop Swallow, Captain Phillip [Philip]...
Item 10: Log book of the Swallow from 22 August 1767 to 4 June 1768 / by Philip Carteret
Item 07: A Journal of ye [the] Proceedings of his Majesty's Sloop Swallow, Captain Phillip [Philip]...
Item 07: A Journal of ye [the] Proceedings of his Majesty's Sloop Swallow, Captain Phillip [Philip]...
Item 10: Log book of the Swallow from 22 August 1767 to 4 June 1768 / by Philip Carteret
Item 07: A Journal of ye [the] Proceedings of his Majesty's Sloop Swallow, Captain Phillip [Philip]...
Item 10: Log book of the Swallow from 22 August 1767 to 4 June 1768 / by Philip Carteret