Item 10-11: William Sparkes miscellanea, 15 August 1915
Item 231: Union Bank of Australia Limited, cheque form, unissued, [185-?]
Item 268: Currency note, ten shillings, issued by Walter Bowman, 1905
Item 17: Sky, [1947-2015 / painted by William T. Cooper]
Item 02: Australian soldier's photographs, ca. 1916 -1918
Old Government House, Sydney : from the jetty / J. S. Prout
Volume 18/ii: Postcards, calendars, etc. / compiled by May Gibbs
Dead letter G.P.O., 19 February 1938 / photographed by R. Wolfe
Letter received by Banks from William Bligh, 17 September 1805 (Series 40.003)
Album 63: Photographs of the Allen family, 18 October 1913 - 9 August 1914
Item 02: Australian soldier's photographs, ca. 1916 -1918
Item 03: Williamson family photographs, ca. 1914-1916
Envelope addressed to Miss L. M. Franklin, postmarked 18 Jan. 1900
Item 177: Derwent Bank, cheque book, unissued, [184-?]
Botanical sketches and drawings, 1893-1897 / Edward William Minchen
Item 01: William Worth and Joan Worth family photographs, 1903-1963
Mark J. (Mark John) Hammond - papers, 1881-1908
Photographs of actors and actresses, singers, music hall artists and others, ca. 1870-ca. 1897, main...
Item 07: James Lindsell photographs and postcards, ca. 1914-1918
Series 02: Leslie Pownall photographs ca 1904-1919
Item 09: Oliver Hogue photographs and postcards, 1918
Item 07: James Lindsell photographs and postcards, ca. 1914-1918
Red Cross. Box 5, folder 2
Rita, Ned, Roy, Jack Warren and Don McCamish with yellow fish photo postcard (reverse) / photographe...
15 January 1894. Sent from 359 George Street, Sydney. Letterhead of the Federal Artesian Well and Mi...
Item 01: 1-78. Unpublished drawings of Australian orchids, ca. 1879-1891 / by R. D. Fitzgerald
Photographs of actors and actresses, singers, music hall artists and others, ca. 1863-ca. 1881
6.a. [Chinese postcard]
Item 01: Oliver Hogue photographs, ca. 1915-1919
17 [v]. 2453 J. Marshall, 53rd Battalion
25. Protea Mellifera from Cape of Good Hope Sydney 30th March 1841 / A.W. Scott 1841
6.c. [Chinese postcard.]
[Designs submitted to John Sands christmas cards competition, 1881]
File 1: Ethel Turner dance cards, 1890-1899
16 verso. Athletes
Photographs taken during internment on Torrens Island Camp, ca. 1914-1915
Volume 2: Letters written on active service, M-W, 1914-1919
Photographs of actors and actresses, singers, music hall artists and others, ca. 1870-ca. 1897, main...
File 068: Subject files: MORR
Photographs of actors and actresses, singers, music hall artists and others, ca. 1868-ca. 1886, 1897
Item 08: Postcards and photographs of cities and towns in China, S-Z, ca. 191-? / from the papers of...
Letters to Mrs R. H. Caldwell, from her son Robert Douglas Caldwell and other soldiers, 1917-1919
Item 04: Irene Victoria Read miscellaneous papers, 1915-1916
Photographs taken during internment on Torrens Island Camp, ca. 1914-1915
Volume 1: Artist's sketchbook, 15 December 2007 to 9 September 2009
Album of photographs, ca. 1880's / in David Scott Mitchell's collection
[Designs submitted to John Sands christmas cards competition, 1881]
Item 01: Oliver Hogue photographs, ca. 1915-1919
Item 02: George Horan letters to his father, Joseph W. Horan, 22 January 1917-23 January 1919
Item 01: Oliver Hogue photographs, ca. 1915-1919
File 10: Miles Franklin General Correspondence, 1919-1953
Item 09: Oliver Hogue photographs and postcards, 1918
Item 08: Oliver Hogue photographs and postcards, 1917
Volume 080: Invoices and receipts, 1819-1824
79. Oxalis corniculata
Chinese paintings / albums owned by David Scott Mitchell
Part 01: Alan Fraser Fry letters, 8th August 1914- 28 January 1917
Volume 13: Life drawings, etc. made during student years, n.d. / by May Gibbs
Volume 1: Sir Thomas Livingstone Mitchell correspondence, 1711-1819
Item 09: Oliver Hogue photographs and postcards, 1918
Item 08: Oliver Hogue photographs and postcards, 1917
File 10: Miles Franklin General Correspondence, 1919-1953
Item 08: Oliver Hogue photographs and postcards, 1917
Item 05: William Sparkes letters, 22 December 1915-17 June 1917
Item 1: Index to personal names, titles and subjects in literary notebooks and diaries, [between 190...
`Sketches. 1822. Van Diemen's Land', 1822-1847 / drawn by Thomas Scott
File 068: Subject files: MORR
Series 02 Part 08: Frederick Myers WWI memorabilia, 1917-1920
61(a). Trinity Collage Cambridge 1861
Item 02: Eric Susman letters and miscellaneous papers, 13 January 1915-3 January 1919
Item 01: George Horan letters to his father, Joseph W. Horan, 2 October 1914-22 December 1916
Letters to Mrs R. H. Caldwell, from her son Robert Douglas Caldwell and other soldiers, 1917-1919
15 June 1896. Sent from 13 Kellett Street, Darlinghurst, Sydney. Letterhead of Little & Beauchamp Ar...
Item 14: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1921
185. Goodenia bellidifolia
Volume 11: Illustrations for cards, bookmarks, clothing, furniture, etc. / compiled by May Gibbs
Item 02: Eric Susman letters and miscellaneous papers, 13 January 1915-3 January 1919
Item 07: Oliver Hogue photographs and postcards, 1916
2 May 1897. Sent from Ayrshire Downs, Winton, Queensland. Letterhead of Little & Beauchamp Artesian...
Volume 2: Letters written on active service, M-W, 1914-1919
Photographs taken during internment on Torrens Island Camp, ca. 1914-1915
1 November 1897. Sent from Ayrshire Downs, Winton, Queensland. Letterhead of Little & Beauchamp Arte...
Item 01: Ralph Ingram Moore letters, 10 February 1907-15 March 1918
Photographs taken during internment on Torrens Island Camp, ca. 1914-1915
16 November 1897. Sent from Ayrshire Downs, Winton, Queensland. Letterhead of Little & Beauchamp Art...
Part 01: Alan Fraser Fry letters, 8th August 1914- 28 January 1917
Part 01: Alan Fraser Fry letters, 8th August 1914- 28 January 1917
File 19: Miles Franklin General Correspondence, 1932-1954
Item 02: Eric Susman letters and miscellaneous papers, 13 January 1915-3 January 1919
107(c). Elizabeth Bay Sydney - 1858 *
Volume 2: Letters written on active service, M-W, 1914-1919
Item 04a: Letters from Walter Lawry Waterhouse, 21 June 1915-15 January 1919
Volume 1: Letters written on active service, A-L, 1914-1919
Part 02: Rex Nixon letters, 21 May 1915-27 December 1916
Volume 1: Letters written on active service, A-L, 1914-1919
Volume 2: Letters written on active service, M-W, 1914-1919
Volume 042: General correspondence, 1788, 1814-1883
Item 08: Postcards and photographs of cities and towns in China, S-Z, ca. 191-? / from the papers of...
Volume 071: Governor's Despatches, January-June 1852