Sow with litter, Pitt Town Farm
Packing tomatoes onto wagon - Koondrook, VIC
Potato picking, Maitland
Tank sinking at 36-37 mile on Walgett - Carinda Road - Walgett area, NSW
Branding cattle on "Willi Willi" property (35 miles west of Kempsey) - Upper Macleay, NSW
Some stud ewes; Nyngan
"Gilbulla", Moreton Park Road, Menangle
Load of hay at farm 380, Leeton - Leeton, NSW
Scheyville Welfare Farm, visit of Mr Baddeley
Man with draughthorse - Balranald, NSW
Building a haystack, Bathurst Experimental Farm
Glen Innes Farm, Dec.1921. Wheat variety trials
Counting sheep at Welltown - Goondiwindi, QLD
Alf Hobbs' horse team carrying wheat - Temora, NSW
Cutting chaff with horse works at Meacham's. Trungley Road - Temora, NSW
Working on Schultz's farm at Double Creek - Bega, NSW
Haul of rats (and one blue-tongue lizard) caught at Furracabad after harvesting - Glen Innes, NSW
Milking the cow at the family farm "Willow Bank", Eugowra - "Willow Bank", Eugowra, NSW
Harvesting wheat with horse-drawn McCormack reaper and binder. Sunshine farm - Temora, NSW
Ploughing, Pitt Town Farm
Harvesting, wheat sheaf bag on corner of reaper. Sunshine farm - Temora, NSW
Sewing bags of wheat on 'Rosedale', Castle Mountain - Quirindi
English Leicester 2 tooth ram showing staple of wool
Chaff cutting with 'Jelbart' engine owned by Mr Athol Sunderland - Reefton, near Temora, NSW
Prune tree receives annual pruning, Bathurst
Planting potatoes during Depression - Myrrhee via Moyhu (near Wangaratta, VIC)
The "Iron Age" potato digger, Hawkesbury Agricultural College
Haystack on 'Langi' - Reefton, NSW
J.J. Lord's Evergreen Farm. Creek at back of homestead
Corn being taken to silo on horse drawn slide - Bega, NSW
Boating on Willandra billabong - Hillston Area, NSW
Students clearing with a "Forest Devil" machine in position
Loading water tank on Sunshine farm - Temora, NSW
"The cook" (chaff cutting plant) - Parkes district, NSW
Loading stooks of hay at Yarranung - Bega, NSW
Twenty Ounce before pruning, Bathurst Experimental Farm
Glen Innes Farm, Dec.1921. Flax variety trial
Yanco Experimental Farm: orchards
Mobile home for farm labourers - Ganmain, NSW
Steam driven water boring plant on "Paringo" - Warren, NSW
Chaff cutting at "Auburn", Trangie - Trangie, NSW
Probably on Rapsey Bros. property, Bonegilla - Albury, NSW
Dipping sheep. Albert starting the sheep down the slide - Nyngan, NSW
"Sally Optician", Berry Farm
Potato picking, Maitland
Reapers & binders "cut out" Woodhouse Farm
Ploughing on Soldier Settler Block - Salmon Gums, WA
Lt. Colonel Starling spent part of his early teenage years living with his uncle, Gerald "Gerry" Pei...
Soil conservation, Cooma
Cleaning up the sheep - "Hillview", Condobolin Road, Parkes, NSW
Haystack building on "Stretton Park" - Yealering, WA
Potato picking, Maitland
Molong: Teams carting wheat to Railway Station
Harvesting operations at Woodhouse farm
Load of chaff on truck - Dubbo, NSW
Kurrajong Soldiers Settlement: grubbing trees before felling
Prune tree not pruned for 8 years, Bathurst
J. Fenning died 1942 - Near Cootamundra, NSW
"Collane" wool being loaded on "Reo" truck for Bourke - Wanaaring, NSW
Cultivator at work
Napoleon cherry, 9 years old, Orange
Tuckurimba via Lismore, NSW
Kentucky Soldiers Settlement, burning off & clearing
Draught mares and foals, one 22 and the other 8 months old
Scheyville Welfare Farm, visit of Mr Baddeley
The delver, Yanco Experimental Farm
Buffalo Pitts steam traction engine pulling haymaking machinery and mobile home - Ganmain, NSW
Sowing on "Woodburn" property at Bumberry - "Woodburn", Bumberry via Parkes, NSW
Bullock cart carting soil - Welaregang
Hampshire Down ram, two tooth, Glen Innes Experimental Farm
Leaving in the early morning to start the day stripping wheat. Loaded with bags and fuel etc - "Thur...
Sowing wheat on Mayfield, Bendick Murrell. Case Tractor and McKay Sun seed drill - Young area, NSW
Cutting chaff - Trundle, NSW
Ploughing with a 14 disc plough on "Dunvegan", Oakwood. Five horse team - Inverell area, NSW
Feeding calves. Hawkesbury Agricultural College
Cowra Farm: carting hay
Chaff press - Singleton (?), NSW
Inscription on back of photo reads: [sic] "Victor Crispin driving a mob of pigs on foot at Congarinn...
Stripping wheat on 'Rosedale', Castle Mountain. 'Sunshine' header - Quirindi, NSW
Nailing and branding cases of fruit, Bathurst Experimental Farm
Carting hay to shed on 'Craigmore' - Walgett, NSW
Margetts family outside homestead - near Tongio, VIC
Students drafting sheep, Glen Innes Experimental Farm
Digging potatoes - Glenrock near Kempsey, NSW
Threshing corn. Portable plant belonged to contractor Ted Brenton of Fredrickton. "It cost us seven...
Harvesting sunflowers: Yanco Experimental Farm
Irrigation farm, Barringun, Artesian bore, Bourke district - Barringun, NSW
Carting hay, at 'Rosevale' Dundee - Dundee, Glen Innes, NSW
"Munros Favourite" tree receives annual pruning, pruned
Harvesting tangled Firbank wheat at 'Rodways' (now Willochra) - Bectric via Ariah Park, NSW
Station buildings and staff - Surat, QLD
Scheyville Welfare Farm, visit of Mr Baddeley
Steam tractor driving a chaffcutter, cutting maize to fill the silo on Charles Rodgers' farm - Yarra...
Grubbing stump on family property, Kongwak, Victoria, ca. 1920
Harvesting wheat with Mackay auto header at 'Flowerdale', Pucawan. "Walker was only 12 in this photo...
Rice growing project, Tullakool Irrigation Area. Italian prisoners of war were used for labour - Wak...
Superintendent's tour of north west Aboriginal settlements
Sheep dipping at Wellington Vale - Deepwater, NSW
Cutting poplar trees to feed sheep during drought - Tumut area, NSW