011 - Z/SP/G2/9 - George's River Estate, 800-acre subdivision - Queensbury Rd, Dilke Rd, Chamberlain...
021 - Z/SP/N13/17 - Oatley Estate - Acacia St, Gungah Rd, Boundary Rd, Woronora Pde, Mi Mi St, Myall...
090 - Z/SP/G2/81 - Gungah Bay subdivision near Oatley Station, George's River - Llewellyn St, Warata...
047 - Z/SP/N13/39 - The Terry Estate - Connel's Point and George's River - Connel's Point Rd, Terry...
004 - Z/SP/G2/4 - Sydney Park Estate, County of Cumberland - Uranus St, Mars St, Veca St, Hydræ Rd,...
017 - Z/SP/M24/16 - Mortdale Estate - Railway Pde, Carrington Ave, West St, Princes St, Morts Rd, Qu...
012 - Z/SP/G2/10 - Holt-Sutherland Estate, 3rd subdivision, township of Sutherland - The Boulevard,...
077 - Z/SP/G2/70 - Morts Hill - Mort St, Ethelbert St, Atheldane St, Harold St, Ada St, Louis St, Ro...