General interest shot, Newcastle & District
General interest shot, Newcastle & District
Landslide at Ironbark
Wreck of the "Susan Gilmore" off Shepherds Hill - Newcastle, NSW
Governor Northcott in Newcastle
Newcastle's 150th anniversary procession
Credit Union Newcastle Co-op
General interest shot, Newcastle & District
Newcastle from Bar Beach Hill
Flooded streets during wet weather
Police Superintendents J Rayner (L), PJ McLaughlin (R)
Ebsworth Family - album of Sydney, Newcastle & Bathurst views by various photographers
Customs uniforms
Australian Agricultural Company's Coal Works. Newcastle / [attributed to J. C. White]
Book display for Book Week
Mrs B Kilgour, MBE, seven times Mayoress of Newcastle
The John Reid Pty Ltd Building; "book here sea & air" (for Building Publishing Co)
Industrial Safety Convention
Visit to Newcastle
Senator James Jarvist Arnold
Mr Ron Harland, district guidance officer, Education Department
General interest shot, Newcastle & District
Industrial Safety Convention
Wilfred J Gould, and son, Mr L. Gould, with part of WJ Gould's historical collection
Aerial. Sydney & Newcastle
Forest in Newcastle
Lady Carrington
Superindendent Rayner, North Eastern Police District
Wet Day, No. 3 Blast Furnace, 2000 / drawing by Jeff Rigby
Duke of Gloucester's visit to Newcastle
Library study
Cambrai march; soldiers marching and wreath laying ceremony
Unions march on Coal Board: refusal to work as a protest against the pending closure of Stockington...
General interest shots Newcastle and District
Beryl Boardman (Mrs Geoffrey Jones), theatrical personality, with husband and daughter Carol
Newcastle's 150th anniversary procession
Industrial Safety Convention
General interest shot, Newcastle & District
June Heath, javelin thrower
Panorama of Newcastle by John Rae, Esq.
Pilot ship, Birubi
Housing Commission flats at Newcastle
Loading with hydraulic crane at dyke
Watt Street Children's Hospital, Newcastle
Tom Grahame
Sir Richard Boyer in Newcastle. Centre: Ald. C.K. Jones (Lord Mayor), right: W. Gelfius (Area Direct...
Glasgow Arms or Premier Hotel (Newcastle trip)
Farewell dinner to Bert Wheeler
Home Garden winners
Barbara Evans
Children's library studies
Barrier at Newcastle racecourse
North Coast trip: Opening of aged persons units at Newcastle
General interest shot, Newcastle & District
Northumberland County Council meeting. Commissioner appointed by the Local Government Dept. to hear...
Mr Matt Tapp
Police superintendents W Salmon and J Wiley
View of town - Newcastle, NSW
Scenic view
Garden winners
Industrial Safety Convention
Anzac Day march
Home gardens
Home gardens
Panorama of Newcastle by John Rae, Esq.
Newcastle from Merewether Estate
Mr Watkins MHR
Judge Cross
Wheat silos
Forest in Newcastle
Newcastle conference
Credit Union Newcastle Co-op
Item 071: Clement Saidi, former refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo, with his wife and fam...
Lysaght's, Newcastle
Lord Mayor election
William Scott's great drapery emporium, 1909 / Scott, William
Aerial photographs of Newcastle, New South Wales, 2 April 2005 / by Daryl Jones
Item 0735: Tribune negatives including roads and bridge, Newcastle, New South Wales, September 1983
[Corroboree at Newcastle / oil painting by Joseph Lycett] - digitally lightened image
Item 0432: Tribune negatives including Newcastle, New South Wales, May 1979
Item 0738: Tribune negatives including heavy industry and music concert, Newcastle, New South Wales,...
Item 0739: Tribune negatives including town of Newcastle, New South Wales, September 1983
Item 0735: Tribune negatives including roads and bridge, Newcastle, New South Wales, September 1983
5. Round Stones in the Macdonald River, May 9th [18]48 [wash & pencil]
Item 0733: Tribune negatives including heavy industry and town of Newcastle, New South Wales, Septem...
Item 0740: Tribune negatives including BHP and heavy industry, Newcastle, New South Wales, September...
Item 0432: Tribune negatives including Newcastle, New South Wales, May 1979
Item 0732: Tribune negatives including industry, Newcastle, New South Wales, September 1983
Item 0732: Tribune negatives including industry, Newcastle, New South Wales, September 1983
Item 0736: Tribune negatives including caravan parks, beaches and town of Newcastle, New South Wales...
Item 0740: Tribune negatives including BHP and heavy industry, Newcastle, New South Wales, September...
Macquarie Collector's Chest, ca. 1818
Item 0736: Tribune negatives including caravan parks, beaches and town of Newcastle, New South Wales...
Aerial photographs of Newcastle, New South Wales, 2 April 2005 / by Daryl Jones
Item 0741: Tribune negatives including beaches and shopping mall, Newcastle, New South Wales, Septem...
Item 0738: Tribune negatives including heavy industry and music concert, Newcastle, New South Wales,...
Item 0737: Tribune negatives including beaches, boats, caravan parks and town of Newcastle, New Sout...
Macquarie Collector's Chest, ca. 1818
Macquarie Collector's Chest, ca. 1818
Macquarie Collector's Chest, ca. 1818 - post restoration