Central Railway Station (New) [showing Clocktower]
Central Railway Station (New) [showing Clocktower]
Item 0067: Jubilee of Victoria's First Settlement medal, 1884
Bakers' Conference
General Post Office, Martin Place
Wagga Wagga Remand Centre for Minors
GPO tower and clock, from Commonwealth Bank
[Surveyor's compass from the family of Gregory Blaxland] / Joseph Smith, maker
File 009: Picton Post Office, 194-? / photographed by Max Dupain
Item 1007: O.H. Hedberg penny token, [between 1860? and 1870?]
First aid room: Department of Motor Transport
General views of move into the new library
Item 1602: Iredale & Co. penny token, [ca. 1857]
HMAS Sydney, crew marching through streets
Item 1652: Iredale & Co. penny token, [ca. 1857]
Medal issued for the Sydney International Exhibition, 1879
General interest shots Newcastle and District
Leeton Cenotaph
New air conditioner unit sections
Metropolitan Business College banquet
Item 18: Nanna's For Love, Marching for VOTE YES, Sydney Town Hall, NSW, Australia, 10 September 201...
Brisbane's City Hall looking across King George Square from Albert Street, September 1965 / photogra...
Item 5605: A.S. Wilson penny token, 1857
Post Office clock
Town Hall from Lowes
Item 1337: A.G. Hodgson penny token, 1862
42. King's School church parade, St. John's, Parramatta
Tapestry exhibition, David Jones
Item 0732: I. Friedman penny token, 1857
Mixed choir at Air Force House
Barrack Street from York Street, looking east
Queensland Insurance Co., 52-54 Pitt Street, and 29-33 Macquarie Place
Met by member of the clergy on steps of the Court House, Bathurst
Soldier with Regiment's dog mascot leading the band
Item 4402: H. Ashton penny token, 1862
File 23: Mr Hargreaves, ca. 1952 / photographed by Max Dupain
Item 1263: Coronation Medal, Edward VIII, 1937
Victoria Square - Adelaide, SA
Junior Farmers' League at 2UW
Lands Dept clock tower
Item 5064: Mason, Struthers & Co. penny token, [ca. 1872]
Mr. Clark watchmaker and collector of Adelaide / photographed by R. Donaldson
Item 5481: Union Bakery Co. [Union Bakery Company] penny token [ca. 1872]
File 302: S. Smith and Sons, two mantel clocks, ca. 1952 / photographed by Max Dupain
[Mantle marble clock belonging to David Scott Mitchell]
Item 4507: G.L. Beath & Co penny token
Item 5541: United Services Hotel penny token, 1874
St. Anne's Anglican Church, Ryde
Swimmers train for Empire Games. Townsville. Frank Guthrie and Forbes Carlisle, December 1959
Central Collins St looking west, Melbourne, [1950?]
Item 3006: Stewart & Hemmant penny token, [between 1862 and 1868]
Item 5529: United Services Hotel penny token, 1874
Item 5063: Mason, Struthers & Co. penny token, [ca. 1872]
Item 4522: G.L. Beath & Co penny token
Item 5520: United Services Hotel penny token, 1874
Item 0375: In commemoration of Australian Commonwealth, 1901 [medal]
Book review, 22 January 1968
Item 3338: W.J. Taylor halfpenny token, [1854?]
Albert Cohen, Melbourne, 7 July 1954 / photographs by Gordon F. De Lisle
Backward. Wind gap, 25 July 1962 / photographs by F. R. Johnson
Observatory equipment, 10 February 1941 / photographed by Charles Wakeford
Clock dials for Brisbane air services series, 22 February 1938 / photographed by Ray Olson
4. House of "Crazy Bill", Tempe, Dec. 2004
"Rumpus room" 2UE, 28 July 1949 / photographs by Wal Easton
City of Brisbane and centenary preparations, June 1959 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Andy the Chimp at Taronga Zoo, April 1948 / photographed by N. Herfort
Clock dials for Brisbane air services series, 22 February 1938 / photographed by Ray Olson
Miss L. Horsefell - fashions, June 1949 / photographs by J. Bagnall
Wild cat series, November 1953 / photographed by Ivan Ives
450. Post Office, Dubbo
Old clocks - Marcus Watchmakers, March 1948 / photographed by Ivan Ives
Photographic exhibition. Sydney University, 27 July 1961 / photographs by Lynch
Job no. 2640/20-40: Healing Electric Goods Christmas catalogue, including jaffle iron, toaster, mass...
Carol Jackson "Miss Australia"; fashion for Miss International quest, July 1965 / photographs by R....
Don Johnson [boxer], October 1950
File 24: Brisbane, [ca 1943-1950s] / photographed by Max Dupain
American sailors, 29 April 1941
Human time clocks, medical story, June 1967
Item 635: Tribune negatives including Paddington Town Hall, meeting at University of Sydney, vacant...
Volume 3: Australian views, ca. 1892-1950
Sub-fonds 2: New housing estates, developments and activities, 2008-February 2013 / photographs by G...
Item 0662: Tribune negatives including Franklin Dam protest and band at Women & Arts Festival, Octob...
19. Heritage Building Est. 1922, 290-292 King Street, Newtown
Frank Matich, racing car driver, March 1963 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Barossa Valley S.A.
Human time clocks, medical story, June 1967
Onboard HMAS Parramatta during trials, 15 December 1960 / photographs by Lynch
Item 0001: Tribune negatives including suburban railways and womens demonstration, May-June 1975
Item 0581b: Tribune negatives including shots of city buildings and mall, Melbourne, Victoria, Febru...
World War I peace celebrations, Sydney, October 1918-1919 / photographer unknown
Martin Place, 6 Sept 1931
Tropics, January 1962 / photographs by Victor Johnston
Children and diet, September 1959 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Item 358: Tribune negatives including Dr. Spock rally, speakers include Dr. D. McLean, Bridget Gilli...
Box 74: Myles Dunphy lantern slides of South Africa, ca. 1910-1930
37. Post Office, Sydney
Roller derby at Stadium, July 1955 / photographed by Ivan Ives
Sir Hudson Fysh - photographs, early flights and personalities, ca. 1920-1945
Elizabeth Refchange Broken Hill cover girl, 13 December 1944
[American Fleet visit, 1908 : programmes, invitation cards, menus, booklets, postcards, tickets etc....