A collection of drawings in watercolour, ink and pencil : illustrative of the life, character & scen...
A collection of drawings in watercolour, ink and pencil : illustrative of the life, character & scen...
Hordern Pavilion wall mural for International Year of the Child
Opening of "Phillip", Gosford
Item 107: Saw doctor 5 (Scott Jackson and Louie Rogers), 16 February 2010 / photograph by Ruth Maddi...
Scars on right leg
Annual NSW Apprentice of the Year Awards
British, Kankaren and Essen Trade Missions, also Advisory Council
Scars on shin and ankle. Solicitor Brian Sandelands
Summer camp at Elanora, Aborigines Welfare Board
Awards presented by the Duke of Edinburgh
Stompers at the Cross, Sydney, 5 October 1963 / photographer News Ltd.
Item 32: Men with their dogs dyed in celebration of Mardi Gras at Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Festiva...
Item 5: Pedestrians at intersection in George St next to light rail line under construction, August-...
Arthur Lennon & prizewinners of GPO's logo design competition
Item 40: Bugler waits for his set, Singleton, NSW, 25 April 2015 / photograph by Jay Worling
George and Joy Nicholls at Tivoli, 7 September 1943
Apprentice stonemasons working at Registrar-General's Building
Item 13: Congolese Justine and Issac Kisimba with their 6 children, Doonside, NSW, 16 October 2010 /...
Young women weigh in for the Dolly magazine (for teenagers) slimming competition
Garden party & fashion parade at Govt House, Senior Citizens Week
NSW Apprenticeship Prizes and Awards at Sir John Clancy Auditorium University of NSW
Item 2: Photograph of Shirley Gladding, Cherrida Hardaker and Brian Hardaker, 17 September 2017 / by...
Awards presented by the Duke of Edinburgh
Wally Osbourne's retirement?
Earth Week
Minister Mr Kevin Stewart inspecting the R.S.P.C.A., Yagoona
Item 05: Morris Fielding army book, 1915-1919
Montrose Child Protection Unit Burwood
British, Kankaren and Essen Trade Missions, also Advisory Council
Land Commission sale
Item 14: Jude Pearce and daughter Sorcha Pearce in the garden outside their apartment, Waterloo, NSW...
Probation Officer interview outside home
Item 061: Theophile Elongo, former refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo standing with a boy...
Earth Week
Item 1091a: Tribune negatives including protests against war in El Salvador, November 1989
Soil Conservation, Goulburn
Slacks - Dawn Frazer & Joan Manning, 3 August 1942 / photographs by Ivan
Angle on photographer - special file, 29 November 1937 / photographed by Ray Olson
Mrs Taylor Goulburn, housewife who couldn't diet, July 1965 / photographs by Alec Iverson
Noumea, July 1968 / photographs by R. Donaldson
"Woman" contest winner - Camden, 5 December 1952
Kangaroo and snake [joey being held]. [Boxing with kangaroo] at Aqua Floral Pk, 21 February 1939
USA sailors at Luna Park, 2 May 1957 / photographs by Ivan
Item 0077: Tribune negatives including Communist Party of Australia explosion, [ca. 1974-1975]
Prince Alfred Park new ice skating rink, June 1959 / photographs by Ivan
Teenage fashions, DJs [David Jones], June 1966 / photographs by Ivan
Harlem Globetrotters. Location: Mascot, King's X [Kings Cross] and Rushcutters Bay, 15 December 1956...
NRA Rifle Champs - Liverpool, 8 October 1949 / photographs by Wal Easton
Item 1005: Tribune negatives including black deaths in custody public meeting and Aboriginal Dance T...
Item 0053: Tribune negatives including National Transport Day and Young People's Refuge, ca. 1974-19...
Item 0234: Tribune negatives including East Timor and right to work demonstrations, June 1977
Pat Craig leaves for USA, 1 September 1944
Scenes of Glebe, 2002 / photographed by Patricia Baillie
Thommy Burns at Cinesound / photographed by F. R. Johnson
"Mendowree" cotton fashions - Melbourne, November 1957 / photographs by Gordon F. De Lisle
Item 0547: Tribune negatives including portraits taken in New Hebrides, Vanuatu, July 1980 / photogr...
Mens shirts (fashions), February 1963 / photographs by Ivan
Raewyn Becon model school story [model poses], July 1966 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Judith Anne Williams, 3 January 1958
Paratroops School - Williamtown, 20 April 1955
84. [Inside untitled cafe]
28. Guiseppi & Rosa, Leeds Street, Merrylands, March 2006. They built a shrine in honour of their so...
Melbourne series
Rita Henderson "woman" wrestler, 20 August 1942
Four dresses by Kaiya Aboagye for HSC Aboriginal Studies major project, 2007 [digital photographs]
Mrs Philp and daughter at Clontarf, December 1955 / photographs by Ivan
Model test Joy Daniels / photographed by Ivan Ives
Hank Morton escapologist, 28 June 1938 / photographed by Ivan Ives
Kim, Chinese go-go dancer, December 1966 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Mens shirts (fashions), February 1963 / photographs by Ivan
Diggers learning to skate series, 8 July 1940 / photographed by Ray Olson
Item 461: Tribune negatives including University of Sydney meeting, migrant workers using jack-hamme...
Kiandra snow scenes, 20 June 1941
Rodney disaster, [ca. 1938]
Item 43: Tribune negatives of march in Sydney and Bondi Beach, New South Wales, 198-?
Fashion, girdles, bras, and petticoat, May 1964 / photographs by R. Donaldson
21. Damion Fuller and Fern Levack (Hotel Bondi), Australian Fashion Week, Hotel Bondi, 28 Apr 2008
Item 1108: Tribune negatives including May Day march and action against nuke ship USS Blue Ridge, Sy...
Baseball at Manly, October 1953
American soldier and Aussie girl wedding series, 12 July 1943 / photographed by Alec Iverson
Item 0958: Tribune negatives including anti-bicentennial protest and Victoria Trades Hall art projec...
Causes of shooting accidents, September 1961 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Item 723: Tribune negatives including portraits of an unidentified man, Kent and Marlboro cigarette...
The sharing book : a souvenir of change in Australia during the 70's / by Roger Marchant
119. Pebblez and her boyfriend Byron, outside Glebe Markets
Gulf ports S.A. Pt Pirie etc. Spencers Gulf, 1 November 1951
Item 0619: Tribune negatives including student rally, Sydney, New South Wales, September 1981
Item 732: Tribune negatives including a demonstration against US involvement in Vietnam, memorial ma...
Item 147: Tribune negatives including Seamen's Union meeting, and officials inspecting Botany Bay, A...
35. u0009GCC Holdsworthy internee kitchenmen
Item 0516: Tribune negatives including International Women's Day, February-March 1980
Geelong Album photographed by E. De Balk, Geelong, 60 & 62 Moorabool St., 1866
Stuart Alexander Donaldson - Letters received from William Denison, 1856-1857
Views in Melanesia / from negatives taken by The Rt. Rev. Dr. Montgomery Bishop of Tasmania during h...
Volume 1: Sketchbooks, ca 1931-1967 / Percy Eagles
Volume 5: Beaufort Home construction photographs / Arthur Baldwinson collection
Volume 1: Sketchbooks, ca 1931-1967 / Percy Eagles
The alternative 70's in Australia / Roger Marchant
The alternative 70's in Australia / Roger Marchant