St. Ives Dog Show
St. Ives Dog Show
At rear of Bank of New South Wales, Bega - Bega, NSW
R.S.P.C.A. a day with the collector, 26 September 1942 / photographed by N. Herfort
[Two spaniels on a leash]
Performing dogs (taken for Grace Bros)
Dog Show - Cranbrook Oval, 21 September 1944 / photographed by Ivan Ives
Beryl Morrin (Mrs Thomas), October 1950
RAN Garden Island dog show
National Fitness Camp, Narrabeen
Artist and dog arrive by Melbourne Express (taken for J.C. Williamson)
Pademelon and wallaby shoot. Beagle dogs used to flush out the game - Bega, NSW
Dogs being groomed. Edgecliff, 25 November 1940 / photographed by A. Grimes
R.S.P.C.A., Yagoona
Mrs Margesson, September 1950
Dog at Kurnell, 18 August 1938
Dogs home series. RSPCA Home / photographed by R. Horner
Models and model dogs at dogs home, August 1964 / photographs by Ivan
Reverend Stuart Watts, 9 September 1946
Pekinese, Quay Pet Shop / photographed by B. Rice
Dogs, July 1952
O'Donoghue family of ten girls at Belfield [group photograph], November 1960 / photographs by R. Don...
Jeanette Penfold and guide dog Amber, July 1959 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Viscount crash, January 1955
Noel Newton Wood, 22 June 1945 / photographed by Alec Iverson
Dog's housing problems, 22 June 1945 / photographed by Alec Iverson
Mrs Storum with pet dog at Five Dock, 20 August 1956 / photographs by Lynch
"How to train your dog" - Lidcombe, July 1958 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Sheep shearing series at Moree - "Midkin" Station Moree N.S.W., 10 August 1943 / photographed by N....
Crocodiles elephants, and dogs, 2 August 1938
Surf lifesaving, history of, 23 February 1945 / photographed by Ivan Ives
Barry Hawes (teenage story). Location: Belmore [photo journal], 29 August 1959 / photographs by Lync...
Toy dog series (studio) 5 September 1946 / photogrpahed by A. Grimes
Ryde NES Demonstration, 3 September 1942 / photographs by Newby
Cats. Marrickville, 14 March 1938
Bloodhound series, 17 April 1939
Children's theatre at Clovelly
R.S.P.C.A. a day with the collector, 26 September 1942 / photographed by N. Herfort
Mrs Alcock and pets, Auburn, 14 July 1944 / photographed by Ivan Ives
Dog Show - Cranbrook Oval, 21 September 1944 / photographed by Ivan Ives
Leo. Dog, 24 November 1961 / photographs by F. R. Johnson
Item 265: Tribune negatives including October Mobilisation march and meeting, and Vietnam Action Cam...
Leo. Dog, 24 November 1961 / photographs by F. R. Johnson
Dog fashion parade ATN, 22 October 1959 / photographs by Lynch
Dogs [indecipherable]
Alsatian dog Chatswood; Bryant, 5 January 1953 / photographed by Wal Easton
Police dogs train with radio at Alexandra Park, 7 February 1939 / photographed by Arthur Bullard
"Shih Tzu" (lion dogs) and "YK" camera for pen prize, September 1960 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Trained dogs, February 1958
Mrs Crawford & dogs - Mosman, 3 March 1955 / photographs by R. Donaldson
19" baby Shetland pony (Mrs Baker), 30 October 1942 / photographed by Ivan Ives
Dogs - Melbourne, 30 June 1952 / photographs by L. Shea
Miners at home Newcastle and Cessnock, 8 April 1940 / photographed by Ray Olson
Nursing sisters at Coonabarabran and districts. Far west nursing sisters, Pix, September 1953 / phot...
Tina Wommelsdorf swimsuit designer and water skier, 1 November 1955 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Blind boxer dog, November 1962 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Rocket lifesaving equipment, 30 July 1947 / photographed by B. Rice
R.S.P.C.A. a day with the collector, 26 September 1942 / photographed by N. Herfort
Dog at Kurnell, 18 August 1938
Banjo, boundary rider for Milroy Station at Brewarrina, 22 July 1941 / photographed by R. Donaldson
Animals Bankstown, 11 December 1952 / photographed by Wal Easton
"Shih Tzu" (lion dogs) and "YK" camera for pen prize, September 1960 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Dogs - Melbourne, 30 June 1952 / photographs by L. Shea
Item 593: Tribune negatives including various demonstrations, and façade of Woolworths grocery store...
[Woman shown inside performing various activities], 1965
Item 0289: Tribune negatives including walk against uranium and Roger Wilson, 1977-1979
"Snider" 21 yrs old Dog / photographed by B. Rice
"Plain Bill" trained dog. Trained dog Plain Bob, July 1947 / photographed by Ivan Ives
Hot dogs, 28 June 1962 / photographs by F. R. Johnson
Sir Hudson Fysh - personal and family photographs, ca. 1920-1970
Animals in quarantine / photographed by B. Rice
[Beach scenes with model and dogs], November 1966
File 44: [Lighthouse, people and animals at Kims Camp, 1950s-August 1983] / photographed by Max Dupa...
Snakes, 2 copperhead snakes. Voyage of Discovery, 19 January 1936 / photographs by Ivan
Taronga Park, February 1961 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Eunice Melville, April 1952 / photographed by Ivan Ives
Dog hospital. Mona Vale, 6 September 1962 / photographs by F. R. Johnson
Jann Murphy at Dogs Home & Cronulla / photographed by C. (Les) Lynch
Training of guide dogs and owners - Perth, February 1956 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Dogs, 1963 / photographs by David Beal
St. Mary's - town series, September 1955 / photographed by R. Donaldson
Dogs home, June 1964 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Air Force guard dogs, 15 September 1944 / photographed by Alec Iverson
Sheep dog trials Canberra, 10 October 1945 / photographed by Alec Iverson
"Shih Tzu" (lion dogs) and "YK" camera for pen prize, September 1960 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Price war. Katoomba, 12 August 1961 / photographs by David Beal
[Dogs], 1953
Models and model dogs at dogs home, August 1964 / photographs by Ivan
29. Dogs on deck
Michael Bryant, 2 June 1968 / photographs by F. R. Johnson
Dogs, 1963 / photographs by David Beal
Models and model dogs at dogs home, August 1964 / photographs by Ivan
W. Dobell, Wangi Wangi, June 1964 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Dog plays piano, Bellevue Hill, 10 December 1964 / photographs by David Cumming
Sir Hudson Fysh - personal and family photographs, ca. 1920-1970
Dogs, 1963 / photographs by David Beal
Jeff Carter photographs of beach, bush, and battlers, 1943, 1950-1968, 1996
Air Force guard dogs, 15 September 1944 / photographed by Alec Iverson
Air Force guard dogs, 15 September 1944 / photographed by Alec Iverson
78. u0009[Men, children and dogs on beach]
156. Chorus girls in flamenco dresses