077 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of the coast and islands adjacent Padang on the west coast of Sumatra, from...
077 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of the coast and islands adjacent Padang on the west coast of Sumatra, from...
087 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of the Island Engano, adjacent to the west coast of Sumatra, by Charles Gust...
060 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of part of Papua and New Britain or the Solomon Islands, copied from Dampier...
090 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of a harbour on the east side of So. Poggy Island adjacent to the west coast...
158 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the mouths of the Straits of Malacca and Banka to the coast, of Borneo,...
101 - SAFE/F8/75 - Chart of the coast of Sumatra from Acheen to Diamond Point by Capt. George Baker...
019 - SAFE/F8/75 - Chart of the Straits of Sinkapoura from an old book of English MSS - Jan.ry 5th 1...
022 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of English Cove and Gower's Harbour in New Britain, 1767 - June 1st 1781
031 - SAFE/F8/79 - Sketch of the northern part of the Natunas Islands, by Capt.n John Clements, 1773...
036 - SAFE/F8/79 - A chart of part of the coast of China and the adjacent islands, from Pedro Blanco...
019 - SAFE/F8/77 - Pedro Blanco on the coast of China - 1st May 1780
073 - SAFE/F8/75 - Chart from Lingen to Borneo including Banka, Billeton and Crimata from two charts...
091 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of Soosoo on the west coast of Sumatra Lat. 4°. 19' N., from an English MS o...
010 - SAFE/F8/77 - Views in the Grenville, 1775 - Oct.r 1st 1779
071 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of Abai Harbour o the NW coast of Borneo by James Rennell 1762 - 27th Feb....
183 - SAFE/F8/79 - Views of islands off the west coast of Sumatra, Pl: 2d - Sept.r 7th 1782
079 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of Padang, the chief settlement of the Dutch on the west-coast of Sumatra; f...
187 - SAFE/F8/79 - Coast of China - [7 November 1783]
114 - SAFE/F8/75 - Padang, the chief settlement of the Dutch Company on the west coast of Sumatra -...
022 - SAFE/F8/77 - Pitt's Passage Pl:1
068 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of part of the east coast of Celebes and the adjacent islands; Castricoms B...
192 - SAFE/F8/79 - Straits of Sapy, Sumbawa and Mangery or Floris, by A. Dalrymple, 1761 - 25th June...
007 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the S.E. coast of Hainan, from a Swedish chart made in 1742, by Capt.n C...
194 - SAFE/F8/79 - Pitt's Passage, Pl:2 - Aug.t 1st 1780
053 - SAFE/F8/75 - Sketch of Earl Spencer's Keys so named by Peter Rainer Esq. RA of the Blue, in th...
062 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the track of the Tartar-Galley, 1774 & 1775, by Thomas Forrest; Chart of...
033 - SAFE/F8/77 - Views of the lands around Dampiers Strait in the Ship Earl Mansfield, Capt: Willi...
007 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of Jervis Bay on the east coast of New Holland - March 11th 1794
127 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Indrarour on the west coast of Sumatra, from a Dutch MS - 25 Feb.y 1774
123 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of the road of Batavia on the north coast of Java published by Gerard Van Ke...
067 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the islands and shoals to the westward of Celebes, from a Dutch MS in th...
132 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Po. Chenco, with the adjacent bays on the west coast of Sumatra, by Capt....
181 - SAFE/F8/79 - Sumatra views - 5 May 1774
175 - SAFE/F8/79 - Views on the Choromandel Coast, Pl:2 - Dec.r 17th 1781
029 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the south coast of Borneo, laid down from observations in the Portobello...
004 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Turon Harbour, on the coast of Cochin, China; by Capt"ns Arthur Gore & Ph...
141 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Batang-Capay Bay, on the west coast of Sumatra, by Capt. John McDonald -...
027 - SAFE/F8/77 - Revenge's views, Pitt's Passage 1763 & 1764 by Com: John Watson - July 7th 1781
016 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of part of the Philipinas, laid down chiefly from observations in 1761 & 17...
056 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of the entrance of the Strait of Mallacca and Port Rio by George Bass - Feb...
117 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of Vinkops or Wine-Coopers Point and Bay on Java Lat. 7°.27' S 28 lea.s E of...
002 - SAFE/F8/77 - Sumatra views - 5 May 1774
009 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of Lord Howe's Group of Islands discovered in the Waczamheydt by Capt. John...
041 - SAFE/F8/79 - A sketch of Ahouset, Lat. 49°12'N., Long. 126°12'W (Variation estimated 19°40'E),...
029 - SAFE/F8/75 - Chart of the passage between Pt. Bato and Se Beeroo called Natian and Good-Fortun...
027 - SAFE/F8/79 - Chart of the NW coast of Borneo, from Keenaroot River to the Island Osookan - Dec...
026 - SAFE/F8/75 - Chart of the Peeloo Archipelago, from observations in 1793 & 1794 by John McCluer...
044 - SAFE/F8/79 - Sketch of a bay at the southern part of the Nova Hibernia, Lat. 52°7' N., Long. 1...
122 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Cawoor, or, Sambat on the west coast of Sumatra, by Charles Gustavus Wahl...
066 - SAFE/F8/75 - Chart of the south coast of Borneo laid down from observations in the Portobello...
177 - SAFE/F8/79 - Strait of Mallacca, by Capt.n Rich.d Pierce, Pl. 2 - 30th Sept.r 1779
015 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of the settlement at Balamrangan when taken by surprise, from a M.S. at the...
118 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Mew Bay in the Strait of Sunda, by Com:John Watson, 1762 - 5th Feb.y 1774
167 - SAFE/F8/79 - View of the Chagos and adjacent islands - Oct.r 27th 1784
114 - SAFE/F8/79 - Turtle Bay, on So. coast of Java; Patsietan Bay on So. coast of Java; Vleer Muys...
117 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of Zutphen, or, Hounds Islands off the S.E. part of Sumatra, from a Dutch M....
051 - SAFE/F8/79 - Sketch of the Strait of Sapy, by A. Dalrymple, 1761 - Jan.y 7th 1784
160 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of the Keeling and Cocos Islands being all very low, and steep to, except wh...
032 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of part of Balambangan from T. Parang to T. Bontud. Shewing the entrance to...
125 - SAFE/F8/79 - Poolo Bay near Bencoolen, by William Tolley - 8 Feb.y 1775
108 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of part of the islands Cardiman or Carimon & Sabon at the So. Entrance of t...
076 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of the islands to the eastward and southward of Banda with part of the adjac...
152 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plans of three bays on the island Good-Fortune; adjacent to the west coast of Sum...
006 - SAFE/F8/77 - Strait of Mallacca, by Capt. Rich.d Peirce. Pl. 1 - 28th July 1779
106 - SAFE/F8/79 - Plan of part of the Strait of Sunda from the fourth point of Java to Po. Panjang,...
034 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of the Port Geby in the Maluco Islands, laid down geometrically on the spot...
199 - SAFE/F8/79 - Views of the lands around Dampiers Strait in the Ship Earl Mansfield, Capt: Will:...
115 - SAFE/F8/79 - Turtle Bay on So. coast of Java: Patietan Bay on the So. coast of Java; Flittermo...
063 - SAFE/F8/79 - Part of a plane chart published by John Thornton and Joel Gascoyn - Feb.y 17th 17...
050 - SAFE/F8/75 - Plan of Mew Bay in the Strait of Sunda by Capt. Jon Watson, 1762 - 5th Feb.y 1774