Industrial Safety Convention
Industrial Safety Convention
Miss Body, YMCA
Housing Commission, Newcastle
Entrance to Newcastle & Hunter River
Watt Street Children's Hospital, Newcastle
General interest shot, Newcastle & District
Wheat silos
New single bus
Presentation of colours by Governor General Sir William Slim to City of Newcastle Regiment
Housing and Co-operative Society dwellings inspection, Newcastle
Civic power station
Cultural Centre special council meeting and members viewing model of memorial
Newcastle's 150th anniversary celebrations
Bishop Batty at Yoshira (?)
Glasgow Arms Hotel (Newcastle trip)
General interest shot, Newcastle & District
General interest shots Newcastle and District
Paul Beadle, sculptor
Trucks hoisted to mouth of bin
Vice Admiral Sir Frank Trowbridge Mason, Engineer in Chief of Royal Navy and Naval Assistant Command...
Newcastle's 150th anniversary procession
Miss Fowler, Show secretary
Minister opening fish market at Newcastle
Wool store [i.e. Director, PWD, Newcastle]
Duke of Gloucester's visit to Newcastle
Public Works project, Newcastle
Dog racing [in Newcastle ?]
Civic power station
De Havilland Vampire jet trainers of 79 Squadron over Newcastle and Williamtown
Playing area
Child Welfare Trust meeting at Newcastle
Sword drill, City of Newcastle Regiment
No 78 RAAF Fighter Wing marching
Visit to Newcastle
Damaged beaches
Library moves
View of Newcastle & Harbour
Accident scene, Newcastle
Housing and Co-operative Society dwellings inspection, Newcastle
Reverend Arthur Preston, visiting Methodist preacher from Queensland
North Coast trip: Opening of aged persons units at Newcastle
Rowley James
Frank Duncan
Beverley Bainbridge, swimmer
Newcastle's 150th Anniversary Celebrations Committee (taken for "Newcastle Morning Herald")
Northumberland County Council meeting. Commissioner appointed by the Local Government Dept. to hear...
Newcastle conference
Miss Fowler, Show secretary
Baker's cart
Aerial photograph looking north over Newcastle (bottom), Carrington (left) and Stockton (right)
Royal Newcastle Aero Club planes leaving for Hobart for regatta
Mr Gibson, Secretary of Newcastle WEA
New Army trucks
Customs uniforms
Mr R Beatty (or Beatly ?) (personality)
General interest shot, Newcastle & District
Motorship "Wangara" trials
Grain Sorghum Board railway bogie powered by tractor to shunt grain wagons, Newcastle
Premier Hotel (Newcastle trip)
Garden winners
Matt Hayes, Newcastle journalist and drama critic
Visit to Newcastle
North Coast trip: Opening of aged persons units at Newcastle
Farewell to Mr Schroder, president, Hunter District Water Board
Archbishop of Canterbury arrives
Housing Commission, Newcastle
McWilliams Wines; Mt Pleasant. Newcastle
Visit to Newcastle
Rocket brigade
Official visit, Newcastle District
Newcastle from Town Hall Civic Block
Newcastle (Lycett)
Newcastle conference
Visit to Newcastle
Road permits to Maitland, allowing vehicles through road blocks to flooded areas
General interest shots Newcastle and District
Newcastle conference
Newcastle conference
Cultural Centre special council meeting and members viewing model of memorial
General interest shot, Newcastle & District
Newcastle conference
British migrants on the Sitmar liner Fairsky photographed arriving at Newcastle for the Dept. Immigr...
2. [Castle beside river], Ed Forde.
Item 0587: Tribune negatives including power station and surrounding area of Newcastle, New South Wa...
Item 0734: Tribune negatives including beaches, industry and caravan parks, Newcastle, New South Wal...
File 13: BHP and slaughtered mangroves, Newcastle, March 1969 / photographed by Max Dupain
Item 0732: Tribune negatives including industry, Newcastle, New South Wales, September 1983
7. [Aborigines around an evening campfire]
Item 0733: Tribune negatives including heavy industry and town of Newcastle, New South Wales, Septem...
Item 0740: Tribune negatives including BHP and heavy industry, Newcastle, New South Wales, September...
Item 0733: Tribune negatives including heavy industry and town of Newcastle, New South Wales, Septem...
Item 0740: Tribune negatives including BHP and heavy industry, Newcastle, New South Wales, September...
Aerial photographs of Newcastle, New South Wales, 2 April 2005 / by Daryl Jones
Macquarie Collector's Chest, ca. 1818
Macquarie Collector's Chest, ca. 1818
Item 650: Tribune negatives including demonstrations against job cuts, anti-apartheid demonstrations...
Item 650: Tribune negatives including demonstrations against job cuts, anti-apartheid demonstrations...
Item 0732: Tribune negatives including industry, Newcastle, New South Wales, September 1983
Macquarie Collector's Chest, ca. 1818