Senior Citizens Week 1980
Senior Citizens Week 1980
Awards presented by the Duke of Edinburgh
Scarring on shin
[Views of Sydney and the Grose Valley]
Item 05: African Family Day, Parramatta Park, Parramatta, New South Wales, 22 November 2008 / photog...
Christmas special presentation at Martin Place
Sale of odds and ends at Salvation Army depot. Tempe, 9 November 1963 / photographs by Alec Iverson
Racing Driver, May 1956 / photographs by Ivan
Government Printing Office - Apprenticeship Awards
Item 2: Photograph of Rim Jezan, 30 May 2014 / by Louise Whelan
Harry Seidler - Internment camp shirt from Canada, ca. 1940-1941
Knitting Book fashion, mother & child, October 1950 / photographs by N. Herfort
Millionaire, Ryan, King's Cross, 30 March 1951 / photographs by Wal Easton
Senior Citizens Week
Item 076: Mother and son Justine and Benny Kisimba, former refugees from The Democratic Republic of...
Court evidence
Item 03: Students looking on at the Young Rural Achievers award cattle competition demonstration, 14...
NSW Apprenticeship Prizes and Awards at Sir John Clancy Auditorium University of NSW
Model series - June Dally Watkins school, 5 February 1953
Lidcombe Hospital - shots for recruiting staff
Carnivale 81, Domain, Flemington Markets
Production of the 1958 Anthony Kimmins-Canberra Films' feature film Smiley gets a gun" in the Pagewo...
Nurses graduation, Parramatta Psychiatric Centre
City and suburban projects
Awards presented by the Duke of Edinburgh
Item 22: Tony Graham comforts his daughter Alana Graham and her cousin Sadie Gilbert at the Anzac me...
Publicity shot, woman with doormats
Injuries to girl's arms & legs
Scouts jamboree, January 1939
Item 0499: Tribune negatives including teachers meeting and Tribune festival, Melbourne, Victoria, D...
Mr and Mrs Howard, Darling Point, 4 February 1965 / photographs by Lynch
Woman with shotgun and hare - Probably Quakers Hill, NSW
Scarring on inside of right thigh
Corners [Corner family] boys
Clothing factory, Leichhardt
Item 29: Matt Finish, Sydney, New South Wales, 1985 / photograph by Wendy McDougall
2. Belle & friend, Darlinghurst Rd, Kings Cross, 2004
Model test Diana ten Hove, 3 May 1956 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Item 0616: Tribune negatives including Women's Refuge occupation, Victoria and Newcastle Port, New S...
Item 467: Tribune negatives including seminar with W. Rigby and Professor Sol Encel, a social recept...
Item 0682: Tribune negatives including Bill Kelly, in Wollongong Hospital recovering from shooting,...
Exercises for women, February 1966 / photographs by R. Donaldson
"How to train your dog" - Lidcombe, July 1958 / photographs by R. Donaldson
The Limbo demonstrated by Wendy Langham, January 1963 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Gary Crosby USA, April 1956
Artist Ethel Barnes, 26 June 1952 / photographs by Gordon F. De Lisle
Miss Dawn Gold, 10 August 1945 / photographed by Ivan Ives
Item 0232: Victoria's Jubilee medal, 1897
Item 0315: Victoria's Jubilee medal, 1897
Teenage fashions, DJs [David Jones], June 1966 / photographs by Ivan
24. Sarah, Palm Beach, October 2005
Ruth Palma, ballet dancer at Bodenweiser Dance Centre, 1980
Social: Party at home of Mr and Mrs Doug Mitchell at Beauty Point, Mosman, 18 February 1965 / photog...
National Fitness Headquarters, 9 April 1948 / photographed by J. Bagnall
Slacks - Dawn Frazer & Joan Manning, 3 August 1942 / photographs by Ivan
File 03: Max, personal, head of the river, 1973 / photographed by Max Dupain
Callide Open Cut Mine series - Overland Tour, October 1952
Item 613: Tribune negatives including various demonstrations, n.d.
1st Leichhardt Scout Troop and 1st Camperdown Scout Troop, 1914-1920 / photographed by J.X. Coutts
Kosciusko, 6 September 1946
Rhino. Play, 20 March 1962 / photographs by Victor Johnston
14. Queuing for Westpac ATM outside the Medical Centre, Glebe, 2010�
Wine and Food Society presentation of barbeque to Tulloch family. Hunter Valley, Newcastle, 16 Febru...
Evon Gregory, October 1952
Charlie Beaton / photographed by B. Rice
Heads in plastic bag; The Fauns, a vocal trio, June 1961 / photographs by R. Donaldson
First aid supplement, March 1963 / photographs by R. Donaldson
File 01: Crowd shots of protestors at Save Luna Park event, 28 June 1980
Scenes of Glebe, 2002 / photographed by Patricia Baillie
Item 659: Tribune negatives including women sewing, office workers, an unidentified meeting, landsca...
Harry Hayes boxer at Griffith / photographed by B. Rice
Item 0760: Tribune negatives including portraits of Wyka and Gay Lib Quire at Spring dinner, April 1...
Back Endpaper
The men we met, November 1966
Item 0171: Tribune negatives including Tertiary Education Assistance Scheme strike rally, University...
Knitting fashion, December 1949 / photographs by Steve Dunleavy
Fred. Sales, January 1962 / photographs by Victor Johnston
File 031: Gilbert and Cervellin, ca. 1958 / photographed by Max Dupain & Associates
Gill Bros Rodeo, Cowra, 24 March 1968 / photographs by F. R. Johnson
Sydney Opera house, 22 June 1963 / photographs by David Beal
Item 292: Tribune negatives including New Theatre play, and workers waiting outside of the Commonwea...
Item 723: Tribune negatives including portraits of an unidentified man, Kent and Marlboro cigarette...
A collection of drawings in watercolour, ink and pencil : illustrative of the life, character & scen...
File 232: Bushwalking with modelling by Andrews and Bragg in bush location, ca. 1951 / photographed...
File 03: Max, personal, head of the river, 1973 / photographed by Max Dupain
Dave Brubeck show ATN, 17 March 1960 / photographs by Lynch
Gaye Kirkwood, August 1965 / photographs by Ivan
Vicky Fossati. Studio, November 1965
Item 0516: Tribune negatives including International Women's Day, February-March 1980
Item 0272: Tribune negatives including Humanite festival, Paris, France, 1977
Volume 13: Sketchbook XXXIV, No. 16 Australian. 1862, 1863, 1865, 1868 / by Eugene von Guerard
48. Shopfront Window Vinnies, King Street, Newtown
RN Theseus [aircraft carrier], 24 July 1947
File 055: Sydney Opera House construction progress, A series, June 1966 / photographs taken by Max D...
Back cover
The alternative 70's in Australia / Roger Marchant
The alternative 70's in Australia / Roger Marchant
The alternative 70's in Australia / Roger Marchant
The alternative 70's in Australia / Roger Marchant
The alternative 70's in Australia / Roger Marchant