File 09: Shots of flowers, poppies, ca. 1946 / photographed by Olive Cotton
File 09: Shots of flowers, poppies, ca. 1946 / photographed by Olive Cotton
Item 0481: Tribune negatives including housing and workers demonstration outside Minister Dixson's O...
Flying Foxes at Burrinjuck Dam - Burrinjuck, NSW
Prison industries at Cessnock Gaol
Item 19: Viennessa Wimborne, Marching for VOTE YES, Kent Street, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 10 Septembe...
Job no. 183: Hartford Insurance building exterior, Margaret Street (also Pfahlert's Hotel in distanc...
Government Insurance, Earlwood, night scene
Item 25: Dragon water show during vivid at Darling Harbour, Vivid Light Festival, 2016 / photograph...
City view
Accident scenes at North Ryde, Cabramatta & Bondi
Traffic signals, press button, [Parramatta Road, Lewisham, west of West Street intersection]
Looking north along Victoria Road to the Gladesville Bridge from corner of Westbourne Street
Railway level crossings on the Botany Goods Line, Banksmeadow and Botany
General Post Office illuminated at night, Federation Celebrations, 1901
Item 96: William Street, Both Sides, Port Macquarie, NSW, 13 November 2013 / photograph by John Immi...
Olympic torch carriers at Rushcutters Bay oval, 18 September 1956 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Sir William's Expedition
Road signs
Martin Place
Traffic accident scenes, Gordon St, Petersham & Belgrave St, Cremorne
Item 10: Students, University of New South Wales, Kensington, 27 September 2013 / photograph by Robe...
File 430: [Console switchboard and dials], ca. 1940s / photographed by Max Dupain & Associates
[Showground. Eucharistic Congress rehearsal], 10 April 1953 / photographs by Milton Kent
Accident scenes at North Ryde, Cabramatta & Bondi
Accident & compensation claims
Roads & streets
William St night shot, 31 May 1939 / photographed by Baden H. Mullaney
Photos of area around Sydney Entertainment Centre
Hunter Valley flood mitigation
Illicit still at Parramatta, 24 June 1935 / photographs by N. Herfort
Making Palmolive soap advertisement for Pix, photo studio., 24 October 1939 / photographed by Herfor...
Kings Cross
Item 0481: Tribune negatives including housing and workers demonstration outside Minister Dixson's O...
3. Shopfront Commonwealth Bank Entrance, Enmore Road, Newtown
Aids for winter driving and television insurance rackets, July 1963 / photographs by R. Donaldson
4. NAB Bank, 277 King Street, Newtown
Eye dropper for medical story, September 1963 / photographs by Ivan
File 24: Wamberal, January 1972 / photographed by Max Dupain
Night scenes city, 24 February 1937
Item 049: Tribune negatives including demonstration at University of New South Wales, and anti-Vietn...
Eucharistic Congress. Floodlit churches, 12 April 1953 / photographs by R. Horner
Item 1037: Tribune negatives including Migrants for Aboriginal Rights women's concert and Invasion D...
6. Chiropractic Clinic, 1/281 King Street, Newtown
Item 579: Tribune negatives including demonstration on various issues, n.d.
Item 0555: Tribune negatives including shopping and Women's Health Centre, Liverpool, New South Wale...
Moomba parade, October 1966
Item 0302: Tribune negatives including Tribune printing press, January 1978
8. Janet's Pies, 283 King Street, Newtown
Mice, CSIRO, 8 April 1964 / photographs by Victor Johnston
Road safety (Scotchlite), Vaucluse and city, 15 January 1957 / photographs by Lynch
Campbell's business - Oura flood March 2012
Item 0525: Tribune negatives including May Day march, Brisbane, Queensland, April 1980
File 01: Coffs Harbour, August 1964 / photographed by Max Dupain
File 4: Addis House by night, ca. 1947 / photographed by Max Dupain
Item 0656: Tribune negatives including Aborigines protest regarding Queensland Travel and land right...
Brandy Making by Seppelts - Barossa Valley, S.A. / photographed by C. (Les) Lynch
Mr Stewart, Allambie Heights, globes, 8 May 1965 / photographs by Victor Johnston
Pedestrians and traffic, November 1963 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Bushwalkers at Burning Palms Beach
Item 715: Tribune negatives including Ningla A-NA moratorium for Aborginal land rights through the s...
Item 0040: Tribune negatives including Amazon Acres, 1974-1975
Item 0679: Tribune negatives including Bob Hawke election rally, Sydney Opera House, Sydney, New Sou...
Item 0873: Tribune negatives including Communist Party of Australia Congress and overseas students,...
Item 0525: Tribune negatives including May Day march, Brisbane, Queensland, April 1980
Item 0040: Tribune negatives including Amazon Acres, 1974-1975
Item 0460: Tribune negatives including uranium, Hiroshima Day demonstrations, Sydney, August 1979
20. Shopfront Window Clem's Chicken Shop, King Street, Newtown
Item 0416: Tribune negatives including Vietnamese right wing and Anzac Day, April-May 1979
Item 0017: Tribune negatives including Women in Education conference, and Paddy's Market, Sydney, Ne...
Careers for women modelled by Anne Marun, June 1966 / photographs by R. Donaldson
File 073: ‘The Sydney Opera House by moonlight’ includes shots of moon (distant), March 1969 / photo...
Item 0479: Tribune negatives including Printing and Kindred Industries Union meeting and nurses demo...
Item 0004: Tribune negatives including opening of Liverpool Womens Health Centre, 1975
24. Flight Centre and WOOSH Clothing Australia, 312, 314 King Street, Newtown
Item 664: Tribune negatives including demonstration calling for the release of Angela Davis, trade u...
Item 0964: Tribune negatives including peace vigil and Hiroshima Day protests, Manly, New South Wale...
Item 0490: Tribune negatives including uranium march, Adelaide, South Australia and Telecom, rail me...
Pedestrian and traffic, June 1960 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Item 407: Tribune negatives including speeches in a hall and outdoors, with unidentified portraits....
Item 0526: Tribune negatives including May Day march, Sydney, New South Wales, April 1980
36. Residential Housing, 33-35 King Street, Newtown
Item 0526: Tribune negatives including May Day march, Sydney, New South Wales, April 1980
City pedestrians, September 1965 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Item 0385: Tribune negatives including Malcolm Fraser and gay solidarity march, Sydney, New South Wa...
Item 0526: Tribune negatives including May Day march, Sydney, New South Wales, April 1980
Item 0911: Tribune negatives including Intervention magazine book launch, 1984-1985
Item 0039: Tribune negatives including Amazon Acres, December 1974
Item 0877: Tribune negatives including World Environment Day and Sydney peace squadron protests, Jun...
47. Whatever Store, Helen's Florist and Shops, 156A, 160 Enmore Road, Newtown
57. [Sydney Harbour] Bridge from ferry, sunset and south pylon
69. Zwirl, 85 King Street, Newtown
Series 06 Part 02: Shopfronts, Enmore Road, Newtown, 2012-2013 / photographed by John Immig
65. Shopfront Window, King Street, Newtown
Series 06 Part 03: Shopfronts, Enmore Road, Newtown, 2012-2013 / photographed by John Immig
73. Urban Nature Integrative Health Street View, 216 Enmore Road, Newtown
77. Clem
84. Shopfront Window, King Street, Newtown