Russian Ballet Farewell; Theatre Royal (taken for J.C. Williamson Ltd)
Russian Ballet Farewell; Theatre Royal (taken for J.C. Williamson Ltd)
Official opening, General Electric computer installation, Australian General Electric Computer Infor...
Opening of 21st International Safety in Mines Research Conference at Hilton Hotel by Minister Mr P....
Opening of staff training centre in Kent St by Peter Wilenski
Crowds listen to the service in the Domain
Lecture on sex in advertising, Institute of Management, North Sydney
Hungarian refugees at Mascot
Opening of residential probation house, Stanmore
Gough Whitlam, Sydney, 4 March 1968 / photographs by F. R. Johnson
Ford Annual Dealer Meeting 1954 dinner, Hotel Australia
Peace celebrations, 17 August 1945
Item 05: Spectators watch the Dawn Service at Bigg Park, 124 Bigge St, Liverpool, NSW, 25 April 2015...
Minister opens new courthouse at Muswellbrook
Senior Citizens Week 1980
Opening of "Lang House" - new Headquarters of Dept. Opened by Barry Unsworth, Premier
Commencing work on the Westmead Hospital Project
China Business Opportunities Seminar
Minister & Director of Y & CS open Disaster Welfare Conference at Coogee Sands Motel
Chamber of Manufactures' lunch for Crown Prince Harald of Norway, Hotel Australia
Senior Citizens Week 1980
Mittagong Training School
Meeting of strikers at Scunthorpe, April 18th 1909 / photographer unknown
NSW Apprentice of the Year Awards at University of New South Wales
GPS Regatta, Penrith
Small Business Awards presentations
Item 350: Tribune negatives including demonstrators and police inside building, pensioners' meeting,...
Return of the 5th Battalion, Royal Australian regiment from Vietnam on the aircraft carrier Sydney (...
Presentation of awards to Apprentices of the Year
Senior Citizens week - presentation at Lower Town Hall by Des O'Connor
Item 0679: Tribune negatives including Bob Hawke election rally, Sydney Opera House, Sydney, New Sou...
Minister, Mr Cleary with Jubilee Oval Redevelopment Committee
Police Academy
Official opening of the University of New South Wales Roundhouse
Official opening, Milperra College of Advanced Education by Premier Mr N. Wran
Opening of newly restored forecourt of Parliament House by Premier Wran
Housing Commission, Hargrave Park
Coronet Restaurant
Speakers at seminar held at Parliament House
Minister Landa opens Metropolitan Waste Disposal, Rockdale Transfer Depot
Visit of Minister (Peter Cox) to Small Business Trade Fair
Carnivale 81
Annual General Meeting 1972 of the War Widows' Guild in the theatrette, Anzac House
Leather workers' dinner at Sargents
Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme - Conference, Canberra
McGrath, White City; McGrath-Hughes [playing tennis at White City], 24 December 1934
Ethnic Press Seminar at State Office Block theatre & introduction of new Advisory Council President
Item 0439: Tribune negatives including Communist Party of Australia State Conference and public serv...
C'wealth 50th year
Bathurst Gaol reopening
Westmead Boys Home Christmas party
AANA (Australian Association of National Advertisers) given a night tour of CIG, Alexandria
AANA (Australian Association of National Advertisers) radio workshop, Anzac House Theatrette
Pre-teens at Channel 10, July 1967
Item 211: Tribune negatives including anti-Vietnam War demonstration and march to Sydney Town Hall,...
United States R & R men from Vietnam meet Aussie girls. Whisky-A-Go-Go, 9 November 1967 / photograph...
Item 535: Tribune negatives including memorial gathering about indigenous lands and Moratorium to En...
Item 626: Tribune negatives including demonstration about workers' accident pay, 1971
Digger for a day series, 5 June 1940 / photographed by Ray Olson
Item 0463: Tribune negatives including metal workers meeting, Wollongong and uranium, Hiroshima Day...
Item 002 : Tribune negatives including portraits of Frank Hardy and Stan Moran, and Rushcutter Bowl...
Martin Place War Fund fete Lord Mayor's carnival, 12 December 1939 / photographed by Ivan Ives
Item 0710: Tribune negatives including hiroshima protests, Wollongong, New South Wales, 1983
Item 0435: Tribune negatives including teachers 18:12 campaign and uranium demonstration, New South...
Negatives from the Tribune (Communist Party of Australia newspaper) featuring the Aboriginal Rights...
Item 0907: Tribune negatives including People For Nuclear Disarmament and Defend Medicare Committee...
Item 0422: Tribune negatives including Sydney District Conference and John's & Waygood stop work pic...
Item 735: Tribune negatives including Liberal party campaign event at the Sydney Town Hall, demonstr...
Man from U.N.C.L.E., 1966
Bare Island, La Perouse, 20 July 1968 / photographs by F. R. Johnson
Greek story. Delfini Athens, 4 December 1965 / photographs by Victor Johnston
Item 0801: Tribune negatives including nuke protest and warship visit, Melbourne, Victoria, March-Ap...
Item 0372: Tribune negatives including budget rallies, Melbourne, Victoria and Parramatta, New South...
Item 111: Tribune negatives including ALP Vietnam protest meeting, traffic on Sydney Harbour Bridge,...
Item 246: Tribune negatives including nurses' meeting, strike meeting at Ford Motor Company, and Rug...
Item 498: Tribune negatives including protest march on Castlereagh Street, Sydney, relating to Austr...
Item 0454: Tribune negatives including Mark West, Laurie Aarons, Richard Fletcher and Richard Barnet...
Item 0054: Tribune negatives including building labourer's, [ca. 1974-1975?]
Recruits for Navy enlisting at Loftus St. Navy depot / photographed by R. Donaldson
Item 0566: Tribune negatives including Communist Party of Australia History Conference, Melbourne, V...
Item 1048: Tribune negatives including New South Wales Labor Council rally and Public Service Associ...
Item 400 : Tribune negatives including demonstration march with unidentified portraits, city, street...
Spike Milligan rehearsal for Idiots Corner at ABC, July 1959 / photographs by Ivan
Item 013: Tribune negatives of a Christmas party for retired members and wives of the Waterside Work...
Item 357: Tribune negatives including portraits of Jon Hornibrook and Irena Niedzwiecki, wharfies jo...
Schoolboys watch Ray Price's Jazz Band at Rose Bay, 6 July 1966 / photographs by David Cumming
Item 413: Tribune negatives including demonstration march in Town Hall with speeches. Includes bann...
Item 0895: Tribune negatives including Eddie Funde in anti-apartheid demonstration, Canberra, Austra...
Item 0487: Tribune negatives including workers compensation demonstration, Melbourne, Victoria, Octo...
Item 676: Tribune negatives including an unidentified man and newspaper cutting, unidentified woman...
Item 0154: Tribune negatives including uranium demonstration at Sydney Opera House, Sydney, New Sout...
Athletic carnival Moore Park [Sydney], 23 September 1956
Item 0546: Tribune negatives including women at Liverpool Women's Health Centre, July 1980 / photogr...
Item 0945: Tribune negatives including Anzac Day and May Day marches, May 1986
Item 547: Tribune negatives including Builders Labourers Federation demonstration outside Master Bui...
Item 0944: Tribune negatives including monorail protest and Australian republic meeting, May 1986
Jazz, 3 October 1962 / photographs by David Beal
Item 0968: Tribune negatives including Special Broadcasting Service protest, Sydney Opera House, New...
Item 0648: Tribune negatives including attendees at Communist Party of Australia 27th National Congr...
[Maslyn Williams Nauru photographs]