Forestry exhibition, David Jones
Forestry exhibition, David Jones
David Jones' Services (Armed Forces) Exhibition
Fashion model in an Aage Thaarup hat, David Jones
Crowds in Castlereagh Street for visit of Jerry Colonna and Buddy Rich to David Jones
Judging of Miss New South Wales, 1961, David Jones
Model of the P. & O. liner SS Canberra, David Jones
Letraset "instant lettering" (stick-on letters) display, David Jones department store
Bathurst Tourism display to promote gold panning holidays, David Jones
French Exhibition "The Spirit of France", David Jones (taken for "Courier australien")
New Zealand pop singer Dinah Lee driven in a vintage car to David Jones' Elizabeth Street store for...
Opening of David Jones's new store
Cocktail party for The Ambassador, the British export magazine, no.8, 1951, David Jones
Miss New South Wales 1965 chosen at David Jones store
David Jones at Christmas 1956
Cookery demonstration for the Deaf & Dumb Adult Society, David Jones
David Jones' Services (Armed Forces) Exhibition
New Zealand pop singer Dinah Lee driven in a vintage car to David Jones' Elizabeth Street store for...
Visiting black dancer Katherine Dunham signing autographs for fans at a promotion for Goya perfumes
Diner-matic sandwich toaster and grilling iron
Fashion parade for Everglaze fabrics, David Jones
Fashion model in a ball gown at a fashion parade in the restaurant, David Jones', Sydney
Miss New South Wales Charity Queen 1965 chosen at David Jones store
Milliner Aage Thaarup and Miss Lowry, David Jones
Nu-nail counter in David Jones' Elizabeth Street store
David Jones' Services (Armed Forces) Exhibition
Butchers shop, David Jones', Sydney
Catholic Assurance Ball at David Jones; nine debutantes
Family with Saba Electrosound and Admiral television sets in David Jones'
Philips radio at David Jones
Catholic Assurance Ball at David Jones; nine debutantes
Father Christmas with children at David Jones
Making Easter eggs at David Jones
"Land and people" at French Exhibition "The Spirit of France", David Jones (taken for "Courier austr...
Milliner Aage Thaarup and fashion models, David Jones
Santa Claus has his temperature taken and takes Disprin from St. John Ambulance nurses, David Jones
Radio personality Bob Pollard and Del Cartwright broadcast a 2UE radio program featuring stars of "T...
Miss Flemming at David Jones
Forestry exhibition, David Jones
David Jones' Services (Armed Forces) Exhibition
Author Edward V. Timms signs copies of his books, David Jones
Spastic children visit Toyland display, Sydney
Swedish Safir light aeroplane put through a 3rd floor window of David Jones' Market Street store for...
Wedding cake for Raymond and Eileen Bernard, David Jones', Sydney
Terylene and wool mens suit display in David Jones' window
Oil-filled electric radiator
New Zealand pop singer Dinah Lee driven in a vintage car to David Jones' Elizabeth Street store for...
Opening of David Jones's new store
Judging of Miss New South Wales, 1961, David Jones
German fashion models at the dress rehearsal of a fashion parade at David Jones
David Jones' Jubilee Artists' Quest finals
Exhibition of dolls
David Lloyd Jones at the opening of an art show, David Jones
Couture (6th) floor of David Jones
Handicapped (with polio ?) children's birthday party, David Jones
Frying food in an Etnelec deep fryer, David Jones
Personality Del Cartwright hosts a demonstration of Paul Duval Evron face powder, David Jones', Sydn...
German fashion models at the dress rehearsal of a fashion parade at David Jones
Sutex fashion parade and exhibit at David Jones
David Jones' Annual Staff Ball 1954
Coloured fountain exhibit installed in David Jones' restaurant
David Jones' Services (Armed Forces) Exhibition
Leonard French painting exhibition in the Art Gallery, David Jones
Sutex fashion parade and exhibit at David Jones
Catholic Assurance Ball at David Jones; nine debutantes
Swedish Safir light aeroplane put through a 3rd floor window of David Jones' Market Street store for...
Radio Exhibition. Golf machine, David Jones
Welsh and Australian Flags on David Jones, Welsh national day
David Jones Staff Ball, 1952-1953 (?)
Everloc displays in David Jones's window (for E. Lucas & Co Ltd)
David Jones' Toyland
The Radio Ball; group of debutantes with Matron-of-Honour
Dancers at David Jones' Ballroom
Judging of Miss New South Wales, 1961, David Jones
Cocktail party for The Ambassador, the British export magazine, no.8, 1951, David Jones
Radio personalities Bob Pollard and Del Cartwright interview Mr. Conde for the 2UE Housewares Show,...
David Jones Elizabeth Street store from Hyde Park
German fashion models at the dress rehearsal of a fashion parade at David Jones
Unidentified returned airman [possibly Kenny Baker] signs Capitol records, David Jones
Radio exhibition, David Jones
Woman in a recliner-rocker armchair, David Jones
Sutex fashion parade and exhibit at David Jones
Radio personality Bob Dyer demonstrates a Mullard electronic eye security system for a nugget of gol...
Judging of Miss New South Wales, 1961, David Jones
Saturday morning crowds, David Jones
Sale in the fabric dept. photographed for the British trade journal The Ambassador, David Jones
Unidentified returned airman [possibly Kenny Baker] signs Capitol records, David Jones
Portrait of Sir Charles Lloyd Jones (?) by William Dobell, David Jones
Kitchens of David Jones' cafeteria
David Jones cookery demonstration for diabetic diets
Catholic Assurance Ball at David Jones; nine debutantes
Square dancing group, David Jones
Tableau at the Radio Ball, "Lennie the Stromberg-Carlson Knight, dead and buried, but only for to-kn...
David Jones' Jubilee Artists' Quest finals
Singapore satay stand giving out free satay sticks (cooked for the first time in Australia by Hotel...
Judging Miss New South Wales 1964, David Jones
Welsh Society dinner at David Jones.
Crowded Food Hall during David Jones 114th birthday celebrations
American star Burl Ives interviewed on a 2UE radio program, David Jones
Food Hall during David Jones 114th birthday celebrations
David Jones's new Market Street store (originally 5 stories)