Secondary teachers and high school students (including Student Underground) demonstrate outside the...
Secondary teachers and high school students (including Student Underground) demonstrate outside the...
Opening of Parliament
Crowd walking across The Bridge, Sydney Harbour Bridge Celebrations, 1932
Item 0645: Tribune negatives including Royal Easter Show and abortion protest, 1982
Item 1002: Tribune negatives including student fees and education protests, Sydney, New South Wales,...
Item 0984: Tribune negatives including monorail protest and free Nelson Mandela march, Sydney, New S...
Item 0881: Tribune negatives including Public Service Association superannuation and unemployment pr...
Item 064: Tribune negatives including anti-Vietnam War protest, Tribune Fair, and demonstration outs...
Item 413: Tribune negatives including demonstration march in Town Hall with speeches. Includes bann...
Item 0903: Tribune negatives including People for Nuclear Disarmament bus and protests, 1985
Item 0619: Tribune negatives including student rally, Sydney, New South Wales, September 1981
Item 1078: Tribune negatives including Student Day of Action protests, Grace Bros department store a...
Item 0524: Tribune negatives including May Day march, Melbourne, Victoria, April-May 1980
Item 0056: Tribune negatives including Gough Whitlam and Australian Labor Party rally, October 1975
Item 0536: Tribune negatives including Australian Iron & Steel strike, Wollongong, New South Wales,...
Item 440: Tribune negatives including Darwin May Day demonstration supporting Aboriginal land rights...
Item 0598: Tribune negatives including Razor Gang demonstrations, Melbourne, Victoria, May 1981
Item 264: Tribune negatives including October Mobilisation march and meeting, 22 October 1967
Negatives from the Tribune (Communist Party of Australia newspaper) featuring large protest at Tent...
Item 1100: Tribune negatives including education mobilisation and abortion protests, Sydney, New Sou...
Item 169: Tribune negatives including Marrickville Margarine workers demonstration, and election ral...
Item 633: Tribune negatives including political demonstration, anti-apartheid demonstration, demonst...
Item 0937: Tribune negatives including Palm Sunday vigils, Manly Warringah region, New South Wales a...
Item 247: Tribune negatives including soldiers marching, and peace demonstration at US Consulate, Se...
Item 543: Tribune negatives including demonstration for Vietnam Moratorium, n.d.
Item 0082: Tribune negatives including elections and rally, Adelaide, South Australia, ca. 1974-1975
Item 633: Tribune negatives including political demonstration, anti-apartheid demonstration, demonst...
Item 20: Tribune negatives including International Women's Day march, George Street, Sydney, New Sou...
Item 0642: Tribune negatives including Malrinas protest, Sydney, New South Wales, 1982
Item 0746: Tribune negatives including El Salvador rally, Sydney, New South Wales, September 1983
Item 1126: Tribune negatives including rainforest declaration ceremony, Parliament House, Sydney, Ne...
Item 1002: Tribune negatives including student fees and education protests, Sydney, New South Wales,...
Item 0669: Tribune negatives including teachers rally regarding cuts to public education, New South...
Item 0585: Tribune negatives including Melbourne City Council demonstration over sackings, March-Apr...
Item 321: Tribune negatives including demonstration march for the 20th anniversary of the Declaratio...
Item 0060: Tribune negatives including Sydney University march to labour rally in Sydney, New South...
Item 0144: Tribune negatives including demonstration and Malcolm Fraser at Art Gallery of New South...
Item 0321: Tribune negatives including uranium mobilisation, Sydney, New South Wales and Tribune pic...
Item 592: Tribune negatives including a gathering outside the Central Court of Petty Sessions, and p...
Item 507: Tribune negatives including demonstration march relating to conscription and Australian pa...
Item 0824: Tribune negatives including Cockatoo Island docks protest, Sydney, New South Wales, July-...
Item 567: Tribune negatives including demonstration of the A.C.T.U. and a conference for the Vietnam...
Item 038: Tribune negatives of anti-Vietnam War demonstration outside United States of America Consu...
Item 0180: Tribune negatives including teachers demonstration and International Women's Day, Adelaid...
Item 430: Tribune negatives including participants of an anti-Vietnam War and anti-conscription demo...
Item 427: Tribune negatives including demonstration with anti-Vietnam War and anti-conscription plac...
Item 0683: Tribune negatives including peace march, Sydney, New South Wales, April 1983
Item 623: Tribune negatives including demonstration on various issues, 1971
Item 0842: Tribune negatives including Timor meeting, [ca. 1984-1985]
Item 697: Tribune negatives including the Aboriginal Tent Embassy May, 1972, and AMWU meeting at Wen...
Item 0971: Tribune negatives including anti-budget student protests, Canberra, Australian Capital Te...
Item 0122: Tribune negatives including South Africa and Soweto demonstration, [ca. 1976]
Item 0571: Tribune negatives including Fraser rally and uranium march, Melbourne, Victoria, October...
Item 0512: Tribune negatives including nurses demonstration and gay march, Sydney, New South Wales,...
Item 563: Tribune negatives including a meeting of the Association of Architects Engineers Surveyors...
Item 0420: Tribune negatives including TTAV, VSTA and Industrial Relations Bureau rallies, Melbourne...
Item 0613: Tribune negatives including Razor Gang protest, Melbourne, Victoria and Community Youth S...
Item 0904: Tribune negatives including Jack Mundy addressing Green Party, Brisbane, Queensland, 1985
Item 1010: Tribune negatives including Mudginberri picket, Northern Territory and housing protest at...
Item 0332: Tribune negatives including May Day march, Sydney, New South Wales, April 1978
Item 1120: Tribune negatives including Gulf War picket at US consulate and guitar band, August 1990
Item 0695: Tribune negatives including job march, Wollongong to Sydney, New South Wales, December 19...
Item 441: Tribune negatives including demonstration in support of Tramways Union official, Clarrie O...
Item 0941: Tribune negatives including women at Anzac Day and police at builder labourer's strike, A...
Item 0616: Tribune negatives including Women's Refuge occupation, Victoria and Newcastle Port, New S...
Item 096: Tribune negatives including Bankstown Prices Protest Petition Committee, anti-Vietnam War...
Item 1002: Tribune negatives including student fees and education protests, Sydney, New South Wales,...
Item 0977: Tribune negatives including tram workers stop work meeting, Melbourne, Victoria and monor...
Item 0364: Tribune negatives including Sydney Budget rally, New South Wales, August 1978
Item 116: Tribune negatives including nurses meeting and demonstration, and Yevgeny Yevtushenko at t...
Item 501: Tribune negatives including protest march relating to the Public Service Board and teacher...
Item 0113: Tribune negatives including abortion demonstration, Parliament House and nurses demonstra...
Item 0441: Tribune negatives including health cuts protest, Sydney, New South Wales, June 1979
Item 0879: Tribune negatives including Australian Labor Party headquarters protests, October 1985
Item 244: Tribune negatives including Anti-Vietnam War sit-in at U.S. Consulate, Sydney, and "Vigil...
Item 645: Tribune negatives including an anti-apartheid demonstration at a sporting match, a demonst...
Item 1100: Tribune negatives including education mobilisation and abortion protests, Sydney, New Sou...
Item 623: Tribune negatives including demonstration on various issues, 1971
Item 0047: Tribune negatives including International Women's Day march, 1975
Item 049: Tribune negatives including demonstration at University of New South Wales, and anti-Vietn...
Item 0364: Tribune negatives including Sydney Budget rally, New South Wales, August 1978
Item 0863: Tribune negatives including Consumptions Tax rally, August-September 1985
Item 0584: Tribune negatives including liberal rally, November 1980
Item 056: Tribune negatives including Printing & Kindred Industries Union meeting, Australian Counci...
Item 1014: Tribune negatives including anti-nuclear protest at HMAS Watson and Jack Mundey, April-Ju...
Item 0571: Tribune negatives including Fraser rally and uranium march, Melbourne, Victoria, October...
Item 255: Tribune negatives including Municipal Workers Union meeting and demonstration, September 1...
Item 265: Tribune negatives including October Mobilisation march and meeting, and Vietnam Action Cam...
Item 533: Tribune negatives including meeting and memorial gathering about Aboriginal land rights, n...
Item 0670: Tribune negatives including social workers union rally, Sydney, New South Wales, November...
Item 0411: Tribune negatives including uranium mobilisation, Sydney, New South Wales, April-May 1979
Item 1046: Tribune negatives including community independents BBQ, rally, dinner and student protest...
Item 0388: Tribune negatives including women in unions, Philippines reactor demonstrations and APM m...
Item 088: Tribune negatives including traffic from Sydney Harbour Bridge, and anti-Vietnam War demon...
Item 0314: Tribune negatives including protest over student sackings, University of Sydney and Inter...
Item 699: Tribune negatives including The May Day march, 1972
Item 241: Tribune negatives including anti-Vietnam War rally at Sydney Stadium, 1967?
Item 715: Tribune negatives including Ningla A-NA moratorium for Aborginal land rights through the s...
Item 0356: Tribune negatives including Technical and Further Education and CYSS demonstrations, Sydn...
Item 0834: Tribune negatives including South Africa solidarity and peace protests, September-October...