APA studio photograph of the Dave Guard Trio taken for the 1 December 1965 issue of TV Times
APA studio photograph of the Dave Guard Trio taken for the 1 December 1965 issue of TV Times
Unidentified mother and baby
Gerda Einbok and stuffed crocodiles, 4 January 1956 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Kathleen O'Carroll - violinist - Laycock St, 14 July 1951 / photographs by Jack Hickson
Aviation history model aircraft, 28 August 1963
Jolly Jumbuck Instant Lottery launch at Martin Place Amphitheatre
Health Week display
C. H. Taylor, comedian, 1878 / photographer Bardwell, Melbourne
Singing guitar-playing rabbi Schlomo Carlebach, Mascot
Item 04: Shy busker, Glebe, New South Wales, March 1973 / photograph by Leon Gregory
Auctioneer Marley Styles, Melbourne, 27 July 1951 / photographs by Gordon F. De Lisle
Item 0434: Tribune negatives including women refuges national day, May 1979
Job no. 2238: ABC Quartet, rehearsal shots in studio, ca. 1948 / photographs by Max Dupain
Health Week display
Item 38: Ocean Alley, Sydney, New South Wales, 2019 / photograph by Wendy McDougall
Caltex Youth Fund presentation, Daruk
File 18: Jim Davidson's dance band, ABC, 1938 / photographed by Max Dupain
Johnny Devlin and band, 2 February 1962 / photographs by Lynch
Rock & Roll, Sydney Stadium, 24 July 1959 / photographs by Lynch
Job no. 2223: Portrait of musician Evelyn Rothwell aka Madame Barbarolli with clarinet, [ca. 1951] /...
Marion Henderson, folk singer, April 1964 / photographs by Ivan
Barry Scott and family, 26 January 1951
Gonzales at home, 8 July 1963 / photographs by David Beal
Gerda Einbok and stuffed crocodiles, 4 January 1956 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Item 1120: Tribune negatives including Gulf War picket at US consulate and guitar band, August 1990
Item 0070: Tribune negatives including abortion march and demonstration, December 1975
Reg Lindsay, March 1963
Hazel Phillips, television star, September 1965 / photographs by Ivan
The Jollmen, singing trio, June 1963 / photographs by Ivan
V.D.C. searchlight series, 29 February 1944
Marion Henderson, folk singer, April 1964 / photographs by Ivan
Troubadour, Marion Henderson, Australian folk singer in Kings Cross, 2 April 1964 / photographs by D...
Reg Lindsay, March 1963
Gary Shearstone, Ensemble Theatre, 13 June 1964 / photographs by Victor Johnston
Item 248: Tribune negatives including peace demonstration at US Consulate and Wynyard Park, and Yout...
Albert Argenti, 27 October 1950 / photographs by Gordon F. De Lisle
The [indecipherable] Entertainers, June 1963
Jacqueline Hall - Hill billy singer recording at EMI studios and at Wollongong, 12 September 1956 /...
Miss World; boat; Buddy Bohn, April 1963 / photographs by David Beal
Lucky Gattellari and mother at Bonnyrigg, 11 April 1966 / photographs by Lynch
[Woman in costume, performing with a musical instrument], 18 May 1965 / photographs by Victor Johnst...
[Woman in costume, performing with a musical instrument], 18 May 1965 / photographs by Victor Johnst...
Matchwork musical instruments etc., 21 June 1943 / photographed by N. Herfort
File 07: Budapest string quartet, 1938 / photographed by Max Dupain
Dave Bridge, Peter Rosse. Teen page, Pix, 30 January 1963 / photographs by David Beal
Hey day of bush colonial, Enfield Scout Hall, 12 July 1967 / photographs by F. R. Johnson
Auctioneer Marley Styles, Melbourne, 27 July 1951 / photographs by Gordon F. De Lisle
Item 377: Tribune negatives including artworks at Arts Vietnam exhibition, musical performances and...
File 07: Budapest string quartet, 1938 / photographed by Max Dupain
Bob Dyer Show, ATN, with Shirl Conway, September 1959 / photographs by R. Donaldson
New type guitar for Repat patients, Hornsby, 14 September 1955 / photographed by C. (Les) Lynch
Gary Shearstone, Ensemble Theatre, 13 June 1964 / photographs by Victor Johnston
Item 0771: Tribune negatives including Salidis and women for survival protest, Sydney, New South Wal...
Item 0972: Tribune negatives including black deaths in custody rally and march, Sydney, New South Wa...
Marion Henderson, folk singer, April 1964 / photographs by Ivan
Item 0561: Tribune negatives including nuclear free Pacific forum, August-September 1980
Item 0471: Tribune negatives including unemployment rally, Sydney, New South Wales, September 1979
Marion Henderson, September 1963 / photographs by David Beal
Item 0580: Tribune negatives including Fraser rally, Melbourne, Victoria, October-November 1980
Folk singer Marion Henderson. Mona Vale, 5 September 1964 / photographs by David Cumming
Belinda Holden, driver for Royal Automobile Association, South Australia, August 1964 / photographs...
"The Invaders", New Zealand group at "Beach House", May 1964 / photographs by R. Donaldson
New Zealand / photographed by B. Rice
Folksong singer at home, March 1964 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Arthur Edgar Owen, February 1953
Barbara Toner models for sculptor, December 1967 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Legacy Park Soldiers home at Narrabeen, 13 June 1939 / photographed by Ray Olson
File 01: Crowd shots of protestors at Save Luna Park event, 28 June 1980
Ju Jitsu girl (how to protect ourselves) series, 20 December 1937 / photographed by Ivan Ives
"The Invaders", New Zealand group at "Beach House", May 1964 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Stompers at Beatle Village in Darlinghurst, 8 February 1964 / photographs by David Cumming
Ada Nar ballet goer, March 1963 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Teenage Club, January 1960
Gary Shearstone, Ensemble Theatre, 13 June 1964 / photographs by Victor Johnston
Item 1031: Tribune negatives including Gough Whitlam at African National Congress art exhibition and...
Item 0777: Tribune negatives including Hilton bombing anniversary demonstration and Wollongong unemp...
Item 304: Tribune negatives including Soviet writers at a job meeting organised by the Building Work...
Jacqueline Hall - Hill billy singer recording at EMI studios and at Wollongong, 12 September 1956 /...
Modern music band - R. Lewis, 22 June 1945
Grace Bros fashion parade, Chevron Hotel, December 1966 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Item 1123: Tribune negatives including Korean peace march seminar, Sydney, New South Wales, November...
Kat Walker, Gary Shearston, folk songs, 4 June 1964 / photographs by Victor Johnston
Item 1130: Tribune negatives including gay protests and 10th Anniversary of Farabundo Marti National...
Burgess, saxophonist, 17 April 1960 / photographs by Victor Johnston
Item 0687A: Tribune negatives including racism, welfare protest groups, [ca. 1982-1983?]
Boy Scouts Jamboree at Landsdowne, 31 December 1960 / photographs by Lynch
"The Sapphires", singing group at "New Opera House", August 1962 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Item 151: Tribune negatives including and unemployed queue on Clarence Street, and workers loading...
Surfers Paradise street and parade, October 1965 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Item 0177: Tribune negatives including May Day march in Adelaide?, 1977 / photographed by Anne Rober...
"The Sapphires", singing group at "New Opera House", August 1962 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Item 1040: Tribune negatives including Tsakos public meeting, Jess Santiago and University of Techno...
Item 280: Tribune negatives including Tribune popular sellers Christmas function, December 1967
Item 0392: Tribune negatives including budget rally, Canberra, December 1978
Item 0607: Tribune negatives including Hiroshima Day protest, Melbourne, Victoria, August 1981
"Dream Girl" at Minerva / photographed by Ivan Ives
Item 1123: Tribune negatives including Korean peace march seminar, Sydney, New South Wales, November...
Item 0011: Tribune negatives including Quilapayun and Jeannie Lewis, July 1975
Cherbourg Aboriginal series Overland tour, October 1952
The Easybeats, photographs probably by Jill Molan, 1966