NSW Apprentice of the Year Awards at University of New South Wales
NSW Apprentice of the Year Awards at University of New South Wales
Directors Christmas function at Mining Museum
Official opening of restored Central Courts Building by Attorney General Mr T Sheahan
Annual Apprentice of the Year Award
Ethnic Press Seminar at State Office Block theatre & introduction of new Advisory Council President
Official events
APA studio photographs of Jantzen knitwear and slacks suits
Apprentice of the Year Awards
School of Fashion, Blacktown Tech
Duke of Edinburgh Award dinner
Go-go session. ATN 7, March 1966 / photographs by Ivan
People, for poster
Lebanese Association farewell party for Catholic archbishop returning to Lebanon, Carnelian Room, Ho...
Model with coasters (drink) and folding sign, June 1966 / photographs by Ivan
I.B.K. Construction (building contractors) annual party 1973, British Ex-Services Club, Sydney
Visit to Commission by Chinese Ambassador
J.C. Marten (dancer), August 1950
Aborigines Welfare Board, tour of south & western NSW
Wollongong Branch Office
Portrait for "Woman" - Paula Conlon, 25 March 1949 / photographs by M. O'Connell
Kaye Loder, Anti-Discrimination Board
Group portrait
Shots of girl in studio
ID card photo
Official opening of restored Central Courts Building by Attorney General Mr T Sheahan
NSW Apprenticeship Prizes and Awards at Sir John Clancy Auditorium University of NSW
Nurses' graduation, Parramatta Psychiatric Centre
Retirement party, Dalgety's, St. Leonards
Retired overseers Christmas party
APA studio photographs of Jantzen knitwear, skirts and slacks suits
Conference with Director, Decentralisation Dept
Portrait 2
Cocktail party, Mrs Campbell's, Melbourne. Jeanette Brooks, Victorian Governor's daughter, second fr...
Presentation of awards to Dept of Public Works apprentices at Government Motor Garage, Glebe
NSW Apprenticeship Prizes and Awards at Sir John Clancy Auditorium University of NSW
Apprentice of the Year Awards
Mouth breather
Swiss Trade Mission Luncheon at State Office Block
Executive Council and swearing in of new Ministry
NSW Apprenticeship Prizes and Awards at Sir John Clancy Auditorium University of NSW
Official Launching of Instant Lotteries at Canterbury - Hurlstone RSL
Minister Mr J. Waddy at Katoomba, Bathurst
Presentation of Awards to Apprentices
Winter 1967 Jantzen range of men's and women's knitwear
June Hefferan with Director choosing `Child of the Year' poster
Knitting leaflet, September 1965
Swearing in of new Cabinet
Item 2: Photograph of Chris and Robyn Allen, 3 August 2017 / by Johanna Kijas
Arthur Lennon & prizewinners of GPO's logo design competition
New uniforms for female staff
Group of Departmental Undersecretaries during inspection of Govt Printing Office
East Sydney Technical College fashions, November 1966 / photographs by David Cumming
Lorraine Croke
Social - Royal Motor Yacht Club at Point Piper, 27 October 1962 / photographs by Lynch
Learning to be an actor, 30 May 1939 / photographed by Baden H. Mullaney
Lisa Marks. Melbourne, 17 August 1956 / photographs by Gordon F. De Lisle
Middleton story illustration, 29 July 1964 / photographs by Lynch
Teenage fashions, DJs [David Jones], June 1966 / photographs by Ivan
Social. Double Bay - committee, Woollahra branch of Legacy, 4 June 1964 / photographs by Lynch
Item 0651: Tribune negatives including murals at Woolloomooloo, New South Wales and doctors at Trade...
Annette Smith Melbourne / photographed by Gordon F. De Lisle
Elma Clair, 18 year old model, March 1956 / photographs by Ivan
"Outward bound" Company Theatre Royal / photographed by Ivan Ives
Dave Allen and pullovers, 29 April 1964 / photographs by Lynch
Fashion Parade - CML by Mrs Sparrow. Colonial Mutual, 16 September 1950 / photographs by Eric Franci...
Fashions DJ's - Summer frocks, 24 August 1950 / photographs by Eric Francis
Virginia Gray, June 1953
Jeanette Elphick leaves for U.S.A., July 1955 / photographed by Ivan Ives
Lisa Marks. Melbourne, 17 August 1956 / photographs by Gordon F. De Lisle
5 till 11 fashion parade at Mark Foys, August 1957 / photographs by Ivan
Item 0692: Tribune negatives including Eric Aaron's visit to China, 1983
Dorothy Dix situation pictures (model release obtained), 30 June 1965 / photographs by Lynch
Lisa Marks. Melbourne, 17 August 1956 / photographs by Gordon F. De Lisle
Glamour factory, 9 June 1938
Item 0376: Tribune negatives including East Timor demonstration, South Australia, October 1978
Lipreading (continuation of series), 24 February 1949 / photographs by Lynch
Midnight horror film for one woman audience. Liberty Theatre, October 1959 / photographs by R. Donal...
Item 0330: Tribune negatives including Builder Labourers Federation and disabled demonstrations, Mar...
Item 124: Tribune negatives including Tribune sellers, Equal Pay Week car cavalcade, and demonstrati...
Dramatic Art and Television School, North Sydney, July 1956 / photographs by Ivan
Item 0480: Tribune negatives including workers compensation demonstration, Melbourne, Victoria, Octo...
Figure control [Corset series], 14 July 1944 / photographed by Ivan Ives
East Sydney Technical College fashions, November 1966 / photographs by David Cumming
Item 033: Tribune negatives including anti-Vietnam War demonstration, the May Queen onboard the Mala...
Fashion, girdles, bras, and petticoat, May 1964 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Knitwear fashions, 30 November 1965 / photographs by Alec Iverson
[Fashion show], [1966]
ATN. Ballet rehearsing in their Broadway studio, 15 January 1964 / photographs by David Cumming
Knitwear fashions, 30 November 1965 / photographs by Alec Iverson
Dorothy Dix situation pictures, models: J. Moloney, M. Meakin, D. Gould, S. Hemphill, G. Kirkwood, G...
Small hat fashions. Holfords Spit Junction [fashion parade at club], August 1956
Gita Rivier, television singer, May 1964 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Item 0275: Tribune negatives including Christine Jones and Doe Cunningham, September 1977
Lipreading (continuation of series), 24 February 1949 / photographs by Lynch
Go-go contest finals, 28 August 1966
Item 0951: Tribune negatives including May Day march, Melbourne, Victoria, May-June 1986
[Fashion show], [1966]
[Fashion show], [1966]
Knitting fashion, December 1949 / photographs by Steve Dunleavy