Bacteriological culture No. 55
Bacteriological culture No. 55
"Cattle, Minster Marshes, East Kent" by Cooper
Soil conservation
Taken for new induction & information handbook
Henry Lawson
Mr F.J.O. Ryan, Commissioner, Co-op Affairs, portrait
New "Honeywell 8200" computer & other equipment inspected by Sir John Goodsell
Dr Hay, Acting Director State Health Services
C'wealth Jubilee Celebrations
Premier Mr Unsworth opening Burwood Small Business Agency Office
Portrait, Len Bogel OR Lindsay Hayes
Lidcombe Hospital - shots for recruiting staff
Pam Cridland, 10 October 1953 / photographs by L. Shea
Meeting of Community Programmes Unit - photos of books and pamphlets
Child writing, Darlinghurst Public School
Health week opening - Hyde Park
Sydney in 1808 by John Lewin
Presentation of awards at the inaugural NSW Composer of the Year awards, by the Premier
Presentation of lifesaving certificates
His Royal Highness, Prince of Wales
Internal photo for Easter Show display
GPO paper rolls
Establishment board
Royal Easter Show exhibits: theatrette
File 09: Phillips lamps, osciliscope for catalogue, Philips mirrored lamp, ca. 1953 / photographed b...
Office scenes, staff portraits
Yarrangobilly Caves, Yarrangobilly Caves House from road
Apprentices, Food School, Ryde
Labour & Industry
Typists - office equipment for recruiting
Exhibits, Fuel Laboratory, Clean Air Conference
Photos of Fire Gallery
Milsons Point Public School
Machine (numbering meter)
Department of Local Government Office
Bob Salt
Ministers Office
Television sets in David Jones' window
Mr Bailey
Branch offices, Govt Printing Office. Goodsell Building or State Office Block
Old premises at Homebush and Macquarie Street
Portraits of officers
Computerised typesetting equipment
Apprentices of the Year
Opening of 'Phillip', Gosford
Dressing-table sets
Winners of Pye television sets, Chatswood
Traffic signals control room, Brisbane Street
Maximum security arrangements at Maitland, Parramatta, Katingal or Central Industrial Prison
Kurri Boys Training School: Yawarra
Clifton Gardens beach
Manilla District
Sydney Technical College, School of Commerce
Minister for Y & CS presenting cheque to Freedom From Hunger / Rotary Club representatives & closing...
Prison scene
Vinyl spray for car tops, November 1967 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Music for the home (supplement), July 1965 / photographs by R. Donaldson
ATN news division, February 1962 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Psychology classes at university / photographed by Ivan Ives
[Figure and scenery, possibly Formosa], 12 April 1966
File 25: Three National adding machines, January 1954 / photographed by Max Dupain
Item 0408: Tribune negatives including Womens' Liberation Conference and community health demonstrat...
File 311: AWA portable radio in setting with model Robin Farqhuarson, ca. 1952 / photographed by Max...
File 429: Affination plant, July 1965 / photographed by Max Dupain
Myrtle Byrne (Melbourne barmaid). Black Mermaid, February 1951 / photographs by Gordon F. De Lisle
Swimming pools, September 1963 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Item 0018: Tribune negatives including Vietnam demonstration at University of Sydney, New South Wale...
File 15: New National Cash Register U 5057130 model 51 Dollar Currency, September 1953 / photographe...
Television make up series, October 1955 / photographs by Ivan
File 142: Combination AWA radio record player console, June 1948 / photographed by Max Dupain
Police rescue demonstration at Bourke Street. Camera for Pix contest. Female impersonator Noel McKay...
Item 0859: Tribune negatives including Hiroshima Day marches, Sydney, New South Wales, 1985
Item 0625: Tribune negatives including social security picket, Sydney, New South Wales, December 198...
Nancye Hayes, 8 May 1968
Mr Trindale and Opera House plans, March 1961 / photographs by R. Donaldson
W. M. Moser, Hurlstone Park, 2 October 1967 / photographs by Victor Johnston
Ways of viewing television, December 1962 / photographs by Ivan
Tape recorder. Supplement, August 1964 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Item 1046: Tribune negatives including community independents BBQ, rally, dinner and student protest...
Home movie guide, September 1962 / photographs by R. Donaldson
File 130: AWA amplifying apparatus, Mr O’Reilly showing valves and speakers in studio, ca. 1947 / ph...
Item 0408: Tribune negatives including Womens' Liberation Conference and community health demonstrat...
Item 1090a: Tribune negatives including ex-journalist with radio, batteries and speakers at Youth Ac...
Radioactivity in food. [New South Wales] University of Technology, Kensington, 26 May 1960 / photogr...
Item 0006: Tribune negatives including shop assistant at Coles and Judy Mundey, July 1974
Life's a gas, baby, if you spin a mean platter, 9 January 1967
Car racing, Westmead, 2 July 1967 / photographs by Victor Johnston
Teenagers petting story with models, February 1959 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Item 223: Tribune negatives including trainee teachers from the Alexander Mackie College, June 1967
Home movies [cameras used - projectors - editing equipment], October 1963 / photographs by R. Donald...
Item 1039: Tribune negatives including Amandla Cultural Ensemble of the African National Congress an...
Atomic reactor [at] Lucas Heights and use of isotopes, January 1961 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Item 060: Tribune negatives including portrait of Elfrida Morcom, and Transport Workers' Union of Au...
Item 0573: Tribune negatives including Korea demonstration, Sydney, New South Wales, November 1980
Item 1067: Tribune negatives including Aboriginal rights and shop assistants protests, October-Novem...
Item 634: Tribune negatives including workers' strike for back pay, a portrait of an unidentified wo...
Top of new AMP Building, Circular Quay; women employees, March 1961 / photographs by Ivan
Folder 23/06: Photographs of Palm Island, and churches in Australia and overseas, ca. 1892-ca. 1910