Extension to Wollongong Court House
Extension to Wollongong Court House
Radio station 2CH's Children's Christmas party, Trocadero
Senior Citizens Week 1980
Minister opens youth refuge
Trade Mission to China conference at State Office Block Theatrette
Opening of the new Highway Research Institute, University of New South Wales
Opening of new G.I.O. Building at Parramatta by Premier
Series of photos of students at Cambridge Park High School, for Directorate of Studies
Conference and function at State Office Block
Trade Mission to China conference at State Office Block Theatrette
Radio retailers' conference at Petty's Hotel
Easter Show stand
Item 580: Tribune negatives including a meeting in Kingsgate, n.d.
Submarine Task Force luncheon and discussion at Intercontinental Hotel
NSW Apprentice of the Year Awards at University of New South Wales
Grazcos Board of Directors meeting, Sydney
Thiess Toyota convention at the Bondi Rex Hotel
First live concert in the Sydney Opera House for the purpose of testing the acoustics
Item 16: Soundwave Festival, Sydney, NSW, 2011 / photograph by Nic Bezzina
NSW Apprenticeship Prizes and Awards at Sir John Clancy Auditorium University of NSW
Seminar on handicapped persons at Ormond School
Premier McKell addressing meeting of Countrymens Association
Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme - Conference, Canberra
Swiss Trade Mission Luncheon at State Office Block
Chamber of Manufactures' lunch for Crown Prince Harald of Norway, Hotel Australia
Official opening, Blacktown BC & M Branch
Commencing work on the Westmead Hospital Project
NSW Apprentice of the Year Awards at University of New South Wales
Certificate presentation to Aboriginal caseworkers at Milperra CAE
Carnivale '81, The Domain
Dept. Immigration photographs of teaching English to Italian Australians at a social club in Leichha...
Real estate auctioneer Barry Ryan conducts an auction, Hooker House, Sydney
Fairfield Court House
Jolly Jumbuck Instant Lottery launch at Martin Place Amphitheatre
Opening of new Newcastle offices of Australian Shipping Board. Mr A. Strachan (Newcastle Manager); M...
Walton's department store first birthday sale
Speedway at Showground: America vs Australia (taken for Empire Speedways Ltd)
Item 577: Tribune negatives including the 21st All Ports Conference, n.d.
Electrical Trades Union meeting to protest over margins, Granville
Portrait of Vince Nash, Chairman
Legal ceremony at St Mary's Cathedral
Interstate dairy marketing authorities meeting at Wentworth Hotel
Small Business Awards presentations
Sydney speaks ABC broadcasting in Martin Place, 12 May 1938 / photographed by Ivan Ives
Colour copies Rod Mellor, [1967]
Item 524: Tribune negatives including Sydney District Conference of the CPA and demonstrations at th...
Independent School Children's Theatre, 1960 / photographs by David Beal
"Bambi" Channel 10 [television], July 1966 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Item 0182: Tribune negatives including teacher's rally, Sydney and Tribune festival, Wollongong, New...
Percy Jones, Melbourne, 9 October 1952 / photographs by Gordon F. De Lisle
Item 689: Tribune negatives including a meeting at the Sydney Town Hall preparing for a march on May...
Item 334: Tribune negatives including migrant workers at the Opera House, WWF 24 hour stop work meet...
Adelaide Festival of Arts, March 1962 / photographs by David Beal
Item 567: Tribune negatives including demonstration of the A.C.T.U. and a conference for the Vietnam...
Male models at Trocadero, 20 February 1952
Item 347: Tribune negatives including demonstrators in street, people look out office building windo...
Federal Parliament rehearsal, October 1953
Item 353: Tribune negatives including construction work at Sydney Opera House, two men in sports sto...
Lynette Peacock of DJs [David Jones], and copies - Bob Dyer, 1966
US trade mission arrives - John Kimberly. Mascot, May 1968 / photographs by W. Croser
Item 0028: Tribune negatives including abortion conference, June 1975 / photographed by Anne Roberts
Item 433: Tribune negatives including Ex-Services Human Rights Association meeting, May 1969
Item 05: Tribune negatives including festival in Cuba, 1978 / photographed by Mike McKay
W. Davis, June 1953
Bill Haley & Comets (Rock n' Roll) and traffic, Sydney Stadium, 18 January 1957 / photographs by Lyn...
Item 079: Tribune negatives including demonstration by Kavanah and English workers, and the Australi...
Polynesian Club, 12 January 1944
Item 047: Tribune negatives including Building Workers' Industrial Union of Australia conference ope...
Item 276: Tribune negatives including meeting for the Restoration of Democracy in Greece, and brewer...
Dally-Watkins School: housewives deportment class, August 1959 / photographs by R. Donaldson
The sharing book : a souvenir of change in Australia during the 70's / by Roger Marchant
Item 238: Tribune negatives including "Clarion" sellers and a funeral cortege, August 1967
Hillbilly show (Parramatta), 30 January 1953
Item 225: Tribune negatives including a Liquor Trades Union meeting at the Trocadero, Sydney, and po...
Rainbow Archives,`Going troppo' / Roger Marchant
Judy Gainford Miss Australia at Lismore / photographed by Ivan Ives
Item 0675A: Tribune negatives including peace march, Sydney and Wollongong Union rally, New South Wa...
"Insight Team", June 1968
Item 0969: Tribune negatives including education funding protests, Sydney, New South Wales and Victo...
Item 1049: Tribune negatives including Balaran women, Filipino student and Public Service Associatio...
Item 0140: Tribune negatives including media meeting at Sydney Opera House and Friends of the ABC se...
University of Sydney Summer School, 15 January 1963 / photographs by David Beal
Item 424: Tribune negatives including people at the Royal Agricultural Society Showground, Sydney fo...
"Fun Doctor" Norman Tait entertaining school kids at "Stewart House", Curl Curl, 6 September 1956 /...
Item 417: Tribune negatives including unidentified portraits, with meetings and speeches. Includes...
Salvation Army display, Town Hall, and Lillian Kassap, Lebanese dancer, November 1960 / photographs...
Item 602: Tribune negatives including the National Anti-War Conference, February 1970
Item 131: Tribune negatives including Boonaroo demonstration, Sydney U.A.W. Conference, and Liberal...
Fire engines at Fire Brigade Headquarters, 17 March 1941 / photographed by R. Donaldson
Item 458: Tribune negatives including meeting of the NSW Teachers Federation and Freda Brown with Je...
Item 0496: Tribune negatives including labor against uranium rally, Sydney, New South Wales, Decemb...
Item 257: Tribune negatives including farewell luncheon for Kangaroos football team, and meeting alt...
Item 061: Tribune negatives including gatherings outside Trades Hall, Goulburn Street, Sydney, and L...
Item 0456: Tribune negatives including pensioners meeting and anti-apartheid demonstration, Wollongo...
Item 0822c: Tribune negatives including speakers and panel at Australian Labor Party Conference, Jun...
Asian students at university, July 1953 / photographed by Ivan Ives
Jazz concert at Town Hall
Domain speakers, ca. 1970 ; rock concert, Colonel Nichols' farm, Ourimbah, 1974 / photographed by Jo...
184. Child performers