Glen Innes Farm, Dec.1921. Chilian clover
Breaking in horses on "Dunlop" - Louth, NSW
Don Burns' horses clearing land on "Rutherglen" - Nyngan, NSW
Potato picking, Maitland
Harvesting with horsedrawn reaper - binder on "Glen Alice" - Dubbo, NSW
Having a break after loading bags with wheat - Tullamore, NSW
Digging ensilage pit on Eric Green's property - Gundy, NSW
Taking a break during harvesting on "Glen Alice" - Dubbo, NSW
Fernmount, NSW
Superintendent's tour of north west Aboriginal settlements
Bartlett yearly pruned, unpruned, Glen Innes Experimental Farm
Bob Scott bag-sewing wheat bags at "En-Garde" - Deniliquin, NSW
Sowing wheat with 10 horse team - On Glenora, 10 miles west of Albert, NSW
Glen Innes Farm, Dec.1921. Stud plots, wheat
Planting out, Howlong Viticultural Station
Wheat being carted in from stooks to threshing machine
Stacking seed wheat for following year off ground to stop mice getting to it - Yealering, WA
Students spraying fruit trees, Glen Innes Experimental Farm
Walgett Wool Scour. Laying out wet wool - Walgett, NSW
Planting Sugar Beet. First experiment at Tenterfield. This was unsuccessful - Tenterfield, NSW
Cutting chaff at Euroka using horseworks - Walgett, NSW
Fred Schiffman chaff cutting at "Cottesbrook" - Tenterfield, NSW
Grading wheat at "Bellevue" - Trundle, NSW
Drawing an orchard. Hawkesbury Agricultural College
Milking, Pitt Town Farm
Bagging wheat - Barmedman, NSW
Harvesting wheat on a horse-drawn reaper and binder on "Gilead" - Bectric via Ariah Park, NSW
Ploughing on "Glenarchy" - Cootamundra, NSW
Hay stack building - Finley, NSW
Good cane crop near Ballina
Showing plant and staff at camp, Yanco Experimental Farm
"My father used this truck to cart wood for the steam engine - he later bought this truck and starte...
Pegging out: Yanco Experimental Farm
Experimental plots manured and unmanured, Wagga Experimental Farm
Station hand - casual worker at "Montrose" - Jerrys Plains, NSW
Ploughing with horses - "Hillview", Condobolin Road, Parkes, NSW
With "Ginger" the horse and cart - Urunga, NSW
Stripping wheat at 'Erldale'. Lanz Bulldog tractor, Sunshine harvester - Ardlethan, NSW
Panorama. Team of bullocks snigging trees off Ngoora as felled.
Fishing haul of cod from the Murray. Welaregang farm workers
Steam traction engine hauling 2 wool wagons owned by Mr George Donaldson. Carumbi wool - Temora, NSW
Glen Innes Farm, Dec.1921. White clover, Ladino white clover
Feeding calves - North Bank, Fernmount, NSW [early 1920s]
'Ruston' threshing machines.
Class of special course students, orchard instruction, Bathurst
Loading hay on "Willi Willi" property (35 miles west of Kempsey) - Upper Macleay, NSW
Record wheat season. Lumpers and Teamsters at Brawlin siding. See also BCP 01498 - Cootamundra, NSW
Potato picking, Maitland
Raymond Terrace pig farm: washing pigs
Kentucky Soldiers Settlement, planting fruit trees
Haycutting with a 6 foot I.H.C. Deering binder - Rocky View, Alectown, NSW
Probably on Rapsey Bros, property Bonegilla. Thrasher - Albury, NSW
Getting ready to feed pigs, old kerosene tins with separated milk at "Tarraganda" - Bega, NSW
Carting wheat on "Boothamba" - Dubbo, NSW
Loading wool bales onto wagon at "Corringal" property, Moama - Moama, NSW
Kingsvale Soldiers Settlement. Hoeing round young fruit trees
Back view of Welltown station. Store on left. Owner D. M. Cameron - Goondiwindi, QLD
Reaper and binder on "Avondale", Furracabad - Glen Innes, NSW
Stacking hay on "Wallawarni" property, Moama - Moama, NSW
Cutting lucerne on the Cleave farm using their horses and mower - Wee Wee Rup, VIC
Classing ewes at Welltown - Goondiwindi, QLD
Owned by Mark Curtis of West Wyalong. Another portable chaffcutter outfit - West Wyalong, NSW
Sowing crop?
Hay stack building on "Frampton" - Cootamundra, NSW
Milking shed at "Dunvegan", Oakwood - Inverell area, NSW
After harvesting paddock - Ganmain, NSW
Carting hay at "Island Grove" - Echuca, VIC
Detail of wheat, Wagga Experimental Farm
Bathurst Experimental Farm panoramic film
Sawing firewood with steam-driven bench saw on "Auburn", Trangie - Trangie, NSW
Bringing in the firewood on 'Mumdadoo' station - Nyngan area, NSW
Harvesting wheat at "Cottesbrook" with horsedrawn reaper binder - Tenterfield, NSW
First steam threshing machine built in Australia by Henry Hollibone in 1869 on "Gooramadda" station...
Moving Combaning South School from Kerry's paddock to present site in Combaning. Yoking up the horse...
Scheyville Farm: ploughing
Sewing wheat bags - Parkes, NSW
Threshing wheat "Cottesbrook" - Tenterfield, NSW
Sub bore Number 2 on 'Barokaville'. Sunk to a depth of 226ft - Walgett, NSW
Panorama. Team of bullocks snigging trees off Ngoora as felled.
Wheat being carted in from stooks to threshing machine
Cleaning land on "Rutherglen" using horse teams - Nyngan, NSW
Cutting hay with McCormack Deering binder around Milga Oats - Deniliquin, NSW
Scheyville Welfare Farm, visit of Mr Baddeley
Cowra Farm: building a haystack
Taken on "Glenfield" vineyard. Vineyard workers - Albury, NSW
Potato picking, Maitland
This was taken cutting lucerne on a small dairy farm (75 cows) near Tongala - Tongala, VIC
Munroe's Favourite, unpruned for 10 years, Bathurst
Reaper and binder in 6 1/2 bag crop at "Sunshine" farm - Temora, NSW
Machinery shed, buggy in front
James Benson's water boring plant. Possibly the Osaka artesian bore - Wanaaring, NSW
Feeding pigs - Herons Creek, NSW
Horse drawn reaper and binder in Federation wheat - Bectric via Ariah Park, NSW
The delver at work, Yanco Experimental Farm
Wagon load of hay at Brocklesby Chaff Mill - Brocklesby, NSW
Stripping wheat on "Morocco West" - Deniliquin, NSW
Drafting sheep at `Woodlands' - Blackville, NSW
Calf in Bottrell branding frame ready for branding
Harvesting with horsedrawn reaper binder on "Selbourne" - Deniliquin, NSW
Harnessing the horses for work - Barmedman area, NSW