Volume 21: Cosmos Photo Co. - Station views, N.S.W. [album of photographs]
Volume 21: Cosmos Photo Co. - Station views, N.S.W. [album of photographs]
Invoice received by Banks from Messrs Bayles & Staples, 6 March 1772 (Series 06.054)
[Landscape featuring waterhole - watercolour drawing]
Letter received by Banks from Philip Gidley King, 3 May 1800 (Series 39.059)
Volume 04: Zoology of N. [New] Holland etc., 31 watercolours of fish and 113 watercolours of birds
Anglo-Russian War with the Baltic Fleet, Sketches / O.W. Brierly, 1854
Volume 06: Sketchbook XXVII, No. 9 Australian, Nov 1857, 1858, 1859, 1862 / by Eugene von Guerard
Item 0616: Awards, Agricultural, Agricultural Society of N.S.W. medal, 1870
Item 02: Original drawings, [1886-1892] / by J S. Bray
Item 02: Notebook used by Henry Lawson ca. 1908-1911
Hovey Brisbane water
Collection 09: James Scott - Journal titled `Remarks on a passage Botnay [i.e. Botany] bay 1787', 13...
Volume 10: Sketchbook XXXI, No. 14 Australian. 1859, 1862 / by Eugene von Guerard
Series 03.01: Volume 1: Joseph Banks - Endeavour journal, 25 August 1768 - 14 August 1769
Tasmanian Sketches / O.W. Brierly, 1868-1869
Volume 16: Sketchbook XXXIX, No. 21 Australia and New Zealand, 1877-1882 / by Eugene von Guerard
Volume 12: Sketchbook XXXIII, No. 15 Australian. 1862 / by Eugene von Guerard
Item 30: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1937
Islands, Torres Straits / sketches by O.W. Brierly
Collection 05: John Hunter - journal kept on board the Sirius during a voyage to New South Wales, Ma...
f.14 verso [Study of a plant with notes about colour.]
Atlas de l'Ocean pacifique
Item 04: Original sketches drawn from nature, [1889-1895] / by James S. Bray, Naturalist
f.18 [Notes of the voyage from Valparaiso to Tahiti.] Dated Dec. 3 to 9, [1834].
Volume 13: Sketchbook XXXIV, No. 16 Australian. 1862, 1863, 1865, 1868 / by Eugene von Guerard
32v. Maize / 33. Prickly pear
42. [Four profile studies]
43. Cam-Yr-Allyn. [A note at lower centre reads] 6 windows
Volume 12: Sketchbook XXXIII, No. 15 Australian. 1862 / by Eugene von Guerard
Series 03. 02: Volume 2: Joseph Banks - Endeavour journal, 15 August 1769 - 12 July 1771
Item 08: Miles Franklin literary notebook, pages 351-400, [ca. 1937-ca. 1953]
Item 33: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1940
Item 32: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1939
Series 03.01: Volume 1: Joseph Banks - Endeavour journal, 25 August 1768 - 14 August 1769
Item 42: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1949
Volume 15: Sketchbook XXXVIII, No. 20 Australia and New Zealand, 20 Jan. ??? 20 Feb. 1876 / by Eugen...
Item 15: Miscellaneous notes, [between 1900 and 1954]
Item 07: A Journal of ye [the] Proceedings of his Majesty's Sloop Swallow, Captain Phillip [Philip]...
Item 29: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1936
Item 41: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1948
Item 23: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1930
Item 38: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1945
Collection 05: John Hunter - journal kept on board the Sirius during a voyage to New South Wales, Ma...
Item 28: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1935
Log of the Proceedings of His Majesty's Ship Bounty Lieut. Wm Bligh Commander from Otaheite towards...
Collection 04: John Easty - Journal, 1786-1793. Titled `Pt Jno Easty A Memorandum of the Transa[ ] o...
Item 05: Oliver Hogue notebook, ca. 1915-1918
Item 42: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1949
Oswald W.B. Brierly - Journal onboard H.M.S. Rattlesnake, mainly Oct. - Nov. 1849
Collection 06 vol. 1: Philip Gidley King private journal, in two volumes, 1786-1792. Vol. 1 `Remarks...
Item 15: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1922
Volume 15: Sketchbook XXXVIII, No. 20 Australia and New Zealand, 20 Jan. ??? 20 Feb. 1876 / by Eugen...
Manuscript account of the voyage on the Astrolabe written by Pierre Seurin, 1837-1840, together with...
Collection 06 vol. 1: Philip Gidley King private journal, in two volumes, 1786-1792. Vol. 1 `Remarks...
Log of the Proceedings of His Majesty's Ship Bounty Lieut. Wm Bligh Commander from Otaheite towards...
Item 35: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1942
Oswald W.B. Brierly - Journal onboard H.M.S. Rattlesnake, mainly Oct. - Nov. 1849
Item 36: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1943
Item 34: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1941
Item 20: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1927
Item 34: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1941
Item 17: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1924
Item 34: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1941
Log of the Proceedings of His Majesty's Ship Bounty Lieut. Wm Bligh Commander from Otaheite towards...
Oswald W.B. Brierly - Journal onboard H.M.S. Rattlesnake, mainly Oct. - Nov. 1849
Item 29: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1936
Item 44: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1951
Log of the Proceedings of His Majesty's Ship Bounty Lieut. Wm Bligh Commander from Otaheite towards...
Item 37: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1944
Item 34: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1941
Item 34: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1941
Item 34: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1941
Oswald W.B. Brierly - Journal onboard H.M.S. Rattlesnake, mainly Oct. - Nov. 1849
Item 45: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1952
Item 34: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1941
Log of the Proceedings of His Majesty's Ship Bounty Lieut. Wm Bligh Commander from Otaheite towards...
Item 29: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1936
Item 42: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1949
Series 03.01: Volume 1: Joseph Banks - Endeavour journal, 25 August 1768 - 14 August 1769
Log of the Proceedings of His Majesty's Ship Bounty Lieut. Wm Bligh Commander from Otaheite towards...
Item 38: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1945
Item 29: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1936
Item 41: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1948
Item 34: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1941
Item 33: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1940
Item 21: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1928
Log of the Proceedings of His Majesty's Ship Bounty Lieut. Wm Bligh Commander from Otaheite towards...
Item 46: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1953
Item 33: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1940
Item 34: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1941
Item 46: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1953
Series 03. 02: Volume 2: Joseph Banks - Endeavour journal, 15 August 1769 - 12 July 1771
Item 33: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1940
Series 03. 02: Volume 2: Joseph Banks - Endeavour journal, 15 August 1769 - 12 July 1771
Series 03. 02: Volume 2: Joseph Banks - Endeavour journal, 15 August 1769 - 12 July 1771