His Royal Highness, Prince of Wales
His Royal Highness, Prince of Wales
Early view Circular Quay, 1871, copied from photo
Machine (numbering meter)
Parramatta Linen Service - officer with security monitor
Compositors - Lino-type machines for artists
Staff photos for journal
Meeting of Community Programmes Unit - photos of books and pamphlets
New Health Commissioner Dr Krister
Meeting of Community Programmes Unit - photos of books and pamphlets
Newcastle Court House: artist's impression
Photos of various locations in the Government Printing Office taken for Royal Easter Show
Royal Hospital for Women, Paddington: theatrette
Item 14: [Detail of house with telephone and Australian flag], 29 July 2016 / photograph by Louise W...
Mr Langshaw, Under Secretary
Unidex book
Mr Oscar Gross, Counsellor to NSW Govt (West Germany)
Office locations for annual report
Portraits of officers and views of office for annual report
Typists for office recruitment
Mr William Murphy, Overseer
Superintendent's tour of north west Aboriginal settlements
Machine guards
Staff photos for journal
State Superannuation Board
Photos of various locations in the Government Printing Office taken for Royal Easter Show
Drawing of $500,000 prize
Drawing of Peace Lottery by actress Rowena Wallace & presentation of prize money by Minister, Mr Bob...
Machines - photos taken for Technical Bulletin
Norfolk Island Maps
Camera prize for picture competition, September 1961 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Minister for Lands visit to the interior
Staff portraits and office views for annual report
City and suburban projects
Computer screen readouts
Ryde Food School
Portraits of officers and views of office for annual report
Album presented by State Government to Duke of York: front cover
Computer listing of criminal records
C'wealth Jubilee Celebrations
Training program, and Personnel Recruitment Division
Female apprentices
Newcastle (Lycett)
Radio set
Item 31: Weighing the cattle after the sale, Gunnedah Stock Sales, Gunnedah, NSW, 2016 / photograph...
Views in various areas of Government Printing Office
Maximum security arrangements at Maitland, Parramatta, Katingal or Central Industrial Prison
Londonderry Centre. Explosion gallery, fire gallery
Apprentices pouring metal at TAFE foundry, Sydney Technical College
Interior of Greenway Flats, Milsons Point
Video recording equipment, Fletcher building
Loaded & damaged pallets
Furniture for office equipment catalogue
Interior and exterior photos of R.E.V.S. office at Parramatta and photos for media campaign
"Sun" car - two way radio try-out on lottery winner, 3 July 1948 / photographs by Lynch
File 060: Hotel Cecil installations of phone, AWA intercom, and ceiling lighting, ca. 1946 / photogr...
Joe E Brown. Pix Series, 19 March 1943 / photographed by Alec Iverson
Survivors of torpedoed vessel. Messrs Gillespie, Flowers, and Grant, 5 July 1943
Tape recorder. Supplement, August 1964 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Giant rubber plant. Dee Why, 20 October 1965 / photographs by David Cumming
Russian Ballet at private screening for W. Weekly, 15 August 1940 / photographs by Arthur Bullard
Item 175: Tribune negatives including the "Trident" sailing from Rushcutters Bay, women in Sydney's...
Keyboard (administration) [typewriter], 29 March 1966 / photographs by Lynch
Station 2DJ, North Bondi, 2 August 1968 / photographs by F. R. Johnson
File 149: Car radio parts, August 1948 / photographed by Max Dupain
File 13: Monarch Radiogram with modelling in studio, June 1947 / photographed by Max Dupain
Jules Joris (diamond cutter), November 1950
Crowd scene in Carnegie's TV showroom, November 1955 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Stanmore autoport car electronic diagnosis, November 1967 / photographs by R. Donaldson
File 3: Papers of Major Francis Edw...
File 3: Papers of Major Francis Edward De Groot. Volume 10: New Guard. Miscellaneous papers and lett...
File 03: The Globe Hotel, Hoyts Cinema, Albury, 1938 / photographed by Max Dupain
File 192: Teletype machine at Bent Street, Sydney, Februay 1959 / photographed by Bert Brown
Item 309: Tribune negatives including workplace meeting and anti-Vietnam War demonstration outside t...
Larry Nixon, 1962
Knitwear leaflets, January 1966 / photographs by Ivan
GTV telecast of the 3rd Test at the SCG. Taken in Melbourne, January 1959
Guide to television buyers, September 1962 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Mr Pontey, typewriter expert, May 1952
Camera prize for picture competition, September 1961 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Copies [of] Pix maps; Sparrow Killara hotel, February 1966 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Projector supplement, September 1964 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Attitudes: photographs and intervie...
Attitudes: photographs and interviews with individuals in Moree, 2001 / by John Williams
Mark McManns, Gladstone Hotel, 8 August 1968 / photographs by F. R. Johnson
Item 04: Milton Kent aerial views of Chiswick, Mortlake, November 1970
File 15: New National Cash Register U 5057130 model 51 Dollar Currency, September 1953 / photographe...
Televised veterinary operations, Melbourne, 7 March 1955 / photographs by Gordon F. De Lisle
Bob and Dolly Dyer at home, August 1963 / photographs by Ivan
Ways of viewing television, December 1962 / photographs by Ivan
Item 362: Tribune negatives including Shirley Fletcher and her son, Roger Milliss on phone, students...
Go-go contest entries, Nikon camera, idleness story, July 1966 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Item 0644: Tribune negatives including speaker and protest on Committees in Solidarity with Central...
Item 0644: Tribune negatives including speaker and protest on Committees in Solidarity with Central...
Character analysed "How do you sleep", April 1966 / photographs by R. Donaldson
USS Coral Sea; television system; d'crew brothers, May 1963 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Ways of viewing television, December 1962 / photographs by Ivan
Item 021: Tribune negatives including Building Workers' Industrial Union of Australia picnic at Gunn...
Item 01: George Thomasson Gill diary, 8 August 1915-28 June 1917
Manuscript account of the voyage on the Astrolabe written by Pierre Seurin, 1837-1840, together with...