Government Information Centre
Government Information Centre
Working gang, Castlereagh State Forest
Invalid plate and fork
Mr Boreham
Mr Boreham
New Day Hospital, Rozelle
Senior Citizens Week
Kiama: road scene
C'wealth Jubilee Celebrations
Main roads, Grafton division
Hawkesbury watermelons. Angelino W.S.
Car telephone
Sydney Cove 1788
View from the stage to bio-box, Nepean Theatre, Penrith (Mr Spence, owner) (taken for Guy Crick & Co...
Portrait of Helen Wellings
Mr Yateman, overseer, Linotype
Teams laden with chaff leaving yard, Brunskills Station, Wagga
Projects in Wollongong and Far South Coast and Queanbeyan Districts
Opening of Land & Environment Court in American Express Tower, George St
Laboratory and electrical apparatus: Faculty of Mining
Cowra Experimental Farm
Don Burrows leads jazz class at the Conservatorium
Portrait, Len Bogel OR Lindsay Hayes
NSW Aboriginal Lands Trust and Aborigines Advisory Council Meeting
Tournament of champions bowls 1981 (sponsored by Farley & Lewers), North Manly Bowling Club
Fairline (Laminated Plastics) lounge suites stand, Furniture Show 1968, Sydney Showground
Drawing of Peace Lottery by actress Rowena Wallace & presentation of prize money by Minister, Mr Bob...
Interiors, Millers Hotel, Sylvania
Sydney Technical College: switch board
Nurses' graduation, Lidcombe Hospital
Mulawa Detention Centre
New machines
Address to the King
School of Hairdressing, Dept of Technical Education
Item 0116: Tribune negatives including ferries on Circular Quay, Sydney, New South Wales and tribune...
Agriculture Dept exhibits at Royal Easter Show
Plans of old & new Parliament House
Mrs Hammond's shop, Mowbray Road, Lane Cove
Monkey Series
Londonderry Centre - Shots of Fire Gallery
Government stand at Royal Agricultural Society Easter Show
Photos taken for publication "Coal News" at Londonderry Laboratories
File 219: Table speaker, ca. 1950 / photographed by Max Dupain & Associates
Television school at Gore Hill
Premier Mr Unsworth opening Burwood Small Business Agency Office
Office situation for use at Royal Easter Show
Projects in Wollongong and Far South Coast and Queanbeyan Districts
Model of hospital block/psych ward for Long Bay Gaol
Interior and exterior photos of R.E.V.S. office at Parramatta and photos for media campaign
Department of Motor Transport
Drawing of Peace Lottery by actress Rowena Wallace & presentation of prize money by Minister, Mr Bob...
The island & surfing beach, Lake Conjola
Peter Myers, jockey, July 1960 / photographs by F. R. Johnson
File 56: Electric fires, Belling and others, March 1948 / photographed by Max Dupain
Photographic tripods - from Kodak, City, 18 May 1965 / photographs by David Cumming
File 214: Ticker tape machinery, July 1959 / photographed by Max Dupain
File 124: Schlage Lock (plain face), ca. 1952 / photographed by Max Dupain & Associates
Epileptic film B [Callan Park], 3 November 1964 / photographs by F. R. Johnson
Projector supplement, September 1964 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Blood transfusion series, 26 August 1941 / photographed by Ray Olson
5. Bookmakers at Harold Park Paceway [inc. Norm McLachlan]
Geraldine Branson at home, December 1959
Visual education series, 2 May 1939 / photographed by Ray Olson
File 251: Valve campaign, intercom radio, with model Burgess as secretary, ca. 1950 / photographed b...
Copies [of] Pix maps; Sparrow Killara hotel, February 1966 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Job no. 152: Photographs of National accounting machines, November 1950 / photographs by Max Dupain...
Gamblers luck - illustration, 25 October 1965 / photographs by David Cumming
Item 0508: Sydney-Emden Battle medal, 1914
Item 0418: Commonwealth Commemoration medal, 1901
Camera prize for picture competition, September 1961 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Guide to television buyers, September 1962 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Dr Earl B. Hunt with computers at Sydney University, 1 May 1964 / photographs by David Cumming
Staff writer Jillian Robertson, 10 September 1965 / photographs by David Cumming
File 284: Portable AWA radio in studio settings, shows Max Dupain Rayograph photo in background and...
Dana Wilson in Canterbury, 20 September 1967 / photographs by Victor Johnston
First street photographer Mr Mac George, 22 May 1952 / photographs by R. Horner
TB. Dr Hussis, September 1960 / photographs by F. R. Johnson
How to heat your home series - model, Juanita Holloway, 27 May 1965 / photographs by David Cumming
"Bambi" Channel 10 [television], July 1966 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Item 0519: Tribune negatives including insurance workers picket, Sydney, New South Wales, March-Apri...
Legacy club series, 24 December 1940 / photographed by Ray Olson
Marriage guidance, April 1960 / photographs by Victor Johnston
77 Squad R.A.A.F., October 1952
School bus service, Windsor. Automation AMP Building, May 1962 / photographs by R. Donaldson
"I was once a man", Julie Desmond, March 1963 / photographs by Ivan
Pre-teens in Haberfield, 20 May 1967 / photographs by Victor Johnston
Joanne Crume, ATN weathergirl, June 1966 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Camera prize for picture competition, September 1961 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Ways of viewing television, December 1962 / photographs by Ivan
Ametine Cine Society - make up demonstration, 20 June 1966 / photographs by David Cumming
Menzies hotel [room staff], October 1963 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Item 247: Tribune negatives including soldiers marching, and peace demonstration at US Consulate, Se...
R.A.A.F. at Schofields, May 1952 / photographed by Wal Easton
How to heat your home series - model, Juanita Holloway, 27 May 1965 / photographs by David Cumming
Show preparations; Mr Nothby's television fish bowl; visiting US women tourists, March 1961 / photog...
Item 0970: Tribune negatives including McGehee, Juliette Sison and Peter Hayes, September 1986
Hi-fi supplement, February 1963 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Noise acoustics. Leo Kossoff, 19 July 1963 / photographs by Victor Johnston