Binishell, Peakhurst
Binishell, Peakhurst
Training of dogs as drug detection dogs
Inside the entrance hall showing the paying counter, Manly surf pavilion (for Building Publishing Co...
Hunters Hill Public School?
Flood damage to Stephens Staff Agency office opposite a demolition site (taken for legal action ?)
Correspondence School - William Street, Sydney
New State Office Building
Great Southern Hotel
Natural Stone marble facings in the foyer of a modern high rise building, Chatswood
St Joseph's College
Renovations to foyer
South Sydney Womens Shelter, Burwood Childrens Centre, Redfern/Surry Hills Community Centre, Ashfiel...
Activities at Narrabeen Fitness Centre
Interior of the entrance hall, Grazcos Co-op.
Grass plots, Botanic Gardens
Progress photos of refuge houses at Ambarville and Liverpool
Orient Line
New inquiry counter and reception and showcases
Infants School, Manly
Job no. 3676: Crane Copper office interiors, June 1960 / photographs by Max Dupain & Associates
Medical centres in industry
Oberon Prison Camp and Bathurst Gaol industry and facilities
Awards presented by the Duke of Edinburgh
Job no. 235: Katoomba house, February 1953 / photographs by Max Dupain
Natural Stone slate and paving used in the house of Mary Harris, Woollahra
Motor cars
General scenes at Grafton Gaol and Glen Innes Prison Farm
Cracks in floor & ceiling in storage room
General scenes from Grafton Gaol & Glen Innes Prison Farms
Renovations of old ward, Callan Park
Addressograph-Multigraph office, Sydney
Historical display in the Rural Bank building
Dubbo Court House
Official opening & general views of Worimi Centre at Wollongong
Australian Light Orchestra's visit to North Rocks School for Deaf and Blind
Railway booking office, decorated by Melocco Bros
Narooma High School
Marble lift foyer of Victoria Insurance Co. House, Sydney
Westmead Centre: shots for architectural award
Newcastle Court & Registry
Railway refreshment rooms, decorated by Melocco Bros
Newcastle Court & Registry
Projects on Far North Coast
Plans and models of homes, Timber Homes Exhibition
Opening of Queanbeyan Courthouse & Police Station
City and suburban projects
New TAB, Lanray Building, Sydney
"The Knack", Phillip Street Theatre, 15 April 1965 / photographs by Victor Johnston
Restored Mint Building
Burwood Childrens Centre, Redfern/Surry Hills Community Centre, or Ashfield Childrens Home
Mr Hall, inventor, March 1951
Job no. 2922: NSW University of Technology, Kensington entry, interiors, October 1956 / photographs...
3. Hall
Mrs Abrahams - exercises for childbirth, 9 September 1952 / photographs by R. Donaldson
RPA Hospital. Nursing series, 3 September 1937 / photographs by Ivan
Winter underwear modelled in summer, December 1952 / photographed by Ivan Ives
J. Opas, Melbourne, 28 February 1955 / photographs by Gordon F. De Lisle
Victorian home, 16 September 1968
Views of the Deans Lodge at St Andrews College Sydney University, 21 June 1965 / photographs by Alec...
Photograph taken at interview, 1 August 2012 / Sherry Morris
Table tennis player on crutches, September 1942 / photographed by Ivan Ives
Kathy Wood, model. Day in her life, April 1964 / photographs by Ivan
Job no. 4999: Our Lady of Dolours Catholic Church, Chatswood, August 1962 / photographs by Max Dupai...
Perth - SP betting shops, 29 February 1956 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Perth - SP betting shops, 29 February 1956 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Item 1106: Tribune negatives including building workers on site, Italian Liberation Day and tree pla...
Job no. 2835: Furniture, table, chair, sideboard, December 1958 / photographs by Max Dupain & Associ...
Dancers in silver paint / photographed by Ivan Ives
Pix religion series. Methodist Church, Caringbah, 22 April 1964 / photographs by David Cumming
Art gallery roundup - Melbourne, 21 April 1957 / photographs by Gordon F. De Lisle
Job no. 5005: Chemist shop, Eastwood, and kitchen at Balmoral, August 1962 / photographs by Max Dupa...
Kathy Wood, model. Day in her life, April 1964 / photographs by Ivan
TV lighting ABN 2, February 1963 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Baby who crawls on his back - Homebush - Denis Scott, 9 April 1952 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Item 1064: Tribune negatives including Aboriginal Islander Dance Theatre, November 1988
Volume 22 Item 04: William Thomas maps, ca. 1838-ca. 1867
Vinyl tile layering, March 1963 / photographs by Ivan
"The Knack", Phillip Street Theatre, 15 April 1965 / photographs by Victor Johnston
Item 0611: Tribune negatives including Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and nurses strike meeting, Sydne...
Men's Etiquette School. Location - June Dally-Watkins School, Pix, 23 February 1961 / photographed b...
Item 0702: Tribune negatives including General Motors Holden workers meeting and Builder Labourers F...
Squash - instruction, May 1962 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Commonwealth serum laboratories Melbourne, April 1960 / photographs by David Beal
Item 326 : Tribune negatives including secondary students peace ride on bus, people giving speeches,...
Sculpture exhibition. Art Gallery, Adelaide, August 1964 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Item 0685: Tribune negatives including Caroline Graham with listening device, May 1983
John Pearce - 2GB radio announcer, March 1966 / photographs by David Cumming
Item 386 : Tribune negatives including images of workers, speeches, rehearsals for a performance, sc...
Elizabeth Steel, child actress in "Sarsaparilla", May 1963 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Black and white minstrels, Tivoli, 10 June 1964 / photographs by Victor Johnston
Sculpture exhibition. Art Gallery, Adelaide, August 1964 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Item 0917: Tribune negatives including Peace & Nuclear War in the Australian Landscape exhibition an...
Man from U.N.C.L.E., 1966
Drama class. University of New South Wales Kensington, July 1959 / photographs by Ivan
2012 flood
Bourke, New South Wales, 17 August 1949
124. Kings, Lindfield