Item 21: Gypsum cast of Charles Sturt for bronze entrance door of the Mitchell Library, ca. 1940 / m...
Item 21: Gypsum cast of Charles Sturt for bronze entrance door of the Mitchell Library, ca. 1940 / m...
Portrait of Minister
Portrait of Minister: Mr Ron Mulock
Staff photos for journal
Mr Watson
Portraits of executive staff
Personnel Assessment Board
H.E. The Governor, Sir Roden Cutler
Arthur Lennon
Officer, Personnel Assessment Centre, Public Service Board
Portrait of Mr Milton Morris, the Minister
Michael Charlton (Four Corners compere). Kings Cross, 11 June 1962 / photographs by Lynch
R.K. Wilson, GIO or W.E. Stanfield, Att-Gen. or A.R. Dwyer, Soil Conservation or R.W. Furniss, PSB o...
Minister G. Paciullo and recipients of Mary Foley Awards
Mr Watson
Passport photo
Portrait of Mr V Nash?
Portrait of The Hon D.P. Landa, Minister for Industrial Relations
Personnel Assessment
J. Ryan, Housing or A. Brown, Police or R. Slough, Civil Defence or J. Prior, Education or T. Muir,...
Apprentice of the Year awards 1976
L.W. Eastwood or A.T. Malcolm or B.W. Mills or J.A. Manning or G.L. Price or T. Burton or E. Quarmby...
Portrait of Minister
A light horseman
Personnel Assessment Board
Parliament House portraits
Portraits of executive staff
Candidates for personnel assessment
Mr Lindsay
Portrait of staff, Education Dept
Portrait of chairman Mr R Baker
Peter Ryan, Overseer, MSS
Portrait of the Hon. D. Day, M.L.A., Minister for Decentralisation, Development and Primary Industri...
R.D. Freebairn, Agriculture or W.C.L. Oakley, Conservation or J.E. Oliff, Health Commission or P.J....
John Dyson
D. Simpson, B. Bootes, G. Eastman, P. tancred, B. Vaughan, A. Johnson, P. Van der Lind
Peter Ryan, Overseer, MSS
Portraits in Parliament House
A.B. Morony, Education or O.J. Clark, Registrar-General's or J.M. Boland, Public Works or K.C. Murra...
John Mullane, Valuer-Generals or John McGlynn, Mines or B. Proctor, Att-Gen. & Justice or Terry Daly...
Personnel Assessment
Portrait: Mr K. Robson
Govt Printing Office overseer: W. Bright
Portraits of senior officers
Portrait of New Director, Mr E Gogerty
Portrait of Secretary Mr Harold Fox
Photo for ID card
Portraits of executive staff
Job no. 400: Portrait of Mr Bowring, September 1946 / photographs by Max Dupain & Associates
Portraits of senior officers
Technical education, Food School
Office scenes and staff photos of Dept of Local Government
ID photos, GACA centre, Parramatta
Portraits, Stan Rumbell and others
Passport photographs
Item 2: Photograph of Ashley Atkinson, 13 October 2012 / by Sherry Morris
[Unidentified portrait]
Tony Ryan
Portrait of overseer, Govt Printing Office
Portrait, Local Government
Portrait of overseer, Govt Printing Office
Malcolm Brown, Agriculture or Tony Dawson, Tech Education or Derek Howe, Public Works or Gordon Myla...
Portrait of Minister, Sport & Recreation
Portrait of overseer, Govt Printing Office
Item 28: Tribune negative of Jack Marks, 1972 [copy negative]
Sandy and Mrs Henderson (passport pictures). Location: Studio, 30 September 1959 / photographs by Al...
Job no. 2280: Portrait of Scholl, August 1946 / photographs by Max Dupain
Johnny Rebb. Location: Studio, 14 August 1959 / photographs by Lynch
"Man from Uncle", David McCallum arrival, 1 January 1967 / photographs by David Cumming
Wilfred Thomas, 3 May 1950
Job no. 2339: Portrait of Mr Bullock, June 1954 / photographs by Max Dupain & Associates
Edwin Duff portraits, 25 March 1964 / photographs by Alec Iverson
Staff passports: Anive Goldie, 1965
Treatment of facial hair, 16 September 1965 / photographs by Alec Iverson
Man from U.N.C.L.E., Robert Vaughn, 25 December 1966 / photographs by David Cumming
Model test. Studio, 11 September 1961 / photographs by Lynch
Model school story - Roalie Horan - Jillian Makim, July 1966 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Nils Steyns, 24 January 1961 / photographs by F. R. Johnson
Writer Bryce Frazer, 25 June 1966 / photographs by David Cumming
Model school story - Roalie Horan - Jillian Makim, July 1966 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Chater, Gordon, 7 October 1966 / photographs by Victor Johnston
Military aliens labour camp, 30 April 1942 / photographs by Ray Olson
Dalton, August 1954
Dr Murray Banks, 18 September 1965 / photographs by David Cumming
Matt White, author with cuttings; Des Corless and racing guide, April 1966 / photographs by R. Donal...
Dita Cobb, eyelashes story, 3 February 1965 / photographs by Alec Iverson
Rod Sterling, television writer; men's fashions, October 1963 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Bobby Limb in City, 10 May 1967 / photographs by David Cumming
Mr Ernest Alexander, handwriting expert, Ashfield, 10 June 1964 / photographs by David Cumming
Russian survey ship Zarja, 12 December 1960 / photographs by Lynch
Robyn Bellamey model, plastic surgery operation on ear, June 1960 / photographs by Ivan
Bev Smith, the girl that always comes second, 10 February 1950 / photographs by Steve Dunleavy
Marnie serial, illustrations by actress Nonie Rothesay, also tests for part, 1 August 1962 / photogr...
Volume 1: Sketchbooks, ca 1931-1967 / Percy Eagles