Christine. Gretel [yacht], February 1962
Christine. Gretel [yacht], February 1962
Pittwater Regatta
Pittwater Regatta
[Sailing ship]
[Skiffs on Sydney Harbour], [ca. 1938]
Kirribilli Point, Sydney Harbour
Sailing, 2 January 1939 / photographed by S. Farnell
Gretel, February 1962 / photographs by David Beal
Eighteen footers sail around the flagship
Start of the 1964 Sydney-Hobart Yacht Race
On leeward tack; "Kiwi" in foreground
Sailing on Tuggerah Lakes
Sailcloth #9 well out to sea
Two Scandinavian Gold Cup yachts, John B and Great (?) (containing Crown Prince Harald of Norway), s...
Crew members hauling in the mooring chain
Gaff rigged yacht #91 heading for the ocean
Shell III and other (Dragon class ?) yachts sailing at Drummoyne Sailing Club
Italians on yacht Camira sailing near the ocean liner Galileo Galilei, International Terminal, Circu...
"Seawind" - yacht owned by Mr Norman Brooker, July 1963 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Sailing on Tuggerah Lakes
Regatta, taken from RMS "Ormonde"
David Lloyd Jones' yacht
Navy League sea cadets at Schnapper Island (taken for Mr Len Forsythe)
Sailing on Sydney Harbour
Yachts, Sydney Harbour
Start of the Sydney-Hobart Yacht Race 1963
Start of the Sydney-Hobart Yacht Race 1963
Three Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron yachts, #'s 1 and 6
Rawhiti and "Scotia"
Winner, 18 footers sailing race, passing judge's boat
Start of the Hobart Yacht Race 1967, Sydney Harbour
Soon after start. "Goodluck", "Crescent" and "Britania".
File 11: On the ferry, the Hobart r...
File 11: On the ferry, the Hobart race, 1960 / photographed by Max Dupain
Sailing, 2 January 1939 / photographed by S. Farnell
[Sailing boat and crew], 1936
Box 18: Glass negatives including views of Whangaroa, New Zealand and The Rocks, Sydney, ca. 1890-19...
Lorita Maria, yacht owned by Mr Rydge, July 1963
Dimension. Boat, September 1960 / photographs by F. R. Johnson
Sailing Sydney harbour, 10 January 1938
Sailing, 26 September 1938 / photographs by S. Farrell
Sailing, 21 February 1938 / photographs by S. Farrell
Gretel [yacht], February 1962
Gretel, February 1962 / photographs by David Beal
Sailing in Sydney harbour, 14 November 1938
NSW VJ Championships, Pittwater, 25 February 1956
[Yachting season opens], 18 October 1938
Catamarans, 26 February 1962 / photographs by Victor Johnston
Sailing, 26 September 1938 / photographs by S. Farrell
File 12: Monday afternoon, Mid. [Middle] Harbour, January 1981 / photographed by Max Dupain
File 12: Sailboats at Castle Rock, April 1963 / photographed by Max Dupain
File 05: [Peer Gynt sailing in Sydney Harbour, 1947-1950] / photographed by Max Dupain
Lorita Maria, yacht owned by Mr Rydge, July 1963
Montague Island yacht race, September 1952
NSW VJ Championships, Pittwater, 25 February 1956
"Ahto" - yacht from Noumea, 15 June 1939 / photographs by Alec Iverson
King Island yacht race, 11 November 1955 / photographs by Lynch
Amphibious Volkswagen and Helen Gordon, 13 January 1960 / photographs by Wal Easton
Sailing supplement: I, October 1962 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Lorita Maria, yacht owned by Mr Rydge, July 1963
"Sirius" returns from cruise, 24 May 1937 / photographs by W. Weil
Sailing supplement: II, October 1962 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Sailing for children Vaucluse and Manly, November 1960 / photographs by R. Donaldson
"Seawind" - yacht owned by Mr Norman Brooker, July 1963 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Start of Hobart yacht race, December 1959 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Huon Chief sailing boat Tasmania, [1941]
Start of Hobart yacht race, December 1959 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Preparing yachts and crew for Syd[ney] to Hobart race, December 1946
Gretel, February 1962 / photographs by David Beal
Sailing series "Gloria", 2 January 1941
File 32: Anniversary Day Regatta from Bradleys Head, [ca 1930] / photographed by Max Dupain
Start of Hobart yacht race, December 1959 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Christine. Gretel [yacht], February 1962
Mort family - Photographs of Sydney & N. S. Wales [ca. 1879-1889]
File 05: [Peer Gynt sailing in Sydney Harbour, 1947-1950] / photographed by Max Dupain
Queen of the Waves - Sydney Harbour, 24 April 1940 / photographed by A. Grimes
Start of Hobart yacht race, December 1959 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Ladies day - Royal Prince Alfred yacht club at Newport, 20 January 1964 / photographs by Wal Easton
Sailing supplement: I, October 1962 / photographs by R. Donaldson
NSW VJ Championships, Pittwater, 25 February 1956
"Seawind" - yacht owned by Mr Norman Brooker, July 1963 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Sailing for children Vaucluse and Manly, November 1960 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Item 01: Oswald W.B. Brierly : drawings of sailing ships, ca. 1838-1857
18 footers sailing in harbour, 13 February 1941 / photographed by A. Grimes
Item 0885: Tribune negatives including anti-US warship rally and Greenpeace protests, Sydney, New So...
File 32: Anniversary Day Regatta from Bradleys Head, [ca 1930] / photographed by Max Dupain
18 footers sailing in harbour, 13 February 1941 / photographed by A. Grimes
Photograph album, 1858-1889 / Robert Hunt
Gretel [yacht], February 1962
NSW VJ Championships, Pittwater, 25 February 1956
NSW VJ Championships, Pittwater, 25 February 1956
Volume 3: European and other non-Australian views, A-H, ca. 1892-1950
18 footers sailing in harbour, 13 February 1941 / photographed by A. Grimes
Preparing yachts and crew for Syd[ney] to Hobart race, December 1946
File 05: [Peer Gynt sailing in Sydney Harbour, 1947-1950] / photographed by Max Dupain
Album 67: Photographs of the Allen family, 14 January 1916 - 5 February 1918
66. [Unidentified view]
Photograph album, 1858-1889 / Robert Hunt
c-d. [Yacht on Sydney Harbour - cyanotype]
Volume 3: New Zealand and the Pacific Islands, ca. 1892-1950
75. Port Said, on the Suez Canal, Sweet Water Canal, on the Nile, Barrage Gardens, Giza, Sakkara, Me...