Members of Anti-Discrimination Board
Members of Anti-Discrimination Board
Julian Trebeck
Portraits - personnel assessment
Passport photo, Mr Robin Amy, Overseas Trade Authority
Portrait of director
B. Edwards, PWD or W.R. Cundy, Land Tax or B. Jessop, PWD or E. Darley, Agriculture or N. Houston, P...
Candidates for Sept. 12
K.L. Harris, P.W.D. or A.L. McGown, A-G's or I.W. Neale, Pollution Control or R.G. Jolly, Health; R....
Portrait: Mr Bob Livingston
Chairman of Committees: Richard Face
Portraits of senior officers, Dept of Labour & Industry
N. Tucker, Police or P. Richter, PSB or L. Crow, Institute of Technology or J. Lindsay, Treasury or...
Passport photos, Overseas Parliamentary Delegation
Portrait of Mr Haymet, Director of Dental Health
Portrait 16
Officer, Personnel Assessment Centre, Public Service Board
Portrait 7
A. Jackson, Lands Dept or R. Curtin, Forestry or C. Hunt, Premiers or E. Noyle, Youth & Community Se...
Portraits for recruitment
Passport photo of Ministers' private secretary
D. McMahon or B. Robinson or C. Williams or T. Dunlop or M. Middleton or J. Blow
Portraits and group photo of staff members
Portrait of The Hon D.P. Landa, Minister for Industrial Relations
J.K. Watson, G.L. Griffith, Pastor Taylor, Ray Phillips, Dr Seaborn or B. Mews
Eyes, 11 February 1938
Portrait, Mr Colin Brown
Portraits of senior officers
Portrait of new Board member, Sue Jobson
Portraits of members of Small Business Development Corporation
Passport photographs of Alec Iverson [Photographer for "Pix" etc.], 14 September 1962 / photographs...
Portrait for ID card
W.J. Fuller or C.A. Symonds or A.J. Morgan or James Doherty or Raymond Little or Mervyn Long or E. G...
Portrait of overseer, Govt Printing Office
ID photo
Passport photo, Mr Robin Amy, Overseas Trade Authority
Portraits of staff
Portrait of Undersecretary Rhine
Broughton Barnabas O'Conor
Portraits of executive staff
Malcolm Brown, Agriculture or Tony Dawson, Tech Education or Derek Howe, Public Works or Gordon Myla...
Candidates for Sept. 12
J.T. Sloane, Lands or K.P. Eccleston. Reg-Gen's or R.L. Johnston, GIO or P.W. Porritt, PSB or G. Sto...
J.F. Davies, P.S.B. or M.J. Howle, Hospitals Commission or P.P. Exton, Public Works or C.R. Weber, M...
W.S. Chesnut, Mines or A.C.B. Herps, Valuer-Generals or G.C. Carter, Agriculture or R.W.H. Round, Pr...
Personnel Assessment
K.L. Harris, P.W.D. or A.L. McGown, A-G's or I.W. Neale, Pollution Control or R.G. Jolly, Health; R....
Portraits of executive staff
Kingsby racing driver; Ron McDonald's plastic surgery operation, April 1961 / photographs by R. Dona...
Passport photo of Mr Wills
Barry Gow
Bill Bright
D. Bowman, Police or H.J. Adams, Land Tax Office or R.M. Squire, Local Govt or R.M. Graham, Protecti...
Discussion group: Government Printing Office
James Rattray, 1885 / photographer Johnstone, O'Shannessy & Co.
Portrait of senior officer, Soil Conservation Service
"Eyes", for poster, Artists Dept.
Portraits of executive staff
Portrait of overseer, Govt Printing Office
Portrait 4
Mr J.B. Fuller, MLC, Minister for Decentralisation and Development
R. Smith, Corrective Services or E. Williams, State Dockyard or M. Matley, Police Dept or D. Seiffer...
H. A. R. Snelling, Solicitor-General
Scar under eye
Portrait of Mr Bright
Mr Bush - office, 28 November 1950 / photographs by Wal Easton
Survivors of torpedoed vessel. Messrs Gillespie, Flowers, and Grant, 5 July 1943
File 04: Dark, Mrs Eleanor (writer/novelist), [ca 1935-1953] / photographed by Max Dupain
Gigi Arraiza, Sydney Morning Herald typist, 1966
Petrushka ballet ABN, 21 June 1960 / photographs by Lynch
Singers Ray Brown and Billy Thorpe at Channel 9, 2 June 1967 / photographs by David Cumming
Emily Petrovich, acne story (Kathie Philpott), 27 April 1966 / photographs by Lynch
Job no. 2231: Conductor Henry Kripps, [ca. 1951] / photographs by Max Dupain
Gigi Arraiza, Sydney Morning Herald typist, 1966
File 11: Studio portraits of Jill White and Max Dupain, March 1979 / photographer unknown
Dita Cobb, eyelashes story, 3 February 1965 / photographs by Alec Iverson
"Outcasts" channel 2, 4 June 1961 / photographs by Lynch
File 23: [Portraits of soldiers, Darwin, ca 1942-1943] / photographed by Max Dupain
Photographic prints on plates, wood etc., July 1968 / photographs by R. Donaldson
TV story, Melbourne, July 1959 / photographs by David Beal
Item 602: Tribune negatives including the National Anti-War Conference, February 1970
Karin Falstein, German model, May 1963 / photographs by Ivan
Model school story - Roalie Horan - Jillian Makim, July 1966 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Italian community, September 1957 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Television make up series, October 1955 / photographs by Ivan
Andrews. Hairdos, 28 March 1961
Hairstyles (Dale Plummer), 30 January 1964 / photographs by Wal Easton
Ex "Seeker" Athol Guy, Chevron Hotel, 15 August 1968 / photographs by W. Croser
Job no. 2219: Portrait of musician Volterra at home and at piano, [ca. 1946] / photographs by Max Du...
YMCA photographic exhibition (copies of entries), July 1964 / photographs by R. Donaldson
Ken Howard, Randwick, January 1967 / photographs by David Cumming
Item 086: Tribune negatives including Bill White, anti-conscription demonstration and draft card bur...
Marnie serial, illustrations by actress Nonie Rothesay, also tests for part, 1 August 1962 / photogr...