The offices, Narara Viticultural Station
Boys sulphuring in the nursery, Narara Viticultural Station
Narara Viticultural Station nursery, looking north
View of buildings at commencement of operations
Stump after blasting. Narara Viticultural Station
Brown muscat grafted on Chasselas x Berlandien 41 B
Boys defrosting bench grafts, Narara Viticultural Station
Contrast between dipped or fumigated vines, dipped
Ready for tying knot
Grafted vine, Doradillo on 3306, six months old
Showing top growth of grafted vine, a successful union
Narara Viticultural Station - spraying bench grafts
Nursery, Narara Viticultural Station
Nursery of bench grafts, Narara Viticultural Station
Block 2. B. Borodust No 2. C. Check not treated
Narara Viticultural Station nursery looking south
Row of mother stocks, propagated from buds
Graft showing length of growth 56", from date of planting
View of manager's residence. Narara Viticultural Station
Showing scion being fitted on the stock
Shirae grafted on Ripana x Cordifolia Rupestris 1065
Block 1. A. Bordeaux 6450
Bench graft growing in nursery producing grapes at 5 months
Narara Viticultural Station, in the nursery
Bench grafts five months old growing in nursery
Narara Viticultural Station, 1 yr old graft
Making cut on scion with knife left in to show the tongue
Block 1. C. Check
Proposed mother plantation, Narara Viticultural Station
Binding the finished graft, tying stock and scion
Showing the grafts covered over with earth in the nursery
Narara Viticultural Station, bench grafts growing on flat
View of resistant rootlings, ARG No 1.
Block 2. D. Bordeaux 10550
Scion on stock ready for binding
Block 1. D. Bordeaux 10550
Narara Viticultural Blocks: Section of Fruit Branch Nursery
Block 1. B. Borodust No. 2
Bench graft made by hand, resisting the strain of 2 men pulling.
Preparing to graft. A good cut, making cut on stock.
Corn crops, Narara Viticultural Station
Showing scions, stocks, grafting knife
Nursery & grafting shed, Narara Viticultural Station
Stump before blasting. Narara Viticultural Station
Mother plantation of Mourvedri x Rupestris, 1202, six months old
General view of Block 3
General view of mother plantation showing growth of first season
Block 1. A. Bordeaux 6450 B. Borodust No. 2
Mother plantation of resistant stocks, Chasselas x Berlandieri
State boys disrosting bench grafts in the nursery.
General view of nursery looking north-west
Grafted vine as it leaves nursery, Narara Viticultural Station
Block 1. B. Borodust No 2. c. Check
Narara Viticultural Station, bench grafts, 5 months growth
Block 2. C. Check untreated
Narara, bed of ungrafted Phylloxina resistant rootings
Grafted vine often planted, Narara Viticultural Station
Nursery, Narara Viticultural Station
Mother plantation of resistant stocks, Riparia x Rupestris
Block 1. D. Bordeaux 10550 and Bordeaux 6450
Good root growth of grafted vine, Narara Viticultural Station
Specimen, port vine 15 months old
Narara Viticultural Station - Yenna bud grafts growing in pots
Bed of resistant cuttings, Mourvedre x Rupestris 1202
Narara Viticultural Station nursery looking south
Grafted vine showing callousities graft showing imperfect union
General view of nursery looking south-east
Same variety of cuttings, neither dipped or fumigated
Narara Viticultural Station - grafted vines growing in pots
Narara Viticultural Station nursery, looking north
Showing method of planting grafted stocks in the nursery
Narara Viticultural Station, 1 yr old graft before planting
Narara Viticultural Station; nursery
Grubbing up a stump. Narara Viticultural Station
Hauling logs after clearing. Narara Viticultural Station
Narara Viticultural Station: bench grafts, 5 months growth
Showing wood from each stump after burning
Block 2. C. Check not treated. D. Bordeaux 10550
Bundle of grafted vines from nursery
Block 2. B. Borodust No. 2
Narara Viticultural Station, bench grafts, vigorous growth
Block 2. A. Bordeaux mixture 6450. B. Borodust
Nursery of young grafts, general view of grafts in nursery
Block 3: Bordeaux Spray 6450, Borodust No 2
Block 1. Check and Bordeaux 10550
Finished, the complete tie
Corn crops, Narara Viticultural Station
Block 2. D. Bordeaux 10550 and Bordeaux 6450
Maize. Ear to row test, Narara Viticultural Station
Cleaning up the land after clearing. Narara Viticultural Station
Bench grafts, 5 months old showing growth 14 foot long
Bulk crop of maize, Narara Viticultural Station
Preparing to graft
Surveyor at work, Narara Viticultural Station
Typical stump ready for blowing up. Narara Viticultural Station
Contrast between fumigated and dipped, vines fumigated
Grape vine cut ready for planting both top and roots
Grafted vine showing perfect union of graft
Narara Viticultural Station - Muscat Hamburgh vine
Contrast between fumigated and dipped, vines fumigated