Map of Dr. Ludwig Leichhardt's overland expedition to Port Essington, copied by permission from the...
Map of Western Australia 1894
Map of Western Australia
Plan shewing route traversed by the S.A.-n Stock Route Expedition from Calgoorlie to Eucla commanded...
Western Australia
[Chart of the Malay Archipelago and the Dutch discoveries in Australia]
Map of Mr Eyre's routes into Central Australia and overland from Adelaide to King George's Sound, 18...
Frearson's map of Western Australia reproduced from the original government plan, with additional in...
Frearson's map of Western Australia, 1884 supplement to the Special Western Australian issue of Frea...
Map of Western Australia
Part of the colony of Western Australia, [1849] [Album view]
Map of Western Australia
Map of Western Australia 1913 / Western Australia Dept. of Lands and Surveys ; Harry F. Johnston, Su...
Map and chart of the west coast of Australia [Album view]
Map of Western Australia 1894
Western Australia part of Eastern and Kimberley Divisions by the Mackay Aerial Reconnaissance Expedi...
Map of Western Australia 1901
Map of Western Australia showing the chief localities at which useful minerals occur, the boundaries...
Caert van't Landt van d'Eendracht uyt de Iournalen ende afteykeningen der Stierluyden t'samengestelt...
Map of Western Australia showing the principal exploration routes between the years 1836-1903
Map of Western Australia
Map of Western Australia 1901
Map of Western Australia showing the principal exploration routes between the years 1836-1897
Map of Western Australia 1908
Map of Western Australia shewing explorers routes to 1872
Map of Mr Eyre's routes into Central Australia and overland from Adelaide to King George Sound
Map of Western Australia
Provisorische karte von Frank Gregory's Reisen in Nordwest-Australien, April bis Juni 1858 & Mai bis...
Map of Western Australia 1911
Western Australia showing the goldfields