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30 results
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Young woman talking to the umpire
Polo at Cobbitty
St Paul's Cobbitty, 1928 / Sydney Ure Smith
A ride-off
Group of spectators enjoy a picnic lunch
Unidentified polo team
Seven Hereford Bulls line up for the judges
A group watching the game from the sidelines. Cars are a Humber and a Riley.
Two young woman with riding gear with their horses
Caravan on the road, Cobbitty
Two young women riders with their horses
Item 03: Old Cottage, Cobbitty, New South Wales, 1919 / Sydney Ure Smith
Young girl on her horse, Liverpool Show
Two prize bulls, Liverpool Show
A young lad with his horse entry, Liverpool Show
Unidentified young woman in jodhpurs on her pony
Three women about to watch the polo
Three winners in the women's equestrian event
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